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On Living in the Modern Day

On The World as a Wonderless, Godless, Hopeless Abyss

[DISCLAIMER- I've done basically no reading on this topic so this might all be obvious. Also, I'm not even religious]. 

Despite what the title might suggest, I am a happy, agnostic young adult with prospects and ambitions for the future. However, despite my naturally happy disposition, I have always felt somehow underwhelmed. I enjoy life...

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In my youth
I stood exalted
above the heads
of all before me.
Their eyes uplifted
in rapturous praise.
Resplendent in my new
and colourful garb.
The light exploding
from my pores
and casting
rainbow shadows.

In my middle age
I was feared.
Turned into
a gaudy icon
to illuminate
cold, grey, battles
of the soul.
The true love
of my creation
in a steely

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broken stained glass windowderelict churchdestruction of religionloss of faithreligious icons

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