The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

child murder (Remove filter)




Went away one day


On the moors

Where every swell and dip

Looks like every other


Counted to ten

Over and over

And over again


They looked in ditches

In the bleak mist

Of northern hills


Black shadowed coppers

Bobbies with grim features

That would stay with them

A lifetime


My mother cried

Never stopped looking



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child murdermoors murderssaddleworth moorThe missing

The Psychopath

The demons swim where no one sees,

But no one hear their ill-lighted screams,

Instructions so inlawful and oblique,

Heard by no one except from me.

I see the word guilt but what does it mean?

Seems like a fictional desire that I won't feel,

No conscience to stop me from doing wrong,

A knife in my hand as they sing their twisted song.

Is it too late to say sorry now that the...

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free versedarkExecutionpsychopathPsychologyDeath rowcold bloodedmurchild murder

The Psychopath

The demons swim where no one sees,

But no one hear their ill-lighted screams,

Instructions so inlawful and oblique,

Heard by no one except from me.

I see the word guilt but what does it mean?

Seems like a fictional desire that I won't feel,

No conscience to stop me from doing wrong,

A knife in my hand as they sing their twisted song.

Is it too late to say sorry now that the...

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free versedarkExecutionpsychopathPsychologyDeath rowcold bloodedmurchild murder

The Psychopath

The demons swim where no one sees,

But no one hear their ill-lighted screams,

Instructions so inlawful and oblique,

Heard by no one except from me.

I see the word guilt but what does it mean?

Seems like a fictional desire that I won't feel,

No conscience to stop me from doing wrong,

A knife in my hand as they sing their twisted song.

Is it too late to say sorry now that the...

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free versedarkExecutionpsychopathPsychologyDeath rowcold bloodedmurchild murder

The Psychopath

The demons swim where no one sees,

But no one hear their ill-lighted screams,

Instructions so inlawful and oblique,

Heard by no one except from me.

I see the word guilt but what does it mean?

Seems like a fictional desire that I won't feel,

No conscience to stop me from doing wrong,

A knife in my hand as they sing their twisted song.

Is it too late to say sorry now that the...

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free versedarkExecutionpsychopathPsychologyDeath rowcold bloodedmurchild murder

The Psychopath

The demons swim where no one sees,

But no one hear their ill-lighted screams,

Instructions so inlawful and oblique,

Heard by no one except from me.

I see the word guilt but what does it mean?

Seems like a fictional desire that I won't feel,

No conscience to stop me from doing wrong,

A knife in my hand as they sing their twisted song.

Is it too late to say sorry now that the...

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free versedarkExecutionpsychopathPsychologyDeath rowcold bloodedmurchild murder

Daniel In The Hyena's Den

Daniel In The Hyena’s Den


his limbs break like sticks

and these protectors

these vermin

hurt him

he has no more dreams

only the lonely nights

locked in the room

where pain will come

with demon eyes.



see a thin child

nothing more

but much less

in soul

they justify

their negligence

by quoting



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daniel pelkachild abusechild murderevilfailure of authority

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