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beautiful love poems (Remove filter)

About The Hill Girl...

That whole day

I was in a fray…

Wondering if I should

Let open my heart,

Tell that damsel

How often it beats fast…

But something kept me away from doing so

And I’ve been regretting that, oh ho!


The milky white looks of hers

Her touch was like silky feathers…

Her smiles beautified her aura

She had an edge over the fairies, I bet.

She dropped her effect on ev...

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beautiful love poemsbeautiful womanbeautiful

I Am Not The Only One

Quietly she releases waves of fascination

And her aroma heals the deterioration

She whispers to my heart in appreciation

Live life the way you want… Yet she says, I am not the only one.


In the darkest of the hour she blossoms like light

No rivalry with anyone, she offers pure delight

Whoever knows her, call her divine in their own right

She tenderly touches my heart… Yet ...

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beautiful womanbeautiful love poems

Epitome of Beauty

Her heart is as pure as the first ray of the sun.
Her Soul has got the spirit of fire , always burning with enthusiasm and Passion.
Her Mind is like an ocean , sometimes ecstatically peaceful and the other full of emotional waves .
Her eyes is as beautiful as the Darjeeling sunrise, Full of dreams and hopes one can clearly see.
Her Smile is as beautiful as the spring season , full of joy and w...

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love poetrybeautiful love poems

The Love I Have For My Husband Jeff

(The Love For My Husband Jeff)



I love my husband Jeff

He was my first love 

He will be my last love 

He puts his pretty Country Queen up on a pedestal 

And my husband is my hero he is my life he is the one that I was waiting on and I thank God that I found him he's one of a kind he's the man of my dreams is everything I could want he takes care of me like I'm his Queen he ...

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beautiful love poemslifelivinglove poemlove poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_WriterTina Glover

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #32 {I Am Holding You}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #32} {I Am Holding You} 



Sweetheart I am

caressing you in 

my strong arms 

as I slowly lay 

you on the bed 

then you giggle

then I slowly turn

your cheek my way 

so I can ? kiss 

your lips `n` to 

taste those lips 

tonight are my 

best burning memories

that I will remember a

life time `n` every day 

for th...

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beautiful love poemsdiary of the southern queenlove poemslove poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpoempoetryTina Gloverwordy queenworld inspirationwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting storieswriting to write

Beautiful Love Poems

Like The Sunshine In The Spring

You're like the sunrise in the spring

that makes the meadows dance again,

and motivates the clouds to sing.

Your warmth and light soothes all the pain

from icy winter thoughts that cling

to memories that still remain.


You're like the sunrise in the Spring

that calms the mountains in the rain,

and colours rainbows with a hymn.


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beautiful love poemslove poemsgeorge stanworth

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