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God Rays

Staring too long into the looking glass,

trying to predict the future and

make sense of the past.

Time goes by lightning fast. 

Poetry sets the cast.

Call it dreaming...

cloud surfing,

cartwheels on high wires,

living, laughing, loving

singing, no regrets.

Drink every drop of life,

before God rays 

absorb the wake

and your soul sails

into moonlight.

# #...

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Go Fish

Look at you go girl.

Swimming in our veins,

straight to the soul. 

No sweet lullabies 

or sugar-coated lies.

Wielding words of a survivor, 

who has been around the block a time or two. 

No one is getting anything over on you. 

You have mastered

the blues, 

turned pain into power,

helping us forget 

our worries by the hour.

Go Fish!

Making dreams

more th...

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bluesdreamslifeMusicrelationshipsSamantha Fishsuccess


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Three kinds of insects

mysterious mystic mythical merry-ladybug

you are melancholy
like little wolf loving Little Red Riding Hood

in the pond of the muses' feelings
You are a lily of eternity
which can smell very cute


gorgeous gentle genial grasshopper


You are graceful

like Sleeping Beauty who likes wild roses

in the sea of druidic feelings
you are a silverfish
that can dream


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Born To Muse

In the hammering rain of last night
I slept the best I have all week
I slept deeper, longer
than I have done for months

And would you guess who I should meet there
on the dream stools
at the dream bar
ordering her dream gin
sliding me a dream beer

Well, you come here often
I don’t have to ask
I’ve seen you here so many nights before
but it has been a while
(and I’ve missed you)


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Beautiful People

Hail to the beautiful people...

   who smile in the face of adversity,

   overcome their demons,

   make their dreams come true,

   lend a helping hand,

   make the world a better place,

   give us hope for a brighter future,

   make us feel young again...

We salute you, 
   look up to you, 
      want to be you, 
         love you.

# # #

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beautydreamsfuturehopeovercome adversitypeoplerelationshipsyouth


Waking to see autumn's lustre

lit on my beech


rust leaves gilt glowing

red gold bathed by


a rising sun's first grasp

of day.


Turning to see gold amber cirrus

low light the east -


beneath a darker grey purple

cloud bruise


that golden gleam of

dawning dawn.


So my sad grey purple dreams

dawn dim


their dark ghosts disconnect ...

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Dreaming Like It's 2004

I had one of those dreams again, the ones where we were just friends. You had no idea you were my every heartbeat.

We were on a trip somewhere, back in high school or something. You had a crush on the foreign exchange student I was rooming with. I was barely tolerating her. You invited us to hang out though, and I couldn't deny any second spent near you. We stayed late in your room listening...

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crushDreamshigh schoolloveunrequited loveyoung love

Dark Lullaby

As this first night knows me

as my soul becomes its dream

I understand my small being

is one with time's vast scream.

Even now I know between

my heart's first aspen flutter

and its last soft ashen beat

endless dark passions must clutter

my every empty lonely night

and bear down to hold my mind;

only this one moment knows a calm:  

a velvet dark - a fusty smell - fi...

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Heads on a Pillow

Just some more free verse that popped into my head. I think there is something for the sake of art in leaving something as it is etherically 'given' now and then....


Only my pillow knows

Where my mind goes

As I close my eyes

When I wake up

It says Nothing

Look as it lies there

Smug and Plump


It also knows

Where your head goes

When it's not next 

To mine


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Go for the Glow

Go for the glow
of good health.

Go for the glow
of a clear conscious.

Go for the glow
of forgiveness.

Go for the glow
of dreaming fearlessly.

Go for the glow
of giving generously.

Go for the glow
of loving unconditionally.

Go for the glow
of a life well lived.


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Right here


Deep tranquil aromas

steamy mirrors

warm liquid all around

my senses come alive


fantasies of your touch

in places I soak

in this luxury



I lay back

and feel


You are right here, always!

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House of Feathers

The feathers on the house are owl's

silent striated wing feathers

tucked into tile and rough cedar siding

the house is nocturnal

windows wide-eyed unblinking

sentient while others sleep while

full moon also wide-eyed unblinking

sees gathered clouds passing over

the moss on the roof is thick and quiet

bathing in rain and mist and fog

gathered clouds are also quiet


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dreamsfree-versemagical realism

To be Loved by You

What do you see

When your eyes land on me

What do you fear

When I am near

What is written on the wall

That's guarding you from all

I long to give to you


Do you know

Do you really know

That I would never let you go

Do you understand

I only wish to be with you

In the end


When I look at you

It's like the whole world is new

A better place for all


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lovetrue lovedreamsfearvulnerable

On her mother's step

On her mother’s stone step, she sits and dreams

The same step she cleaned and crossed so often

Her dress, crisp and clean in the sunshine gleams

This backstreet beauty, rare rose in blossom


What whims flicker through her wandering mind

Perchance what prospect does life hold in store

Will her journey be gentle not unkind?

Shall her story be one of less not more?



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At Dream's End

At dream’s end 
we let the water flow

At dream’s end
loosening our grip
hold the best bits
release the scenes that never came

I imagined endless parties
some intangible heart that I could puncture
I imagined so much more
turns out it’s just another place 
moving at a heightened pace

Now I sit quietly
by the chequered flag
grateful to have run
chest heaving

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It was a strange

waking -

perhaps the wraith of a memory of a dream

lay with me,

offering some

hazed contentment


a waking


the pillow

beside me



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Disney Fairy


Nancy comes in my dreams 

Like a fairy of Disney Land 

Have two wings and song 

Touch hearts with no band 


Nancy comes from the moon 

Where the lovely stars shining 

Calls me to join the song 

And to share her in the dancing 


Nancy, I love you so much 

Can you call me only once? 

Don't keep me in dreams 

Just come in real to dance 

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bandbenazouzcall joincomedanceDisneydreamsFairyheartkeeplandLikelovemoonmuchNancyoncerealshareshinesongstartouchwings

Love, Me

Beautiful dreamer

take solace with me

and a soft melody.

I will soothe you,

woo you,

set your spirit free.

You are never alone 

when you love me. 



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First, it is only that the tree

is more a presence

less a shadow

beyond my window

then other horizons

light their resting clouds

with a subtle pre-dawn glow

that slowly sets the first gold sun glint

on each high branch above

against a new pale blue sky -

will dawn chasten my succubus

end our companioned time?

that half-felt fragile warmth beside me

seems to s...

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PAGAN THE NIGHT - Vision the First

Blue lights sparkle quaintly amidst the
Glowing dawn
The fire burns as we stand above and
The Horned One looks on
The scales were tipped, Anubis spake
Despite your small complaint
Your protests unheard, your pointless
And Ammut smiled and ate
And now above the flames you
Fear fills your once-proud eyes
“Will you leap?” The Horned One asks
And to the gods’ surprise
You swa...

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spiritualityPagan Poetrydreams

Black Starlit Dream

In the frost sharp moonless night

the stars light the air

with a quiet and mystic brilliance

much closer than of yore

as a still quiet


the world below


Through the cold crystal dark night

a ghost drifts the grass

silent echo of a whispered flight

tree high above my eye

its soft locus


the land below


Through an ice star argent glea...

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