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Christmas (Remove filter)


A seasonal re-post of my attempt at a Christmas carol - now that Christmas Eve is upon us.

I'll let the content speak for itself and trust you can follow the words in the absence of a

displayed lyric.

Happy Christmas to all on WOL !



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Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning

This morning waking up winter cold
I witness the white morning.
Stilled in the sharp sunshine the sky crackles.
The sleeping trees creak quietly under
a sigh of snow, thus. And the children,
stunned by frost-edged windows, wonder how
the ice-etched glass mimics here estuaries,
there flowers, here stings fingers.

Very soon it's down dancing into
the garden dazed by t...

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Sublime Christmas, you come bejeweled

filling with magic every home

with your noble expression of generosity


Along the tree, gifts, lights,

the dreams that come reality,

and others that remain behind,

feelings of love invade us nostalgically

with sadness for those who are no longer with us


Suitable time for love,

friendship, spiritual wealth,

convinced ...

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Do they know about Christmas in Pakistan?

Has anyone told the Taliban?

Those callous corrupters of the Koran

Who slaughter kids because they can.


"Suffer little children to come unto me" -

Christ's words resonate with minds that are free

But not with Hate on a killing spree

"Suffer...little children!" is Hate's decree.


Do they understand Christmas in Pakistan?


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Christmas is a time for remembering the past, especially family and friends who are no longer with us.

But humanity is blessed with eternal hope and optimism that serve to keep us going towards.....?????


How fitting now in deep December

When days are short and spirits low

That in our hearts we will remember

Those we knew who...

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Santa Claus isn’t real -
there, I’ve gone and said it.
Just some smart-arsed marketing ploy
to stress your Christmas cards of credit,
an old Bavarian legend
glammed up and pushed by Coke
to give a job each yuletide
to some fat, be-whiskered bloke
who likes a little tipple
and knee jogging some pre-pubescent cutie -
under any other circumstance
you’d report him to pro...

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alternative viewanti-christmasbah humbugchristmas

Nativity ‘73


He’d three lines and a gleaming neck,

stank of Imperial Leather.

I was gagged and tidemarked,

the Mother of the Messiah.


Under strict instruction

I smiled beatifically

with muted mouth, and purple feet,

in Bethlehem, in Primary.


Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Silenced, made to breed.

But Joseph (famous cuckold)

was worth three lines of speech.



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In the Snow

This was orginally posted at

This was inspired by the song "Let it Snow", still the same kind of up beat feeling. Enjoy.

Well the weather is making me spiteful.
Even if it looks delightful.
I still don't want to go.

In the snow, the damn snow, the damn snow.

It has been falling all day;
I can't seem to get a break....
I wish I had no where to go.

But I do, in the sno...

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poetryuinkchristmaslet it snow

24 days before Christmas

24 days before Christmas Day.
24 days of cold chilly nights.
24 days of laughter, joy, and spirit in the air.
24 days where people are a little bit nicer.
24 days of giving to those in need of help
and to those we love and care.
24 days of playing in the glistening snow.
24 days of Christmas songs sung.
24 days of preparing for celebration.
24 days of counting down
'till Christmas Day.


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christmascelebrationfriends and familysinging songs

The Christmas Tree


It took a while to grow

The Christmas tree, you know

And for weeks it gave us Christmas cheer

Draped with decorations

Befitting the time of year

But now January has come

and the festive season’s done

but we’ve another use for the tree,

we’ll chop it into logs

and burn it on the fire.

It’s sad really,

because it took a long while to grow,

The Christmas tree,...

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Christmas Calamities

It's nine 0'clock it's up the dancers

Time for the siblings to settle

With the kids snuggled up tight

Into the attic you climb

The operation at full fettle


With all the parcels of toys and treats

Retrieved from the dusty enclave

You soon feel guilty about the santa imposter

Who you claim resides in a cave


While the kids snooze soundly in their pit

The gifts ...

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