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16 hours ago

Used to

I used to be happy

I used to smile

But I am broken

It's been this way for awhile


I used to dream big

I used to be strong

Life got in the way

And it didn't take long


Lying in bed

My heart is racing

My mind won't shut off

These thoughts that I'm facing


Maybe they're better off

Without the burden of me

I feel so lost and alone

I can sense th...

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It's been broken so many times

I began to lose pieces that I thought were all mine

I'm in so deep and the void is so empty

So lost for words, but I don't want sympathy


Holding this heart with my bare hands

Please just take it...I don't understand

Time brought these wounds, yet they're not healed

Permanent scars have left them sealed


I'm scared of being alone and s...

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brokenemptyheartbreakin lovelostpoetrysadthis is my outlet

The Broken Doll.

I'm just a broken doll, Unfortunately, no one can see. I was beaten and battered, But no one could have saved me.

It all began when I was alone on the shelf. The cruel world took me and I couldnt cry for help. I sowed my mouth shut and continued to smile. Nobody is coming to help, not for a long while.

I'm just a broken doll, Now everybody knows. Please forgive me for I do not know how your ...

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be kindbrokenkindnesssorrow

Twisted love

Drown my cries with your silent screams,
Push my fears away with your shaking hands.
Listen to me with your deafened ears,
Nod and pretend to actually understand.

Hold me down while I continue to fly,
Look at me through your blinded eyes.
Pretend to see the person you want to,
And tell the truth through your broken lies.

Smile at me through your bleeding tears, 
Push me down as you ca...

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bitter and twistedloveno matchbrokencheat. lie

A broken girl...

She cried out for help but no one came, 
Once again they ignored her cry.
And now thanks to their deafened ears,
She took her life and choose to die.

She was never really heard or seen,
And still not one person cared.
No one though it would end this way,
No one thought that she would dare.

When they heard this girl was dead,
They all search for a face.
But they find is an empty seat,

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deathchild suicidebrokenignoredhateunnoticed

plastic protection

your toothy grin
is only cotton
trying to blow down this brick
house I have crafted

you were included in the blueprint
until I started changing 
the locks 
and now you're waiting for
an open door

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lovehopeless romanticsadbrokendepressionanxiety

No Take Backs.

Who am I to you?
Do you want me to stick around?
I'm screaming at the top of my lungs
But you still don't hear a sound.

Hang me from your promises
As I choke on your words.
You said you want me forever
But you cut my heart in thirds.

Where the fuck were you
When I needed you the most?
My world was crashing down
You turned into a ghost.

You left me all alone
And I've been lost he...

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Also for J

Baffled, mystified, perplexed and confused,

my darling I have lost my muse,

and at what cost? 

 Is it worth a tormented soul

just to be kept in your control

 I jump when you say

and ask you how high on the way,

quickly obey

every command you convey 

I grant wishes in three;

falling down on my knees

to please all your needs

as you stomp on my heart

Drawn and q...

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break upbrokenheartbreak

My Confliction with the Conflicted

I seem to look for the beauty in the broken and unfinished, rather than the polish and the shine. I look for a broken heart to fix it, although conflicted in my own mind. 

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conflictionconflictedmy mindbrokenunfinishedsearching for

Driving Through Cromwell Hill Road

A house is built from bricks and glued
Together to create shelter renewed
A skeleton protecting organs hidden inside, 
Waiting for a family to live and reside
Seasons pass and storms blow by
Damage accrues despite how hard it tries
To keep flawless and perfect, societies dream
From beauty to beast, becomes unseen
"I am ugly, marred, broken- why bother trying?"
My purpose is futile, my fut...

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I wrote this piece while I was caring for my identical twin brother, following major surgery. Nearly everything you may have heard about identical twins is true.



The pain of being is not mine, but

my brother's. He cries and howls the Midnight

down into uneasy drowse

as the daylight lifts his covers

over swelling clouds of hurt.

Breaking, I balm him a little,


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I asked

I asked If I wrote for you would you read it? I asked if I still had love for you would you need It? All I can think about is when we on that dock had our first kiss, Cupid shot that arrow and did not miss, How will I get through this? When you asked me to leave caused all this pain, Every day we have been apart has driven me insane.

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