The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Ambulances (Remove filter)

National Emergency: Life or Death Fight for the NHS!



General Strike Now!

Mick Lynch + Eddie Dempsey = Absolute Stars! "For the Many, not the Few in the Cayman Isles"


The NHS-hating Tory hypocrites said “clap”;

Like the fool that I was, in the cold at our door,

I cheered and I whistled for the Tory claptrap,

While those partying scumbags sicked up booze on the floor,

Set emergency alarms off; and the Met Plod did ...

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NHSNursesAmbulancesToriesGeneral StrikeRMT


how we scrambled for seconds

treacle puddings creamy trifles,

tables bespattered with bread

pellets like bullets from rifles


we seemed always hungry then

the playground burned it away,

we dreaded chemistry, wanted

fried SPAM and chips each day


in here we don't eat so much

seconds not much in demand,

less boisterous too, for silence

usually gains the upper...

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ambulancesmonitorsplaygroundschool mealssecondstorch-lit

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