climate change (Remove filter)
Failing the people
I’m baffled how world leaders find the nerve
to sign a pledge, then right before our eyes
fail the people they pretend to serve.
They know the price of oil but never swerve
from drilling more while greenhouse gases rise.
I’m baffled how world leaders find that nerve!
They buy the myth of endless growth, the oeuvre
of economic frauds who feed them lies,
and fail ...
Friday 9th June 2023 11:19 pm
Flags and placards round Big Ben
Shouts and chants of Waddawewant?
We call a pause on oil and then
we all lie down. We stand up again.
We shout demands at Parliament
No new gas! No new oil!
One point five degrees soon gone.
Arctic in meltdown, blood on the boil,
Thursday 8th June 2023 10:44 am
Rolling down to London
Rolling down to london on a train,
the taught and shining buds
of Spring are bursting on the trees.
Wharfedale’s misted in a bluish haze,
but heaps of plastic refuse in the woods
on the drab periphery of Leeds
descend my mood from buoyancy to pain.
Rolling forwards now, the rape fields blaze
and blackthorns bloom with pearls,
resplendent in the boundary hedges
Sunday 4th June 2023 8:59 pm
Tank or tailpipe?
There was a man lived down my street
who felt unease about pollution.
Ashamed to see his car excrete
bad air, he found an odd solution.
Others who had thought thus far
used bicycles, or electric cars
but my neighbour’s mate was the man who sold
the fuel his thirsty motor drank.
He was fearful this friend’s business might fold
if he stopped putting petrol in the ta...
Saturday 3rd June 2023 11:37 pm
What will you miss the most?
So when we shoot past two degrees
and all the land is toast
and skies are black from the burning trees
what will you miss the most?
Me, I’ll miss the song of birds
that welcomed in the day:
those heart-rending, incoherent words
that had so much to say.
And when the heating of the ocean
flays the coral reefs,
will you temper your emotion?
Modulate your gri...
Friday 2nd June 2023 4:17 pm
The wasted wind
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind - Bob Dylan
What force can power the years ahead?
Now the age of oil is dead
we wait for industry to heed
the whisper of the wasted wind,
the whisper of the wasted wind.
A pivotal crisis is upon us
and ready or not we shoulder the onus.
We must make good or else be goners,
be dust dispersed by the wasted wind,
Friday 2nd June 2023 12:45 pm
Falling short
What hope remains while politicians skirt
around the crisis, pledging they will shut
a few polluting plants but token cuts
in fossil fuel extraction fall so short?
Sunday 28th May 2023 9:56 pm
No exit
Back when I was young I didn’t fear:
I knew the world could solve this situation.
We understood the cause, so the way out was clear:
a comprehensive pact between all nations
to stop emitting CO2
into the atmosphere.
Back then there seemed no need to march and shout,
to sit down in the road and press for truth.
We could not conceive of a climate up the spout.
In th...
Sunday 7th May 2023 8:39 pm
Every gob of oil we suck today,
every turd of coal we flame resplendent,
every age-old species we erase
is assault against our own descendants.
I stoop before the few that reach tomorrow:
striving to live, I understand how they
must curse us, dodging lethal hails of arrows
we senselessly let fly today.
Saturday 6th May 2023 11:07 pm
My name is Silence
I used to range unchallenged on this hill
keeping mankind under my surveillance.
I watched as you discovered
the wonder of the wheel
and ways to traffic goods along the rivers.
You harnessed blameless power from water mills
but we became estranged.
My name is Silence.
Once I was your day-to-day companion:
the backing to your birdsong at the daybreak
and as t...
Friday 5th March 2021 9:56 pm
Nothing else matters
Every single day I get a torrent in my inbox:
online communities that crave my support
with a signature, a letter, a donation to unlock
a Saudi prison cell; save turtles; alert
a smug politician to the suffering of the needy;
grant safe asylum to desperate refugees;
liberate wealth from the clutches of the greedy;
or restrict global warming to one point five degrees.
I wann...
Thursday 18th October 2018 1:28 pm
Last Night
Last night was more than anyone could bear.
Last night they plunged a dagger into Yorkshire,
approving plans to poison land, to fracture
the ground beneath our feet, to choke the air.
Four thousand people sent in their objections.
A hundred speakers warned what could occur.
But seven County Councillors didn't care
and kicked North Yorkshire in the wrong direction:
a course that leads ...
Tuesday 24th May 2016 1:23 pm
Following the Money
From the North Sea, wild and grey
the horde bore down on Scarborough Bay.
I overheard one of them say
"We're following the money."
Like a Viking raiding force
they'd moved their enterprise onshore
to probe beneath the Yorkshire moors
for oil and gas and money.
A mighty fleet of high power cars
overran the Scarborough Spa.
I heard them, wassailing at the bar
thirsty for the money.
Sunday 15th May 2016 6:33 pm
Rhino swansong
Stuff yourselves you rakish apes, carousing,
smashed on greenhouse gases, with your gross
physiques ensconced on barstools turned from trees
that we’d depended on for shade and browsing.
You looked on us as merchandise. A horn.
Mindless hulks. You gunned us down, despising
I rhinos for existing whilst espousing
reverence for the fabled unicorn.
Mince us up! We’d make your quart...
Tuesday 15th December 2015 3:29 pm
The frog maker
There’s gift-stalls galore outside the wild and hilly
Monteverde Forest. I buy a saffron
amphibian, sculpted in glass, from the guy that crafts them.
“What species is it?” I ask. His smile goes chilly.
“Is Golden Toad. He no more around.”
He knew them as a boy and recounts the thrilling
jackpot glitter of frogs in the fern-leaf frilly
puddles of April that made their spawning ...
Tuesday 8th December 2015 1:00 pm
Buy this planet! *slightly damaged
When it’s gone it’s gone.
It’s a massive, one-off sale sensation.
Conservation? Don’t be conned!
We’ve got the whole world for exploitation!
When it’s gone it’s gone.
Buy this beautiful hardwood foot-rest!
Timber sourced from the Amazon:
the world’s grea...
Saturday 5th December 2015 8:27 pm
C-R-A-P World Holidays
I’m looking for a holiday.
I’m surfing on the internet.
I want a little getaway,
a place I haven’t been yet.
I hit on this site
-‘s got lovely colour photos,
the prices are all right,
there’s lotsa countries you can go.
It’s called:
That’s C-R-A-P-World dot com.
Tuesday 24th November 2015 12:56 pm
No Warning
Chipper people, old and young,
making the most of the evening sun,
sucking death into their lungs
beneath a high street awning:
Formerly sociable, carousers and clubbers
but outcast now, they croon one another
with raucous gurgles of bronchial slobber
and carcinomas forming.
A message made to catch the eye
is emblazoned on the packet’s side:
“Cigarettes gonna make you die!”
but t...
Saturday 21st November 2015 10:49 am
Fracking Hell!
North Yorkshire was a green and pleasant county
with rolling hills and cricket on the green,
and tourists by the score
would come to see the moors,
historic sites and charming rural scenes.
And when they'd had their fill of nature's bounty
they'd spend their cash at tearooms and hotels.
But then some gas was found
two miles beneath the ground;
now Yorkshire has become a
Thursday 19th November 2015 12:58 pm
Speak The Unspeakable
Speak The Unspeakable
Hi, I'm called Tim.
I’m writing this today
to make you all uncomfortable,
to rock your peace of mind.
I'm here to shock you,
here to mock your carbon hungry ways.
Expect no civil platitudes,
no reassuring lies.
I'm here to whack your attitudes,
dynamite your lassitude.
At times I'll be a little rude
- it's all for your own good!
...Monday 16th November 2015 9:56 pm
How To Be A Denier
Claim yourself to be a fount of knowledge.
Claim that every scientist's a liar.
If you've done a course at any college
you can be a certified denier.
Gather up those inconvenient facts
and twist them like they're bendy bits of wire.
Disseminating data needs great tact
but any fool can thrive as a denier.
Lobby for a mega corporation
to push emission targets ever higher.
Easy work, ...
Tuesday 20th October 2015 3:59 pm
Six Degrees
At one degree the western plains
of the US will be starved of rain,
Bankrupted farmers will pack up and flee
as desert restakes its claim.
There'll be no ice cap on the Arctic,
we'll lose the rivers of Kilimanjaro,
and frost that keeps the Alps secure
won't do it any more.
The Barrier Reef will bleach and die,
mountain animals will reach the sky
chasing the cool, and those that can't f...
Saturday 17th October 2015 1:30 pm
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