The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I Am One Of Those ...



I am one of those who likes to live,
to be a friend and to forgive.
I am one of those who hates a lie,
I will always a war deny.

I am one of those who likes to dream,
whether to play games or be on a family team.
I am one of those who likes to sing
and listen to the bells ring.

I am one of those who likes to laugh,
the time with my dear ones is not enough.
I am one of t...

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Have Mercy On Us, Our Lord!


Have mercy on us, our Lord!

Let us get free of the devil,

A good life we could afford.

And have our own vessel.


Let the hearts for dears

Never know the pain!

Let them avoid their fears,

Have an umbrella in the rain.


Bitterly cries the sky,

We forgot how to live,

Our health we can’t buy,

In truth, we hardly believe.


It looks ...

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Live Each Day As The Last


God presented me with a gift,

I looked at it and was surprised.

This item I couldn't manage to lift

Before I could anything realize.



Early in the morning, I made my plans.

But vanity decided to break intention.

My hopes went away with the vans.

And the prices they didn't mention.



I was quick at twenty, thirty, and so on.

I did not see the false o...

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There where the Love Settled Down No Need For the Words.

Offensive words flew with such speed

Sweeping away everything in their way.

Only tears and hurts could my heart feed.

I was like a rusty anchor in the sea-bay.



"We won't see each other"- I've heard.

These were his last the cruelest words.

I wanted to howl like a wolf in the forest.

At that time even the sun was the borest.



Those words like the knives cut...

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My Way

A yellow leaf broke away from the tree. 

He thought he could live now free.

But it happened a quite different way,

Without a trunk, he could helplessly lay.


Laying lonely far from the trunk

He was feeling a little bit drunk.

Even though the others were around,

His happiness was not found.


I  wandered on the fallen leaves in the forest,

And the weather looked ...

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A Bright Day Will Come Soon

I beg you to watch the dawn,

To watch the dawn kissing the moon,

To see if the night has already gone,

And a bright day appears soon.


Just watch, how his eyes are sad,

How mother's heart pains,

How the child sleeps in bed,

How the leaf on a tree remains.


I beg you to watch the man,

Who is tired and walks blindly.

You do what you can for him,

And he wi...

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Marry or Divorce


If your shirt has no button
and your trousers are roughened,
if your jacket is so crushed
and your carpet needs a brush,
if you can’t find a clotheshorse
and all the time just, curse
There is only one way out:
to marry or divorce.


Larisa Rzhepishevska




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A talk between a young lass and an old woman


A young lass and an old woman had a talk.

A young lass confessed with confidence,

You are too old a long distance to walk,

Your legs and your breath are the evidence.


An old woman answered with a smile:

Let's wait for a while and we'll see,

Years fly and you'll have a different style.

You don't look like working as a bee.


The young lass said: I am still b...

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The Sorrow of All Jews is in Your Eyes

Forgive me, God, for being so naughty,

I didn't listen to what my mum used to say.

She used to say: You are already forty,

Time to be smart and walk your way.


You didn't go to the chess club,

You had no abilities for ballet,

You were seen in the Irish pub,

You only have questions of volley.


You didn't complete your education,

You've lost a passion to stu...

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A Moment Between the Past And the Future


All is so ghostly in our lives and not all is mature.

There is only a moment between the past and the future.

So, hold it with both hands and don't let it go.

And this moment is called life, and it’s not a show.


The heart won't be pleased with an eternal peace,

An eternal peace is only for the grave,

And the star that falls and breaks into pieces

It is only a blind...

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A New Start is Ahead

Believe me, girl, all will be okay.
All wounds will be treated,
All grief and mistakes will go away.
The people's sins won't stay.

So, you are trying again
The things someone tried before.
Your wounded heart terribly pains,
And you surely close the door.

But remember! If the soul is kind, 
It's not closed, ready to accept guests,
Your heart is not blind,
And trust in joyful fe...

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I cry and you hear me laughing,

I am angry and you see me smiling,

I pray and you think I live,

I tell you the truth and you don’t believe,

I make mistakes and you do not forgive,


I am so weak and you say I am strong,

I am right and you say I am wrong,

I look at your eyes and you look at the floor,

I don’t want to argue and you want more,


I ha...

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I’ve learned to understand that…

A prohibitive degree of inner freedom –

Not a caprice but a strain.

Up to the end, it will remain!


I’ve learned to understand that….

The tales we dream up

We write out of our heads.

And…. we should cherish that!


I’ve learned to break up the rules,

So that no one should be hurt.

Using my tools,

I would like to avoid the dir...

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The Petrel and the Penguin


The proud petrel

with a strong mettle

flew over the sea.

Throwing his litter on the rocks

he watched the clumsy penguin’s walks.

The stupid penguin looked at the sky.

How much he wished to fly!

He had  heard

he was also a bird.

If he could fly

he would proudly throw his litter

from the bird’s eye.


The moral of this song:

Remember to what kind of bir...

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The Sky is Crying With Heavy Rain

I address our Lord with a prayer.

Get us free of any evil and a liar.

Let me have enough food and bread,

So that my children could be fed.


Let the hearts of my family and friends

Never know any hurts and pains.

Keep them away from dirty hands,

And welcome the miracle of mains.


The sky is crying with heavy rain,

We have forgotten how to live.

Profit has bec...

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On the Border of Heaven and Hell

On the border of heaven and hell

I live quite well playing the bell.

I lived like this a long time ago.

Though my soul doesn’t know the word NO.


I live a simple and ordinary life,

I sometimes love, and sometimes I strife.

But one day I’ll come to you like an actor,

For you to recognize yourself.


While my heart wounds subside

The horrible dramas preside.

It h...

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Today, on the 27th of May, I proclaim Larisa Rzhepishevska Day. Hurray!

Acacia blooms in a city park,

The song of joy sings the lark.


From the very early morning

my phone is buzzing with calls,
I answer them all today.

Without any delay, I say:
More than that: my computer is hanging
sprinkling me with messages and SMS

My mailbox is groaning because of the loading
but it’s ok for today,
Somehow my electronic friend will survive
giving me a d...

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I Still Believe in Good Deeds

I still believe in good deeds,

This probably can't be treated.

My soul only beauty feeds,

By the Sun and Love heated.


I still believe in good deeds,

But values are different.

Someone is happy in good seeds,

Other admires his wife as a variant.


Some are happy to have a new phone,

Others care about their cat and dog.

Love and Kindness were left alone,


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There will be Again the Sunshine

You are running ahead
instead of thinking where.
Your heart is beating at a crazy speed,
it has its flair.

You are swallowing salty drops of tears,
You do not hear the jeers,
You do not feel the rain
But only the unfair pain.

Hurts tear your soul apart.
Who cares about your broken heart?
You want to scream, even to roar,
You can’t stand this pain anymore.

You want to smash all on...

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I Didn’t Want To Speak Out Loud

Whether peace or trouble is talked about,

They didn’t want me to speak out loud.

The sadness settled in my heart.

But I happened to be a hard nut.


I was kind, not mind to some well-known guys.

Up to that moment, I could all realize.

It’s so convenient when your heart is opened.

I opened my eyes and saw the value of lies.


Besides, I saw so much light around,


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