poetry (Remove filter)
Let the Music Play
we were an unsinkable ship,
built to sustain any injury
thrown our way, or so we said.
cast into the dark,
yet illuminated with infinite possibilities.
suddenly slipping through our fingers
the bitter cold quickly rushed in,
and the music played on.
while the chaos surrounded us
and the children were tucked safely in their bed,
the music played on.
while prayers were whispered,
Tuesday 25th May 2021 4:34 pm
drowning in poetry
a poem of longing
a poem of remembrance
a poem of rage
a poem of hope
a poem to slip into your mind
a poem to never forget the story
a poem to purge the feelings
a poem of healing
do you ever get the feeling
we’re drowning in poetry?
day by day
inundated by poetry.
everywhere you go,
another platform,
another social network
for poets...
Tuesday 16th March 2021 7:43 pm
Tears of a Poet
When I think of Carlos,
a beautiful soul of a man,
emotional, heartfelt poetry bleeds through
Tears creep on the brink of every reading
His hand held over his heart to keep it in
He makes a mark wherever he goes
The rhythm of his words flow
And it leaves you speechless
All you can mouth is ‘wow…’
Pondering over poems to capture what I believe in
A work of art always in progre...
Monday 5th October 2020 1:52 am
A keen eye's woe
A misplaced comma,
an extra apostrophe,
page numbers missing;
a million little things to fix
that ought not to
take away the aura
of the piece but make me
stop and scream
How reckless
to leave the reader in such a mess
when they should only
focus on the very best
Monday 6th July 2020 4:17 pm
Chasing Sunsets
Chasing sunsets,
The ones that shine brightest
Only to disappear
And return again
But never in the same light
Never seen the same way
These eyes tell me, don’t look away
Before it too is gone too soon
Sunday 5th July 2020 5:08 am
Dew Drops Remain
Only dew drops now remain
atop blades from the torrential rain.
The lightning strikes
lessen in succession.
But the dew remembers
from where it came.
Friday 19th June 2020 2:30 pm
Writer’s Block Strikes Again
Gather jumbled up thoughts
jot down some words
numerous adjectives,
superlatives, and delicious nouns
Describe the scene
that can explain
it is certainly this
but it could be better
Conjure up a lost love
hint at a depth of longing,
fulfillment, and regret
but give yourself some credit
Leave readers with faith,
love eventually wins
love yourself enough to see
Saturday 23rd May 2020 6:23 am
Endless Night
At the end of the day
The rain now steadily falls
I’ve laid here for hours
Waiting for sleep to come
Keeping my mind company,
I’ve put a few records on
Spinning my favorites and laying low,
Leonard, Elliot, Thom, and Isakov,
Each song delivers a blow
Throwing me back to years ago
I’ve laid here in the dark for so long
It’s too much trouble to turn the lights on
My mind is heavy
Wednesday 6th May 2020 10:08 pm
Nightly Routine
Late at night
Lying in bed
Headphones on
Listening to music
Or a few recorded poems
Reading the latest
I attempt to craft a new one
Or brush up a draft not quite finished
It’s becoming routine
I’ve always been
An undercover poet
Now I’m sharing my words
With my family’s support as an added bonus
Shared are the happenings,
The disappointments,
The contests never won,
Saturday 4th April 2020 5:41 pm
Words At Night
All the words to say
The sad ones
The lonely ones
The happy, grateful ones
The mad ones
The ones that circulate through you
But never leave your lips
They rage out onto paper
For all to read
But the ones closest to you
Will never see
These words escape you effortlessly
Words poured out late at night
Words splayed out for others in the light of day
Words that others will relate
Saturday 14th March 2020 1:38 pm
Another Love Poem
How many times does it cross your mind
Maybe a thousand times
I’d rather have you near
Than only have your poems reciting in my ear
Sure, they comfort me
But most days and nights I need you miserably
And those heartbreaking songs
They make me feel like we belong
Despite the truth of our existence
I wish to be in your presence
So here’s another love poem
Sunday 1st March 2020 5:27 am
For the Poetry
There’s a connection
A brief flirt
And before you know it
We’re going crazy over each other’s words
The list of reasons confirms you won’t be good for me
But it’ll make for some good poetry
We fool around, lift each other up
Take a drink from the lover’s cup
But watch out,
Don’t get in too deep
Remember this is only for the poetry
We circle around crazy ideas
The two of us in a be...
Saturday 29th February 2020 4:26 am
Seeking Truth
To surround yourself with artists
You discover you’re not stuck to this game,
There is more than just poems of pain;
Lustful nights,
The political daily life,
The chaos of family,
The bounty is aplenty.
Like the ocean explorer covering uncharted territory,
The poet must explore the deeper meaning of life.
We’re all alike,
We seek the truth;
In it we see the real you.
Monday 17th February 2020 3:03 am
Poetry Readings
Poets pour their heart and soul
into every poem recited
pulling from the depth of emotions
grabbing you by the heart
kicking you around
tossing you aside
feeling broken but alive
your heart soars
waiting to hear more
Friday 10th January 2020 2:13 pm
Recent Comments
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