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Flyntland on CORRA
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Meet Me By The Shore

A sequel to Walking Down To The Lake

There she is, a former glow 
that once filled a room the moment 
she granted it with her presence, 
a memory of what used to be.

The frigid air blowing through the trees 
on this winter night reminds us 
that the warmth we used to know 
left us long ago.

What would it take 
but a grasp of her hand, 
an inviting smile, a long embrace 
to shake ...

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I Was Meant to Love You

I remember you in the morning,
the way the light hit your eyes,
the way your smile matched mine,
the way your fingers grazed over my peaks and valleys,
the way you wandered over my warm skin, inhaling its intoxicating scent.
And I remember the feeling that it was a perfect dream,
one that we never wanted to end
but it slipped away too soon.
And now every time I start to rise in excitemen...

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distant lovelovelove poemlovers

Let the Music Play

we were an unsinkable ship,
built to sustain any injury
thrown our way, or so we said.

cast into the dark,
yet illuminated with infinite possibilities.

suddenly slipping through our fingers
the bitter cold quickly rushed in,
and the music played on.

while the chaos surrounded us
and the children were tucked safely in their bed,
the music played on.

while prayers were whispered,

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Train Ride Home

inspired by The Last Night of Your Trip

on the train ride home 
your smile flashed between buildings, 
lights flickered and i couldn’t tell 
if it was the spark in your eye 
or the streetlights beaming 
onto the dark streets. 

i saw your smile and your hand
reaching for mine, 
those bedroom eyes 
that whispered “bring me 
to your hotel.” 

we weren’t made for cheap 
sex, we were ...

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The Gentle Birdsong Calling of Spring

it's right underneath,

brewing under my chest

this quiet whisper circling-

not spiraling downwards as 

i often tend to, but in a way a

gentle breeze swirls a handful

of leaves and they flutter away.

there's an inquisitive nature 

to it where there is somehow a

sense of magic at hand, and yet

somehow there must be a reason

to it all. a scientific process that 


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Our (Mis)Fortune

Your hand slips into mine, 
the fortune-teller notices 
our smiles with glittering eyes
she’s convinced 
there’s a future between us
she smiles & invites us in

Laying down cards one by one 
it reveals the betrayal and secrets
that will keep us
from the love that has swept us into a whirlwind 

We turn to each other stunned
but a laugh begins, 
she replies, “Sorry, no refunds”

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Love Blossoms

Every year

In her own time

She comes

Our moments are brief

But this I can rely on

Her scent is sweet

Her beauty exquisite

O, how I long for the days

When our eyes finally meet

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The Haunting

Is it better to have a love lost

Not knowing about the other side

To have a deep hole in your heart 

To keep what was lost in the past

And always wonder ‘what if’


Or to have it come back,

Haunt you

And realize it was true

Always has been

And he’s thinking of you, too


With thousands of miles away

You both have commitments

There’s no future

Only the p...

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lost lovelove

What Really Matters

My heart has been calling

for something new.

Do you think

it would make a difference

if it's me or you

who makes this move?


This here is all that matters

Let it be that simple for once

Let’s spread love all around

Let’s take on the world unafraid

Nothing can stop us now


Just listen,

you'll hear me sing.


Don't worry,

leave your cares behind.


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peacelovenew love interests

Another Love Poem

How many times does it cross your mind

Maybe a thousand times 

I’d rather have you near

Than only have your poems reciting in my ear

Sure, they comfort me

But most days and nights I need you miserably

And those heartbreaking songs

They make me feel like we belong 

Despite the truth of our existence 

I wish to be in your presence 


So here’s another love poem


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Lost and Found

Let me help you flip the switch
Scratch that itch 
that’s been burning 
For some time we’ve been yearning 
for each other
Under the moonlight
we reach for a lover
that’s been like no other

I’ve longed to hold you,
to have you close to me
to feel you envelop me
to have our hands intertwine
to graze my fingers across your body and across your lips
to rest my hand on your cheek
to loo...

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Blurred Lines

Echoing words through my head

Of all the sweet things that you said

Of times and memories of what we used to do 

Just a little thing to see me through


My dear, it's clear 

We aren't what we used to be

My dear, I fear

That’s the way it’s supposed to be


Blurred lines are once again made clear

It’s you with her

And me with him

That’s the way it should be in ...

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Breathe Again

I step out into the darkness
with the sky lit above me
The orb has reached its full potential 
and I am reminded of the beauty around me
The twinkling above is the same as it’s always been
but much brighter than I’ve allowed myself to see
Somewhere out there under the same sky
you’ve been thinking of me
and I can finally breathe again 

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full moonstarsacceptancelove

Awaiting the Day

Without hesitation I drop you a line
Hours later in time
I wait for your reply
Thinking what will it be
And hoping for you to excite me

I’m thinking of you
And wish it would be true
That you’ve been thinking of me, too

My pulsing and racing heart
Awaits the day we’re sprawled out in the sheets
And please, let us be
Like we dream it will be

With our salty, sweet dreams of our bodi...

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All I Need

All these years

I put too much into the hopes

Of finding someone who will give me all things I want,

All things I need


Give me music

Give me poetry

Give me love

Give me everything I need


But the voice inside keeps on,

No one can love you like you need

No one is all things true

No one out there is all for you

No one can be all you need


You give ...

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The rain falls

My soul weeps


All the secrets that we keep

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You called out to me

said you wanted me

felt for me

as I started to feel for you, too


It could be so easy

just as 1-2-3

maybe in another lifetime

I’d be with you, too


Maybe we don’t have to wait

you’ve got me now

you’ve got me here with you

I’d love you just the same


It could be so easy

just as 1-2-3

if it were another lifetime

I’d be wit...

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Bandages ripped off

feeling raw

feeling exposed

not sure where this goes


You know too much

can’t hide it anymore

you want more than to touch 

the deepest parts of me


I’m falling deeper into you

where do we go

what do we do

when I just want to be close to you

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Think of Me

Worst thing about New Year’s Eve,

being a romantic

but no one to love you the way you need

I’m holding back the urge to walk away

I’m holding onto responsibilities, 

accepting my fate


Oh, will you please think of me

when you’re kissing your lover

send your positive vibes,

your good thoughts,

your shout outs,

send me a love I’d not want to live without

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lonelyloveNew Years Everomantic

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