dreams (Remove filter)
listen to her
inside of you,
that constant voice
knows you better
than anyone else.
she’s been there
when no one else was.
she knows she’ll never
steer you wrong.
she’ll direct you forward,
& retract you
from uncomfortable situations.
no matter if they say otherwise,
listen to her.
friends know a side of you,
your lover knows another,
but she knows...
Monday 15th March 2021 9:06 pm
Don’t Walk In Anger
I twist in the night, in anger.
I wake in the morning, in anger.
I know the dreams are just dreams
but the aching is tangible,
it’s at the forefront that I can’t shake.
It’s too early to feel this way, with holes punctured through the heart.
A feeling that I’ve been used as target practice.
Congratulations, you’ve won…
You’ve robbed me yet again from waking with the deli...
Wednesday 2nd December 2020 4:18 am
A bump in the night...
the voice comes to me
as a phantom in a dream.
as i write
the voice channels
from him to me.
laughter vanishes
to staring at the sea,
to the house
that no longer carries
his childhood dreams.
vacanies searching for occupation
from passing through stations
to platforms holding onto memories,
all of it comes to me.
in my internal screenplay,
is he the playwright...
Thursday 29th October 2020 4:21 pm
Tears of a Poet
When I think of Carlos,
a beautiful soul of a man,
emotional, heartfelt poetry bleeds through
Tears creep on the brink of every reading
His hand held over his heart to keep it in
He makes a mark wherever he goes
The rhythm of his words flow
And it leaves you speechless
All you can mouth is ‘wow…’
Pondering over poems to capture what I believe in
A work of art always in progre...
Monday 5th October 2020 1:52 am
in your city
Originally published in Clay Literary’s RAVEN: https://www.clayliterary.com/post/raven-issue-seven-08-30-2020
eyes squeeze shut all at once with
wishes whispered under breaths to be
anywhere else, anywhere cooler than
the constant heatwave of near 100 degrees.
Toes dip into makeshift sandy beaches
along the city’s river while children
play in water fountains next to erected sand...
Wednesday 16th September 2020 1:24 pm
timepieces have reversed (part 1)
sprouting from the underground,
reaching for the light,
messengers of truth
tell us the news
spoken dreams
awaken us now,
emboldened by our own worth,
timepieces have reversed
our covert existence,
like buried keepsakes
begged for air,
pained to be bare
our struggles,
spotlight moments in
Hollywood movies; as we weep,
the only wa...
Sunday 23rd August 2020 10:11 pm
Unsent letters
How many love letters do I have to write before they are sent
How many hours do I spend and lament
Over the impossible dream
The one that can’t be seen
And more and more it seems
Like it’s never going to be
Sunday 21st June 2020 12:46 pm
The Shape of Us
The shape of our love, our version of it,
Exists in bubbling thoughts of former lives
And constant dreams of distant hearts
Where our lives are entwined
Ripples of waves intersect
Jetting dangerously close
But never on the same path
Turning heads, looking back
How do we get off this track
Without losing control,
Without knowing
Where it will go
The inhabitants look upon us
Saturday 20th June 2020 8:56 pm
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