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Flyntland on CORRA
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Have You Noticed

Have You Noticed?
after Mary Oliver

have you noticed how certain poems linger 
in the echoes of yesterday 

how certain triggers replay
a certain phrase

how hanging onto words
engulfs an empty room

how walking through fields
begets velvet moonlit nights listening to you

how spinning a record after dropping a needle
births a mountain of longing and sorrow 

have you ever notic...

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no return address

sew my eyes shut
tape my mouth closed
board me up in a box
& send me off

attach the postage
drop me off
at the post
don’t open

until i see you there
and i hear you say ‘my love’
and i feel you
next to my warm skin

until then, leave me here

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Deconstruction Site

How many times do we take the leap
Before we realize we’ve jumped in too deep

How many times do we stop to realize 
We need to protect our insides 

How many times does this heart have to break
This love, you too shall take

He was the one,
Healing the deepest scar, 
The wound he created,
Only to tear it open again
As he twists the knife 
Churning everything inside of me

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Train to Nowhere

Based on the opening scene of Stardust Memories.


The clock ticks in desperation to move us along, to where we belong. 

Our eyes remain forward, no longer looking back. 

The man in seat 2B sobs with tears streaming down his face. He’s left his life in his old place.

I soak in the faces of passengers around me, stern looks all around.

All longing for company, for answers that c...

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Meeting in Solitude

Minds meeting
words spoken
stories shared
world is hushed
but inside we are all screaming
waiting for the tomorrows
when our meetings will be filled with embraces,
with kisses,
with reading a silent stare
and we will know what they mean
not just from a frozen screen
but for a reflection of all time

We are all waiting for the tomorrows
we will no longer meet in solitude
but a meetin...

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A Sea of Red

A sea of red lights

cars stopped


the hours of rush

is all hurry up 

and wait

they race against each other 

only to be home alone 

or tucked away with their lovers

they spent all day

dreaming of their escape 

now they must wait

a brief pause

the reason

the cause

only too much

in the way




what they long to see


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Another Love Poem

How many times does it cross your mind

Maybe a thousand times 

I’d rather have you near

Than only have your poems reciting in my ear

Sure, they comfort me

But most days and nights I need you miserably

And those heartbreaking songs

They make me feel like we belong 

Despite the truth of our existence 

I wish to be in your presence 


So here’s another love poem


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In a Sea of Lonely Nights

A lonely boy in a sea of lonely nights 

in that last hour of the day

capturing words he wishes he had said

writing them down

so they’re out of his head


Music fills the air

soothing the tension

lessening the cares


Take a trip to the other side: 

what makes the other person tick,

what makes them come alive,

what’s in their head they’re trying to hide



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