truth (Remove filter)
listen to her
inside of you,
that constant voice
knows you better
than anyone else.
she’s been there
when no one else was.
she knows she’ll never
steer you wrong.
she’ll direct you forward,
& retract you
from uncomfortable situations.
no matter if they say otherwise,
listen to her.
friends know a side of you,
your lover knows another,
but she knows...
Monday 15th March 2021 9:06 pm
it’s been three days
with clear blue skies
every morning
i stand in disbelief;
there’s nothing to obstruct the view
nothing to prevent the light from coming through
so why do i feel at unease?
because even now, the skies are just a tease
Thursday 1st October 2020 6:05 pm
timepieces have reversed (part 1)
sprouting from the underground,
reaching for the light,
messengers of truth
tell us the news
spoken dreams
awaken us now,
emboldened by our own worth,
timepieces have reversed
our covert existence,
like buried keepsakes
begged for air,
pained to be bare
our struggles,
spotlight moments in
Hollywood movies; as we weep,
the only wa...
Sunday 23rd August 2020 10:11 pm
Call It What It Is
Heatwaves radiating across the country,
common occurrences every summer
now occurring every season.
Summer stretches long into Fall,
makes a cameo during Winter
And begins earlier every Spring.
It’s a heatwave, they say.
No, it’s global warming.
No, it’s now called climate change, haven’t you heard?
No, that’s all fake news.
It’s only a heatwave, you see.
...Friday 21st August 2020 4:46 pm
The Truth Within
I’ve drowned, too
trying to stay afloat
swimming in those eyes of ocean blue
navigating through hypnotic moves
and poetic words
that make you feel
he only has eyes for you
But in truth,
you’re another hole
he’s been trying to fill
another escape
to let his mind erase
the truth within
“Was I Just Another One?”
Saturday 21st March 2020 3:58 pm
Seeking Truth
To surround yourself with artists
You discover you’re not stuck to this game,
There is more than just poems of pain;
Lustful nights,
The political daily life,
The chaos of family,
The bounty is aplenty.
Like the ocean explorer covering uncharted territory,
The poet must explore the deeper meaning of life.
We’re all alike,
We seek the truth;
In it we see the real you.
Monday 17th February 2020 3:03 am
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