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Hope (Remove filter)

Hold fast to dreams/ሕልሞችህን ወድር (በላንግሰቶን ሁጌስ/ትርጉም ዓለም ኃይሉ)

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

ሕልሞችህን ወድር

ሕልሞችህን ወድር
አሊያ ሕልሞች ከገቡ መቃብር፣
ሕይወትን ምን ለየው
ከእርገብ ለመብረር
ክንፏ እነዳለ ስብር!

ሕልሞቸህን ወድር
አሊያ ያም ይሔም ሕልም ከሔደ
ሕይወትን ምን ለየው ከምድረበዳ
በበረዶ ከተቖራመደ!

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Percolated down to every bone

Via the phone
When I heard your voice
Having a friendly tone--
At long last you have won--
My diffidence and anxiety gone
An electrifying ecstasy
Charged my heart's zone,
Who fate was
To ceaselessly lament and moan.

The vein inundating feeling
You evoked, anon,
Percolated down to every bone
To each love thirst
To atone!


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lovelifehopesatisfactionunrequited love

Legacies (A poetic one scene drama)


Introduction before the curtain is opened.
-->The  introducer addresses the audience.

Instead of none-stop
Condemning the past
Let us do our part
To lift our country
From economic morass fast.
Better than licking a wound,
Taking corrective measures
On former leaders’ mistakes
We could
Capitalizing, on what
They did good.

(Open Curtain)

--> Enters Emperor Tewodros II


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The sky is the limit

A pitch dark night
Will be overcome
By a broad day light,
Seeds below
The earth that lie,
Soon open
A thankful eye
To the heavenly father
In the sky!
Then why? Why?
Should you and I
Allow our ambition
Wilt and die,
See our dreams fly by,
When say
A Hurdle
Block our way!
We must never admit
When a dead end
We hit,
There is no
Getting round it!
We should know
When God shuts th...

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Psychological dome

Forcing passers by

Curious for peep stand,

Swelling a throng

By every square

Or a roadside

Using his right leg

A nimble right hand

With the other holding

The artefact items hard

A hand-less man

Makes attractive tables

and stools

Hammering nails

And cutting woods

The way the task demand,

A task ,many normal people

Imagine,  to handle hard.

Those ...

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Tight rope

All sides, when darkness me envelop
Hopelessly, when unthinkable seems hope
A chimera, when the abyss
With saw-like teeth yawns
Expectant me to drop,
To cling on, to cross over
There is a tight rope
God-for a single second
That doesn't stop
To emerge atop
Up all problems that pop!

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Death valleyFrustrationGodHopeking DavidSpiritual

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