The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

peace (Remove filter)

Legacies (A poetic one scene drama)


Introduction before the curtain is opened.
-->The  introducer addresses the audience.

Instead of none-stop
Condemning the past
Let us do our part
To lift our country
From economic morass fast.
Better than licking a wound,
Taking corrective measures
On former leaders’ mistakes
We could
Capitalizing, on what
They did good.

(Open Curtain)

--> Enters Emperor Tewodros II


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They cross fertilize

Peace and development, lung and heart, feed on each other!

Preparing for war is also option better adversaries to parry and deter.
Adversaries that conspire the couple - peace & development -to put asunder.

Also, to ensure peace, paying sacrifices further let us our development spur!
Unless they see poverty committed to the ground and in their life a turnaround, daunted, to belligerence hu...

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Systematically Explicating a Narrative and Descriptive Poem


By Alem Hailu

The poem below decrying war was written by Lithuanian poet Salomeja Neris when her country was invaded by Nazi Germany. By way of showing how it is possible to explicate a narrative poem and invite readers reread the poem and grasp the meaning I will explicate her poem Spring as follows.


I Spring

Once again will lilac sing,

And brooks will babble, brooks, w...

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Diffrent toungues but the same speech

Though they have
Different tongues
All religions
Have the same speech,
Peace,Love, Considerateness
And Hope
Are what each preach!

Is it not  then
A glitch
Under the guise of religion
To teach
"Spell death!'
To s/he who has
a different faith!///

Terrorism under the guise of religion doesn't work for it is a glitch that contradicts religiosity.Hopefully it will ebb out soon!

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