The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

mental health (Remove filter)

Roses aflame

I can feel fire in my veins

Red roses set aflame 

Burning embers 

Passionate rage 

A suffocating feeling I can't escape 


I feel like running away 

To some faraway place 

Where even the stars 

Wont remember my name 


I might lose myself 

In a faraway world 

Hiding away 

In my secret escape 


Time is an illusion 

And I'm caught up in the confusi...

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Travellingmeaningfreedomescapemental health



Desperate faces,

Blank faces,

Resigned faces,

Passive faces,

Tired faces,

Shamed faces,

Stare at walls,into nothingness.

From the brink of the universe, from the edge of a cliff.

Nearly plunging deep into the ocean, sinking into the quiet of the night

It's like a near-death experience.


I fear mine is one of them,

In fact, I possess all.

I'm alread...

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poetrymental health


I want to get out but the way is shut,

I want to fly but my wings are bleeding,

I want to sing at the top of my lungs but they're punctured,

I want to cry but my eyes are dry,

And the air,

The air is so thin such that I can neither breathe nor gasp,

I desire nothing more than to be free but the clouds are dark,

They threaten to fall,

They whisper of an incoming storm,

A ...

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poetrymental health


Sometimes, you learn to be frugal, humble,and patient,

Sometimes, life beats you down so hard you can't get up,

It shreds you into pieces that take forever to piece back together.


Piece by piece, you glue,

Only to come undone, for your tears are stronger than your will,

Brimming with them, they cut and cut,

Leaving behind an empty and aching heart ,

That only time and hum...

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poetrymental health



Shall no one weep

Shall no one cry

Shall no one come to say goodbye?

Not a single tear

Not a voice to hear

Not a stone to say, this is where I lie?

I am music without sound

I am nowhere to be found

I am a leaf that falls to die

I am the periphery of your eye.

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mental health


I have this indescribable need to be heard,

like I’ve never whispered a single word over the course of my life,

like I’ve never uttered an incoherent syllable under the light of the dying sun,

like I’ve never looked into the eyes of another and truly felt seen. 


Am I alone? 


Am I floating here, lost in the waves of a turbulent sea,

waiting for a lifeboat that will never...

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lonelyalonedepressionautismocdmental healthconnectionhumanity


When we die,

We'll be forgotten,

But what can we say when

We're forgotten

While alive?


What am I to think

When I am invisible?

When I am cast aside?

When I am the problem?

Who is there to see me for me?

Does death then hold no meaning?

Is death even worth fearing?

Or is it rather embraced

As a means of escape

From those who

Don't care

At all?

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depressionanxietyocdbipolarmental illnessmental healthinner dialoguedeathfearforgottenlonelyanxious


Your nostalgia is lying to you.

Life is hard now,

But it was hard then, too.

You were just younger, dumber, more care-free.

If you knew then what you know now,

Maybe then you'd see.

You'd see the heartache;

You'd see the pain;

You'd see the way they lie and shame;

You'd see that no matter what you do,

You're always going to be you.

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nostalgiamental healthgrowing upheartachedepressionlieslifeintrospection

The Breaking Point: The Silent Decent

This poem tries to capture the pain of watching a friend succumb to addiction, bound to a destructive habit that erodes both health and hope. As one friend struggles with the limits of friendship and "agape", the other slips further and further away, lost in a cycle that breaks promises and bodies alike. This poem hopefully serves as both plea and ultimatum—a haunting look at the cost of holding o...

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addictionfriendshipletting golossstrugglehopeinterventionultimatummental healthchronic illness


My reflection doesn’t tell my story yet I still feel as though it defines me


When I look,


 I see my flaws


I see mistakes


I see problems


Looking at others I see so much beauty


They have the perfect clothes


Perfect hair


Perfect face


Perfect body


Maybe it’s just a facade but it seems so real


Pushed on me is the pe...

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imagepeoplemental healthhopemirrorbody imagematterperfect

The Happy Friend

Reading through each page

Experiencing the characters emotions

Putting myself into the protagonist's shoes

Only to realise that I've left out the person who hurts the most


Paging through the book I start to realise

The "happy" friend has always been hurting the most

They have always supported the protagonist, but never themselves

Even though the protagonist is the superhe...

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mental healthanxietysocial anxietymasks

Eyes of the storm

Cut me open, bleed me dry 

A knife not a tool, a liberator

Their is the forgiving woman with sorrow

Deep in those eyes, to a place 

I am oh so unfamiliar with


There are places you know, you see

It is the dark holding our sparks 

A flock of deft touches and harmony

Yet the pulse of the thunder rolls over

Sparks scattered, hidden or gone 


You will never, never...

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addictionsalvationmental healthsuicideinner childlovers

Echoes of playtime

Walking around an empty hospital

Hearing voices, standing still

It's a strange feeling

Knowing there's no one on these grounds


Empty beds are blocking

As painful feelings are unlocking

Buried away in their homes

Scarred, anxious and alone


Yet the voices are protruding

Rebounding and allusive

Screams of fun and play come across

From another world now at a ...

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Hospitalpainmental healthNHS

Did I hit my head or have a fall?

Did I hit my head or have a fall?

Did my heart give out?

Am I under the stars?

Did I make it to heaven?

The memories I have are as strong as an over perked cup of coffee

I can’t forget or let them go

In fear that I’ll feel I’ll have never lived those moments to remember

I try to recreate those memories

I try to relive every moment

But each time I do

I realize it’s not...

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DeathPTSDNightmaresflashbacksmemoriesmental health


I want so badly to just be me

but im scared of rejection

people not accepting me


see do people really accept me 

or do they only accept their version of me


am i being my true self or am I playing a false version of me


Do people truly like the real me

or do they only like the parts of me they want to see


Do people really see me

or do they only accept t...

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mental health


Planning away, sometimes all day

Words on a page, moulding like clay

Toward your interest, "I'll engage" you say

I should of known it would go this way


Travelled around all week through

Sometimes I'm spinning and I don't see you

Learnng the lines of a script I have written

Walking the mile but somewhere you're hidden


Delivering is easy when you've got the tools


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Teachertutorschooleducationlessonyoung peoplechildrenmental health


My iPad is thirsty

Well travelled, rugged and dirty

In need of a clean

And with its blue squidgy exterior

It's a sight to be seen

You are brave

Going places where no iPad has gone before

Where young people fight and snore

High care can be dangerous for all


But my blue squidgy friend

You will be there till the end

Stimulating and engaging

Its you they're i...

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iPadtechnologymental health

Grey Day

Well he's definitely very angry today
He's gone and taken the world's colour away
Left me with only white, black and grey
Nothing, nada, no red, blue, yellow or green
No trace of them, gone! nowhere to be seen.
Vibrant pink, warm orange and vermillion
There nothing left now in this colourless prison
So how to describe the earth's serene face
The tree's and the flowers and wide open space

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Mental healthdepressioncolourdark

Always with you

I am here, connected to you
Hiding in the corner
Growing darker as the light grows stronger
Formed shape, cajoined to you
I follow you in the street or lane
Looming dark in mirrored form, defined
Ever present, twinned by shape

Creeping on the floor or wall, a mirror of your soul
Ever here, your silent brother 
Shaped in your darkest desires
My friend, your friend, a soundless mus...

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self reflectionmental battlemental health

Post Traumatic Civilian

There's no stars out in this darkened sky.
As a curl up, on the hard floor to lie
I cannot lay safe, cozied on this soft bed.
Not with the noises and memories floating in my damn head.
The cracks and the bangs that rang out in the night.
Times I saw many men fall, disappear out of sight.

Was that today, yesterday, or maybe tomorrow?
No bravery left here there's only raw sorrow.
The noise...

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Warmental healthPTSDSoldierstress

Angels Call

At a loss to know what happened, I did not see you fall
I wasn't  there, I didn't see when Angels came to call
A world without, memories now is all I see
I leave you now,  to say your own soliloquy.....

This is could be my own exposition,
Bills, money, world events, my own loneliness decision
People all around me but I'm hiding the pain
Physical illness or mental strife is all that I gain

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loss of humanitypain. sorrow. heart breaksuicide awarenessmental healthlosssadness


I'm tired and cold, rags gathered tight, so show me some pity
It's been to long out in this cardboard city
Food gathered and begged, no chance of meds, while you stay warm in luxury beds
A doorway, a tunnel, a railway station
A look of disgust from most of the nation
I didn't ask to be ousted from a normal life
To be fed to the streets in toil and stife
Clothes dishevelled, ripped and most...

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Homeless Veteransmental healthwealthsociety

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lament

In the depths of my soul, a battle rages
Between the light and the dark, not written on pages
Deception creeps in, a constant war within
Yet I find strength to help, to heal, to even win

I lead and mentor with doubt in my heart
An imposter's mask, a master of art
Carrying others' weight, ignoring my own
At what cost, I wonder, am I overthrown?

But still, I stand tall like a lighthous...

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Mental Healthimposter syndromeleadership

chronic pain

i'm sick of doing the best i can
because it isn't ever enough
if I can't be good,
what's the point of being here at all?

I never sleep well anymore
even though I tell the doctors I sleep fine
I just stare at the ceiling
and live through the lives of others

sit in class with an ache behind my eyes
I can't even tell if the pain is real
excedrin can only do so much
and I think my toler...

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depressionhypochondriahypochondriacpainhealthhealth anxietymental healthfamily

Dry relapse with no high(through the eyes of another)

I'm not a soldier but I'm at war

Clean and sober year number four 

Battles with temptation 

Past friends and relations 

Conflict miscommunication 

I get tired of waiting I'm tryna be patient 

Testing my patience 

What's expected of me isn't me 

No point trying to change me you see 

That change must only come from me 

People are not what they seem 

Reality looks dif...

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Recoveryaddictionalchaholismdrugabusemental healthmental warmental battle

1000 MILES IN 2024

They said, no!

no, you can’t!

just shut up,

go away;

they said

what they

always say,

too old,

too fat,

waste of space,

a pisspot,

a fantasist,

say voices

in my head.

I've told them,

piss off,

the first step’s

to take one,

so I took one,

I planned,

If you do not

you plan to fail,

so I got all my kit,

warm leggings

and mi...

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physical healthmental health

Support worker

Hoody, vape and tatt

All night I've been sat

Another coffee will wake me up

Here's a magazine, take my cup


Alone on the ward, feeling bored

My eyes crush a matchstick hoard

Marks and scuffs on the walls

Remind me of times, restraints and all


Long days and nights settle in my thoughts

Old faces, names, and incidences haunt

Decisions made, young people blamed


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mental healthsupport workerNHSworkmind

Strike up

Savouring the solace 

Subverting the scene 

A spectre on the surf 

Sublime and serene  


Suffering the silence 

Shaping the sun 

Scuppering the smog 

So sane with someone 


Staffing submerged 

Sheepish and surged 

Scared as the scurried scatter 

Splurged and so shattered 


Shanked and superfluous 

Serious and stained 

So sad to see 


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NHSmental healthstrike action

Acknowledge me

It reaches further than "please fuck me" or "don’t touch me"

It’s a liminal in-between 

A line we like to call blurry

But I never asked you to undress me

My body abandoned me

My words went slurry

Tongue too thick to go beyond a mumble

Kind sir escorted me to save me from stumble

Four times play on my mind

One of them I even forgot

Until it accosted me during a usual d...

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acceptdenialpaintraumaacknowledgeassaultrapeattackaccostrape cultureblurred linesconsentalcoholmemoriesgrowthyouthPTSDsurvivemental healthemotionarticulatecommunicatevulnerableopen up

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