love (Remove filter)
Return To Me
Cold and dark
here I lay
waiting for you at bay.
The orange pearl is sinking into the seas.
Thousands of sand grains surround me,
yet I still feel so lonely.
I have given my heart to you
and now it’s sinking slowly in the seas.
I will wait for eternity
may the seas direct you back to me.
Saturday 28th January 2023 11:20 am
to pass you by is to long
for you close, lips sweet despite her
claim’s acrid taste. you wave.
your wandering hand runs up my thigh like
vines cling to ancient stone structures.
we make a sick picture, half-past-drunk
on years of tension, crushed
between mouths and confession in the dark.
you look at me as though
i might not run laps around the room
in hopes of catchi...
Tuesday 24th January 2023 10:40 am
The Move
The Move
Xylene, Toluene, trichloroethylene,
The smell,
Prior paint peeled away and fell.
All off-white, only ever warmer; morning sunlight in the east windows
1887, a ship-builder discussed between three widows,
That line there, fixed up by The Man, too
Them floorboards wouldn’t look as good as The Man could do.
Where did he go? One asked inside of the plain room,
...Sunday 22nd January 2023 1:50 pm
A Glance into Romance
While admiring the happy couple I feel bliss.
Then my stomach sinks.
The heart-shattering realisation that I will never acquire that same affection.
Some humans are not built for romance, and I am shamefully one of them.
I do not want your roses. I do not care for your false proposes.
All I want is to be seen.
For someone to not love me for my skin, but for my soul.
Many eyes ...
Sunday 22nd January 2023 1:16 pm
Smitten (A Sonnet)
He was smitten with love for her;
by that arrow deep and sure.
A gooey warmth between them;
filling the heart all within.
But, love's shaft festered, stinking foul;
to gangrenous, aching howl.
Through steamy glass his love moaned;
as he stood outside alone.
Those barbs cannot be reversed;
holding fast in a soul feeling cursed.
Longing for the lost one gone,
to the breast of a differ...
Saturday 21st January 2023 2:49 pm
gentle wind
i want to go for a walk you say
the sunrise is beautiful and the wind is gentle
though, i will never notice the sunrise,
not even when you point it out to me
i'll notice how your hand will brush mine
and the soft way you'll speak to me
so gentle, that early in the morning
i'll notice each gap in between the conversations we'll have
the small ...
Saturday 21st January 2023 4:49 am
Green Book
I watched a film called Green Book last night,
About a black classical pianist’s plight,
Featuring: good cops, and bad cops
And pompous balloons POPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buon Natale, and the light of love’s might.
Friday 20th January 2023 12:16 pm
Lazing By The Well
This love, our love
so understated
but all consuming
A stick of rock
it's written right through me
and always has been
Reaching out a hand
to feel
your hand waiting
A tide
I’ll always return
A well
I’ll always refill
your bucket
with love
All my wants, all my needs
melt into a single thought
All my hopes and dreams
collide inside the fact
you exist
I reach out my hand
Thursday 19th January 2023 2:16 pm
A Ballad Of Tide & Time
I watched the ship break
under the biblical rage of the sea
The mast creaking into splinters
The greedy waves taking bites of bow & stern
I listened
as the wind, howling like a wolf,
carried the wailing away
under a sky of trauma
But then,
her hand broke through a swell
Alabaster against grey
I cried out
Tried to crawl
but too soon
I would be ca...
Tuesday 17th January 2023 6:54 pm
Starting Today
As of today
I'll only be in your memory,
a trunk full of remembrances
you’ll want to throwaway
and remove forever
imagining you’ll forget me
From today on
I'll just be an empty space in your bed
you cannot embrace
and my scent on your pillow
that you will not forget
Starting today
I'll only be
a worn out image in your dreams
that will hush the pa...
Tuesday 17th January 2023 6:43 pm
Swiss Roll Family Robinson
Not astonished by the lack of surprise,
The day the Robinson family died
Morbidly obese.
Devoured their last feast,
Committing dietary suicide
Their buffet table laid sumptuously,
Intending to indulge in gluttony,
They wouldn't be the first
To eat till they burst
Avidly scoffed and gouged rapaciously,
A vivid green leaf salad, though not much
Lay limp i...
Monday 16th January 2023 5:18 pm
part of you
i'd let you rip open my chest
fill my lungs with your breaths
wrap your fingers around my spine
clench my heart
until every part of me has become tainted
with your warm touch
until i become something far more pretty
than i ever could be
until i become part of you
Friday 13th January 2023 12:33 am
cough syrup
everything always circles back to you
i find myself unable to go one sentence
without feeling your name
whisper itself at the back of my throat
and i cannot go to bed
if im not imagining how it would feel
to have your arms wrapped around my waist
as we sway in your kitchen
our kitchen
i wish i could function
without hav...
Friday 13th January 2023 12:09 am
you speak so cruelly of the body i admire
a body that shines so brightly and laughs so delicately
a body that loves so deeply
maybe if you saw the light in those soft brown eyes
or you felt the safety
your presence brings
or you heard the warmth
in your voice
you would speak of yourself
the way you so truly deserve
to b...
Wednesday 11th January 2023 3:11 am
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