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I wanna talk about what kids go through

Broken door frames, busted light shades and spider cracks in the windows

I wanna give some clarity on these events

Woken up from sleep if you even slept, alcohol on the breath, eyes bloodshot, blank and brow full of sweat

Its probably the funny guy in class, class clown of the school

6 hours before class he was woken up and 3 hours of that he ...

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alcoholicalcoholabusemental health

Hang in there or Hang Yourself

I'm defenceless, powerless.

Constrained, by uncontrolled emotions,

To this rollercoaster: up, down, up, down.

Desperate screams silenced in smothering shame.

I didn't consent to this ride,

So why won't you let me get off?

Sadness is suicide;

Anger is murder,

Happiness is euphoric,

And normal? Normal is northing.

And nothing being an insufferable emptiness,

That hol...

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Can you see me?

Do you see me? Standing in the corner.
All black and blue like a Monet or Turner  
Hiding from view as to not make a scene
Whilst inside of me, is a silent scream. 
Childhood now gone I’m now an adult 
I ask, Do you see me? Do you see me?

Years of violence by the kindness of hands
How could I trust a mum and a dad 
I see you now but don’t look at me 
under this armour I’m vulnerable you...

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First poemcare giverabuse

Your Scar


(For the girl who haunts my dreams still)


Dear Daddy,


Not that you'd care, but

All that I wanted 

was to make you proud

But, I was too stupid

Too fat

Too loud


All you ever did 

was bring me down

I was your scar

Your permanent frown


I was your verbal punchbag

In your whiskey fuelled state

Never felt like your child 

Just a vess...

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Abusepsychologymental health

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