Art (Remove filter)
She paints pebbles with rainbows
And places them on walls
Poetry on larger stones
For others to find
It is a small act of kindness
Of acknowledging our plight
She takes the paints and daubs
Her handprint on a slate
All over the footpaths and walks
Her art is left to the elements
A bright sun shining
through dark clouds
the people wh...
Sunday 5th July 2020 12:30 pm
The Subject in the Picture
Golden was the frame
That surrounded you
A beautiful scene
Filled with a magnificent hue
- Nature's canvas.
Centrally seated you
Looked at the artist
And drove the object
Out of the imagery
Created an image
Of yourself
Fighting back
Alive with strength
You and you alone
Noone else can be you
Monday 25th May 2020 9:29 am
I Died Yesterday...
I died yesterday
With a pen in one hand and a diary in the other.
The latter's pages were inlaid
With prints of my curry stained fingers,
And splotches of tea,
And smudges of ink,
And spools of memories,
And streams of ridiculous cravings.
I fashioned the contents with the loose threads
I'd been stockpiling since forever.
Vibrant, prismatic, but half-completed...
Friday 24th April 2020 5:59 pm
Creativity Costs
You are enough.
Insecurity or
grandiose confidence
isn’t necessary.
Doubt, distraction,
procrastination, fear,
impostor syndrome,
borderline lunacy...
are costs of the
creative process.
Keep creating
through it all.
But, then again,
what do I know.
Tuesday 21st April 2020 11:26 pm
London and Art
It’s a good a place to cross as any
London Eye destination of many
But not us, we seek Southbank for sure
It’s just other attractions have more allure
Art and creativity our magnetic attraction
Walk past tourists, our vision abstraction
Dali Universe to be our first port of call
Give ourselves all morning taking in it all
She pushes a melting clock it swings with ease
Thursday 9th April 2020 7:46 am
In the Stillness
In the stillness,
My tongue tastes each sip
of my coffee
In the stillness,
My teeth grind every bite
of my food
In the stillness,
My eyes linger over each word
I read
In the stillness,
My fingers
languorously write every letter
In the stillness,
My hands slowly
color each petal
In the stillness,
My heart speaks
I hear my thoughts
...Tuesday 24th March 2020 3:52 pm
Living in the shadow
of someone else’s life
is a safe hiding place,
most of the time.
You get to observe,
no fear, no pain.
Fertile breeding ground
to create art, music, poetry...
Until the shadow turns around,
chases you down,
strips you naked in front of a
stone-casting society.
Do you stand erect
in the blinding light...
Sunday 1st March 2020 5:54 pm
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:44 am
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:37 am
Alexis karpouzos poetry and creative writing.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Alexis karpouzos on Goodereads
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:29 am
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