Journey (Remove filter)
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I know that, strictly speaking, the Magi, are still on camel back following a star but I also know everyone is bored with the story by epiphany so here is my final Christmas related poetry blog. Courage, doubt, fear and wonder, in the story of the Magi. What had they been part of? Like us, they wondered whether ‘this was a future they wanted to know’…
...Tuesday 29th December 2020 12:35 pm
(Promise) Land Ahoy
Lost in a sea of thoughts salty with fears
Her arrid eyes void of tears
Adrift, aimless she sailed for years
A tattered raft of determination her only support
On the horizon utopia beckoning
An obliging port
A siren's song, haunting, promising sanctuary
Pulling her in with its ethereal melody
Taunting her hope's
Teasing her dreams
Promising the actuality of possibilities
Thursday 24th September 2020 2:40 am
Aren't We?
Blessed be the silver spoons
Which feed us till we’re replete.
Blessed be the dream-filled moons
Which oversee us with glee.
Ambitious, aren’t we?
The moons illume
A thousand seas
And take us to
Places and people unseen.
Vagabonds, aren’t we?
We hold the power to love and seduce,
To ensnare and release
These people and places till insanity ensues,
Till blooming roses fuse into debr...
Saturday 15th August 2020 8:55 am
Life is like a train journey,
Passengers keep changing.
Life is like an ocean,
The winds keep on changing
Life is like a desert,
Where weather keep on changing
Life is full of change,
No one and nothing stays the same
There will be ups and downs
People will leave you with painful wounds
But you have to stand up and fight
You have to follow ...
Sunday 19th July 2020 5:08 pm
it's funny how everything can change in just a second.
Now when I look back,
I can clearly see how far I've come.
And when I look ahead,
I know there's still a long journey ahead.
Tuesday 7th July 2020 9:55 pm
spirit and sanity
Since I cannot sense a name for God
power will stutter out of my mouth
In the old days it was the Village Church
Rich with Stain Glass Hypocrisy and Sin
In the middle it was a wasteland, dead
Then I saw God and everything changed
Spirit stood on my shoulder and held me
Angels came in plain clothes to erase me
No-one left even though I tried to kill me
In the attire ...
Tuesday 21st April 2020 1:37 pm
Tennessee River
~He pretends the river is an ocean
When one can't have the potent dose
One makes do with the diluted potion
Caught between two jagged green coasts
The murky current slowly propels his motion
If he has a good, sturdy boat
He might just last to see his ocean~
Sunday 29th March 2020 6:09 am
Wednesday Echoes
The mountains we seek
The crests and peaks
Are no longer to be discovered
We reached the summit
but retracted
and settled in the trough
Where now?
You say
I do not respond, I contemplate my answer
Make it articulate, considerate, yet punctual;
Nowhere. We settle.
We deal with what we need to deal with.
Whether that is today,
Thursday 6th February 2020 9:14 pm
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