inspirational (Remove filter)
Knocking On My Door
I am pro any religion that advocates harming no others or taking a life
Protecting the innocent, nurturing the lost and protecting wildlife
They come to my front door, knock, knock, knock for my attention
A personal invitation right from my doorstep to join their congregation
And generally the same question they are consistently asked by me
“I think all killing is wrong, tell me, do...
Thursday 31st December 2020 6:34 am
Blissful Cliché
Follow your bliss so they say,
many a truth spoken in cliché
Do something to amaze you,
inaction really is so passé
Sunday 27th December 2020 3:23 pm
Beyond Trying
Try, try and try again can be oh so trying
Endlessly trying, yet never really achieving
“At least I gave it a go, I tried” is wishy washy
Trying is hardly committing, whatever may be
Trying offers an opt-out clause at some point
“Giving it a try” guaranteed to disappoint
Any road to achievement in life is rarely linear
Which way forward oftentimes a little unclear
Got ...
Wednesday 23rd December 2020 7:58 am
The Universe Hears
Energy we put out into the Universe
Boomeranging back at us in reverse
Negativity ensuring more negativity
Positivity ensuring more positivity
This eternal choice for humanity
Time to take personal responsibility
Attending to thoughts and what we say
They create our reality every single day
Thursday 17th December 2020 9:03 am
Internal Liberty
Think deeply about your ideal utopia
Designed from life’s eternal cornucopia
Perfection as you always secretly dreamt
Going to bed at night in deepest content
Finally be honest with yourself here and now
Invest quality time in an internal powwow
Cutting straight through the trivial and fake
Clearly seeing the path you need to take
Need to find that dream to make i...
Tuesday 15th December 2020 9:53 am
TheTime Is Precisely Now
Think about what you ate yesterday for lunch
really focus on it with all the power of your mind.
See it and feel it.
Strongly imagine you can taste it.
The flavours stimulating your taste buds.
The aroma filling your senses.
Next bring to mind a favourite childhood meal. Something you looked forward to every single time you knew it was on today’s menu.
In the same way, pi...
Sunday 13th December 2020 8:24 am
I would like my naked toes to caress a field of poppies
to dance; a fine expression of freedom and happiness.
to look up at the clear blue skies
and listen to the sound of singing birds
in the midst of wonderful harmony.
For time to stand still, a chance to inhale
To truly take in life, and the precious moments it can hold.
Thursday 10th December 2020 3:45 pm
Chitter Chatter
Chitter chatter please cease
Give the world some peace
Inane pointless natter
Gossip radio patter
Careless words spoken
Constant stream unbroken
Robotic online meetings
Texted unfeeling greetings
“How RU, RU well?”
Feels like I’ve died and gone to hell!
Can we not really talk anymore?
Truly communicate…I implore!
Look past the superficial
Surely will be benef...
Thursday 10th December 2020 9:45 am
Rhododendrons And The Hudson River
Unexpected botanical specimens appreciated as we wait
Rhododendrons growing wild, well untamed at any rate
We want to see it after dark, adding textures, night views
Navigated Hell’s Kitchen, towards our Liberty Cruise
Flowers near the ferry office, she takes photos up close
Standing back I admire her, a poem in my head I compose
The tour starts, Liberty awaiting our pleasur...
Wednesday 9th December 2020 9:43 am
Perceptions Of Reality
Our perception of reality
Our place in the world
Reality bubbles
Peering outward
From fathoms deep within
Sometimes overnight
Maybe a lifetime
Or more than one
Dismantle our own bubble
Take a good long look at you
Then the world
Created around and within us
Transformation underway
Awakening from spiritual amnesia
Monday 7th December 2020 4:25 pm
The Possible Image
“Labels can make or break us”
The topic for today “discuss”
“Good boy you’ve eaten all your dinner!”
Early learning, clear my plate and I’m a winner
“You’ve got to look smart to visit Nana and Grandad”
Ahh, so wearing my pyjamas all day then is bad?
“Pay attention in class, stop sitting there daydreaming”
How can imagination be wrong, my inner voice is screaming
Thursday 3rd December 2020 8:44 am
Art on 5th Avenue - The Guggenheim
Walked through Central Park along 5th Avenue
Destination we’d read so much about coming into view
Standing back gaping at the alien architecture before us
Incredible building, sallying forth anticipation all abuzz
Worth the entrance fee to simply look upward inside
Enough procrastination, let’s go see art, we decide
Never given much thought to Van Gogh not strictly my scene
...Tuesday 10th November 2020 9:52 am
Where It All Began
Revisiting childhood memories
Going back…right back to where it all started
I’m a writer now
They enjoyed my stories then
My first venture into the education system
Northenden, South Manchester
Now I’m back again after all these years
Or is it a moment?
Difficult to be sure…can we ever be sure?
The performance and an audience anticipates
They arriving fashionably earl...
Friday 6th November 2020 7:25 am
Every Day A Celebration (even the 5th of November!)
Remember, Remember…the what of November?
Was sure there was something…try to remember
Dates in a diary reminders of significance
Sure there was something...just think perchance
Perchance to think…or was it sleep?
Or is perchancing to think altogether too deep?
Ahhh good old computer the answers I seek
To google or not? I’ll just have a peek
November is Vegan Month…hurray!
I’m writing this...
Thursday 5th November 2020 4:12 pm
The Jacket
Her most treasured possession
Veritably threadbare
Once brown
Now no longer
Original colour faded out
Existing only in memory
As he does now
Her adored Grandpops
Three years since he passed away
His jacket
The one he wore come rain or shine
Became hers
Only hers
And the emotions
Which came with it
She wore it every day
Thursday 5th November 2020 10:12 am
Now Truly Living
With pure open heart
Negativity can now depart
In beauty to be walking
Inner voice talking
Cleansed, feeling whole
Mind, body and soul
Harmless ways of living
Caring and easily giving
Projecting what’s inside
All eyes open wide
It’s easy to really fathom
It’s about Love in every atom
In every action, every thought
The still point that is sought
Tuesday 3rd November 2020 9:13 am
George Inspirational
Brainwashed by white noise
Brainwashed marketing ploys
Brainwashed by the masses
Brainwashed in the classes
Brainwashed out of thinking
Brainwashed into sinking
Brainwashed blocks the soul
Brainwashed no longer whole
Brainwashed by the day
Brainwashed work for pay
Brainwashed pay the bill
Brainwashed makes us ill
Brainwashed see them walking
Brainwashed eatin...
Saturday 31st October 2020 7:29 am
Now Is The Time
The most wonderful way to experience all the magic
The magnificence that is called life
Is to live in the now.
For the is the only reality
Friday 30th October 2020 6:58 am
She loved the Summer of Love
Transcendental meditation
Psychedelic art
Dylan and Donovan
Travelled with her into this new decade
She had discovered her real self
In that latter part of the 60’s
Now feeling a little out of time
But optimistic for the future
She had a child now
Born into this incarnation as the Summer of Love began
Raising him according to he...
Thursday 29th October 2020 7:56 am
Jacques Brel Would Be Shocked (Amsterdam)
Waiting to be shocked
Well perhaps a bit
Glimpsing the wild side of life…for a little while
Train station looks remarkably ordinary
Still…the city awaits there!
Follow the people to excitement
They turn right from the exit
In their wake we go
Hey, this can’t be right?
M & S, BHS and H & M
We could be anywhere!
Amsterdam is wild, everyone says so!!!
...Wednesday 28th October 2020 7:23 am
Never Meet Your Heroes
Melting clocks
The memory persists
A moment of genius
Pure sublime
And yet so much more
Inspired so many childish artistic endeavours
My tentative ventures into art
Immortalized in my paint
Still the memory persists
Drawing me in
To see
Needing to see
Reach out into the painting
What was the artist feeling?
Could I feel it too?
Monday 26th October 2020 7:34 am
Eyes Open Wide
With purest open heart
Negativity now depart
In beauty walking
Inner voice talking
Cleansed, whole
Mind, body, soul
Harmonious living
Smiles easily giving
Complete inside
Eyes open wide
Still point that is sought
All actions all thought
Transformation undergo
To understand, to know
Truly deeply fathom
Love in every atom…
Taken from A Healing For...
Tuesday 20th October 2020 12:30 pm
I Will Not Bow
I am not broken
I am stronger than you can imagine
I am not giving up
I do not know the meaning of the word
I am no failure
I have come too far to give up
I am my light
Now you can watch me shine
Because life is about taking a risk
Moreover, the risk is what it is all about.
I am not alone
If you do not know what this means
Then I pity you
Thursday 15th October 2020 10:53 am
Quantum Stairway
Stood on the middle step of the stairs
Ascend or descend?
Eternal decision to make…
Friday 18th September 2020 2:55 pm
Keep In Mind
You have to move forward in the world
Because no one else will
Keep pushing yourself or time will remain still
Make efforts to get where you want to be
It’s not hard, all you have to do is believe
It won’t take just words, you need action
In life, doing nothing won’t have a reaction
All opportunities will pass by if you waste your time
You’re on a path to you futur...
Thursday 17th September 2020 8:15 pm
This Poem Is Not Mine
Inspiration and then the compelling need to write
Words coming from I know not where
Flowing through my hands to the page
Acting as a conduit for universal creativity
Getting out of my own way
This poem is not mine
An expectant audience awaits the troubadour
Do I get nervous before a show they often ask?
My response is consistent “no, never”
You see I am merely a co...
Friday 11th September 2020 10:19 am
wanna be like a tree
throw big shade
save the energy
remember who got you made
they tell secrets of old
you wanna lob stones
instead expose
your own buried bones
air your dirty laundry
bare your soul publicly
once you tell your secrets
won't be more to read
or to post socially
ignore what they say
take their power away
don't clap back
you're better than that
Wednesday 12th August 2020 12:37 pm
Living Within Love
Intuiting multi-dimensional truths
The art of being
Harmonious communication with every atom spiralling
The highest vibrational energy
Illuminated pathway
Intuition followed
Emotions guiding
Existing beyond dimensions
Being love
Living love
Limitless within love
Sunday 9th August 2020 4:22 pm
Last Train
Just as we think we have reached the end
Seemingly no way forward
All options apparently exhausted
I am reminded of train number 48624
Fallen out of use
Abandoned to the scrapheap
Or so it seemed
One winter’s day in the nineteen eighties
Stood facing into the icy wind
As with frozen fingers I take a photograph
Preserved for posterity now
This relic of a former...
Monday 3rd August 2020 8:32 am
Mirrored Imagination
Look into the windows of my soul
As I study the windows of your soul
All at once reflected to me
Portal to your higher self
Monday 27th July 2020 3:17 pm
bud of
from the
when pickins'
are slim
on my lips
a tang
of raw
sugar cane
in the tall
a reap of
invested in
left over
nothing was
but the
burning moss
out of
the fire
built my
for low hanging
life's a
candy store
have keys
to the door
Saturday 18th July 2020 2:24 pm
Are You Ready?
Spend your life dreaming about trivia and that's what you end up with
Make your dreams big ones...big, bold and in glorious technicolour
Paint them across your imagination and go wild.
And if the dream is possible, however remotely, there is a good chance the way will be made available to achieve your dream.
It will happen...the choice is then much do you want it? and how brave do ...
Friday 17th July 2020 1:16 pm
Endless Possibilities
Confidence comes from self-knowing
Knowing is to journey within
Within is the source of all wisdom
Wisdom is to truly master life
Life is about self-knowing
Knowing oneself is growing
Growing is the true path
Paths all lead to inner wisdom
Wisdom is an acceptance
Acceptance is to know oneself
Oneself the true source of knowing
Knowing yet never knowing all
All ...
Saturday 11th July 2020 7:17 am
What About Me?
I see them
Seeking a bluer sky
Those streets seemingly paved with gold
A charmed life looked at from a distance
What about me?
I am grateful to waken this morning
Another day of possibilities
I make my reality
Wednesday 8th July 2020 8:47 am
Tales To Tell
Fine jester in the court of noble king
Telling his stories in songs to sing
If he didn’t please, he’d lose his head
Which would leave him feeling pretty dead
Music hall orator his tales shared
Before his audience his soul he bared
Needing to be fit, fast on his legs
If unliked he’d be pelted with eggs
Before them stood the poet tall
In tradition of jester and m...
Monday 6th July 2020 9:30 am
Some People
Some people take themselves terribly seriously
These people are to be avoided at all costs
Apparently, they give off toxic fumes…
Some people only like the sound of their own voice
These people are to be avoided at all costs
Apparently, their ears are malfunctioning…
Some people have their headphones so loud all can hear
These people are to be avoided at all costs
...Sunday 5th July 2020 8:37 am
Observed On My Travels
There it sits nailed to its tree
So long after the event…so long
A statement of intent to make
And yet the message was lost to me
Sadly, lost within their ignorance
Here we have a living thing
It has lived longer than you or I
Vital for our survival…essential
Wounded, yet still very much alive this tree
And how one rusty nail speaks volumes
As it holds it’s now faded ...
Saturday 4th July 2020 7:45 am
The still point
Emanating inner calm
Transcendent understanding
Absolute power
Never seen
Yet tangible
Impossible to know
Yet all knowing
Yet in everything
Wisdom pervading
Beyond logic
Poise naturally
Elegant actions
Serenity deep within
Attuned to source
Spiritual warrior
Advocate of peace
Thursday 2nd July 2020 11:22 am
The Dawning of Understanding
So many feel the need to fight
Living life without inner light
Why do so many appal
Simple fact that Love is all
My desire all lost souls see
Potential for all they can be
Life make of what we will
Finding our own truths until
Our future to be shaping, moulding
Parallel with our learning unfolding
Emotional balance only natural
Sunday 28th June 2020 9:20 am
Nature Freely Gives
Jack In The Green awakens from his slumber
Spring is upon us, nature in all her wonder
Gaze in awe of rebirth, renewal, fertility
Stood deep in the forest, deep within tranquillity
Robin Goodfellow his mischief to perform
Souring milk, trampling crop circles from fields of corn
Tripping those who into the green wood unwary tread
Laughing, yet another traveller away from p...
Monday 22nd June 2020 8:29 am
The Same Thing Anyway
Our perception of reality
Our place in the world
Reality bubbles
Peering outward
From fathoms deep within
Sometimes overnight
Maybe a lifetime
Or more than one
Dismantle our own bubble
Take a good long look at you
Then the world
Created around and within us
Transformation underway
Awakening from spiritual amnesia
Sunday 21st June 2020 7:55 am
So Many Words
So many words
Words of threat
Words of bullying
Words of thoughtlessness
Words can crush any potential
So many words
Words of encouragement
Words of support
Words to lend a Loving hand
Words can move any mountain
Friday 19th June 2020 9:13 am
Art Of Being
To fathom all the depths
The art of being
Harmonious communication with every atom spiralling
The multi-dimensional way of truth
The river so to carry
Intuition intelligence
Emotional maturity
Existing beyond dimensions
Simultaneously exuding love
Living within love
Dean Fraser - The Quantum Poet (
Wednesday 17th June 2020 8:13 am
Boots 1
The boots are quite small to fit small feet
They are pulled on before sunrise
Sleep being forsaken, for there is work to do
And being late is out of the question
The boots walked along the well-worn track
To the place of noise and danger
For another day of clearing cotton fluff
Dodging the scary machinery that could crush her in a second
The dirt and smell sometimes making ...
Saturday 13th June 2020 6:04 pm
The Shaman In The Park
He walks as he chants, feeling the grass beneath his feet
Smiling inwardly, he knows who he came here to meet
Sacred sounds reverberate, into air and within the ground
Soon it happens, by him they swoop, begin to fly around
Warmer weather is here, swallows confirming this
As by fractions of a centimetre our shaman they miss
Feeling his energy, chanting he continues, projecting lo...
Tuesday 14th April 2020 9:47 am
The Spark of Understanding
Why is it thought such a fight
Living life within the light?
Purely expressed feelings actual
Emotional balance is only natural
There never was anyone else to blame
Personal responsibility to now reclaim
Life being ours to make of what we will
Thinking purely, truths, freedom until
Our future to be shaping and moulding
Parallel with our learning unfolding
The spark of...
Tuesday 7th April 2020 8:21 am
Acting Upon a Dream
A vision of another time
Feeling the landscape
Reaching into the past
Mineral rich
Quarry his location
Seeking to communicate
Follow his intuition
Off the well walked track
Reading the ground
With closed eyes, he sees
And walks with purpose
Yes, it is just as he saw
Hidden under long grass
This hollowed out depression
He drops to th...
Sunday 5th April 2020 9:43 am
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