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Meditation (Remove filter)

Finding Himself in Nature

Deep in the heart of the forest

He lingers a moment to rest

He knows well his destination

Two hours meander his estimation

Finding the oldest tree of all, he hesitates

Sat, leant against the trunk he meditates


High within the mountain peaks

Within himself answers he seeks

All the world below somewhere

Quietly he finds his spot up there

Sheltered by cairn, thought...

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Solstice state of mind

Dissolved into the dark

Part of it all

At one

With winter

Everything has disappeared

Yet nothing

Is feared

For it's all the same

Not death

Nor riot

Just mind

At last


Now I let

The light

Back in

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Writing Moment

Finger and thumb

Wrapped around 

A pen

Wrote a few words

Full stopped.

Then started again

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Zen exerciseMeditationWriting

Ordinary Magic

The realisations that a bit of mindfully living in the moment can bring....


It's magical that we taste

There's magic in a touch

Magic surrounds all the things

Which we don't think of much


The splendour of our sunshine

Remarkable drops of rain

The miracle of each day

That we've awoke again


The greatness of those blades of grass

That grow beneath our feet


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Silent Light 

Hello silence, my old friend.
It's good to embrace you
once again.

No flashing phones.
No clashing tones.
No distracting memes.
No broken dreams.

Just breathing in gratitude,
marinating the moment,
exhaling ego,
connecting to the prophet within.

Listening, learning, loving, 
by the naked light you bring.

# # #

Image by Gerd Altmann...

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Take a walk on the wild side

Step from the road of the known into the wild of the unknown.

My guide, the divine pulling me 3 finger widths beneath my last known uplink.


Wonders of the world exist all at once, spanning the confines of time.

I visit myself as a child and young adult.

Give hope to the past, while gaining wisdom from the future.

Crude oil refined into the supreme.

Let's suffer together.


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What next?

Here I go, take a step onto the stage called life.

Finally awake for the first time. Fully present here and now. What a gift.

Hold onto your handlebars. 

I take this breath like dope.

Into my blood, down into the depths of my being.

Where being is seeing.

Like a probe searching for answers.

My feet carry my swiftly as I walk.

Rooted firmly in the earth, I am strong.


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