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Kerala Visit



kerala is peaceful and beautiful 
in all cases and places 
Keralite people are so cheerful 
I can read "welcome" on faces 


The Green Carpet of all guests 
and pure nature to enjoy 
generous people happily smiling 
at any time of any day 


Life in Kerala based on love 
and clear hearts for caring 
I love Kerala more than enough 
I'll come back sure for sharing 

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The Art of Choosing


Which is,
Which is not.
What should be,
What should not be.
How to be,
How not to be.
Who will be,
Who will not be.
Where to be,
Where not to be.
What is,
What is not.
To choose,
To choose not.

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Between the last customer

and morning light

in the parking lot of the Korean Gentleman's Club,

he picks lilacs for me.

Standing high against a warehouse wall,

these always bloom early, and 

he goes annually, covertly, in the still dark,

unsure of welcome by the

Korean Gentlemen.

He fills the car.


I imagine that damp, spring-scented ride home,

his fantasy of be...

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Dear Muse

Hide away 
if you must. 

I don't understand 
what prompts you 
to surface anyway. 

I will do like I always do,
show up on the page,
stumble through what 
I was put on earth to do,
share my truth.

I know even though you 
fly away again and again 
to do whatever muses do, 

you will come back, 
when I least expect
and light up my soul
with your beautiful words, 
like you alwa...

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destinyfateghostsjourneylovemusemusesnamastepoetrypromptssoulstarcrossedthe universewriters block

Pretty Messy Things

The poetry is pretty perhaps,

And some may appreciate the aesthetics

While being put off by the messiness

Of the content, preferring a tidy theme.

And maybe you could clean it up

A bit to avoid making the prigs uncomfortable.

Say something about flowers by the seaside,

For example, and let us forget people have sex.

And let’s forget about messy conflict

In relationships,...

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Love Lessons

He loves her but, 
she loves him,
but he loves the mirror 
like his lost love loves selfies.

Adoration, pointing every direction, 
like weather vanes in a hurricane.

Each unware their 
love affair 
is bound to end. 

Love lessons often repeat 
until we understand that 
real love begins within, 
then overflows to others, 

making the circle of love 



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agapedestinylost loveloverelationshipsself loveSelf-awarenessself-esteemsoulmatestwinflame

The First Night We Met

You watched from behind

As I swayed to the music

The first night we met


No network coverage

To cover and color time

The first night we met


No calls to remind

Us that we’re not wild and free

The first night we met


You called me “beauty”

While I saw beauty in you

The first night we met


Nineteen-twenties jazz

Silent phones, no texts, and you


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haikuslovelove poetrylove poems

Love, Me

Beautiful dreamer

take solace with me

and a soft melody.

I will soothe you,

woo you,

set your spirit free.

You are never alone 

when you love me. 



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Gilded Cage

Time after time 
I give you another chance
to prove you still care.

You respond with 
the venomous bite
of a rattlesnake.

How much more 
poison can I take

before I am consumed 
by the same dark spirit
that possesses you?

I know I should run
far away

but I have convinced myself
of the old cliche...

better the devil you know 
than the devil you don't.

I know what to ex...

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comfort zonedarknessdevillovepassionpoisonrelationshipssoultoxic relationships


Through my bleeding heart I cry

My eyes only seeing red

Silent tingles through my body I see you

I see my once happiness through your eyes

My body begins to overheat

But then you speak

Your words feeling as a bandage taping up my heart

I see clarity

In order for me to reach normal temp again

I must forgive

Being angry you consume a lot of pain

So tomorrow I will he...

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Broken heartslove


She sits in the dark wondering why

her loves seems to always die. 


Some are destine to succeed

they lead the parade of happiness. 


She wants to jump on a float

wave to the crowd


saying "I'm in love!"

out loud. 


But that dream is not near

instead far away


so she sits in the dark 

holding her heart

with empty hands. 

By Lynn Hahn

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thoughtful poemlove


I could write

a thousand poems

inspired by your dimples

and the shadows they create


Poems that you 

could never

would never

should never


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Dr. Love (or How I Learned to Stop Wallowing and Write Poetry)

By: Rodolfo Perez


Love is (sometimes) patient,

Love is (sometimes) kind,

And sometimes, love is a needle in the eye,

Or a kick to the groin.


It is a cliff-hanger,

With your mother waiting to catch you,

When you let go.


It is losing your voice,

From crying into your pillow.


It is real...

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I never sleep when...

I never sleep when

looking at you,


I never sleep when

counting your breaths,


I never sleep when

watching you dress,

when you serve a dish...

when you write a report...

or choosing wine...


I never sleep

when you're turning  a page...

when you're sitting astride...

when you're folding your arms and

pushing your toes into me.


I never sleep...

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Hold me while I fall apart

the little things I say as we sit by the waterside 

my memories start to slip away like the waves up on the bay 

 what is he who comes to my side?

all the bad things start to fade away 

take it away I say as he holds my hands

broken dreams, making plans 

hold me I’m falling apart

this feeling surely cannot last by the waterside  





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Walking in the rain, I’ve broken all the rules 

looking back I was such a fool 

come back inside you’ll catch a cold 

I fall back into that aggressive hold  

the storm will pass and we will grow old 

or say goodbye before the time passes you by  

nothing heals the past like time 

that’s if you don’t lose your mind  





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lovethink about ittime

I tried to write you a love song

I sat down to write you a love song

But I couldn't hear the music

Without you near.

I put down the pen,

Looked out the window

At the same sky you see

The same clouds you stopped in the street to watch

As they traveled across the sky.

You took my hand, I lifted my eyes

As the world passed by.

In that moment with

The wandering clouds

You wrote me a love song.



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Lovelove poemsLOVE SONG

Love in a pickup

In his dad's pickup

There to pick you up

You watched from your bedroom window.

He parked right where last year

The maple tree fell during a storm

And Dad called you down.

In a striped blue skirt and a navy sweater

You flew down the stairs

There he was, and together

You climbed into the pickup.

He gave you his hand

You were small, and it was high up.

After the mo...

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It's a Miracle, I Tell You

The staccato rain on the roof

The sudden parting of clouds


The silent worship of morning

The kettle's steamy clicking on the stove


The stellar jay defending the nest

The gang of crows flying off


The 100 bones of feet

The climbing of mountains


The slenderness of throat

The fullness of hymns on Sunday


The meeting of you

The knowing of me



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The far away

There is calmness when he is around.. 
An aura of warmth which is so alluring 
A balm of intimacy that pervades and surrounds 
Life is crazy and beautiful in thousand ways.. 
Slowly seeping into the core of my existences
He has filled my darkness with splendid rays
A connect felt so acute even from far off distances 

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The Day Full of Warm Fondling

trailing the sun all day
always present your shadow
there is worry about
swinging in this chest
when I can't help you load

imagine your rhythmic day is not easy
should we be together with the ocean
take waves of restless storm ripples
although you don't have to
give up thousands of beatings

realize I'm just here
to accompany your heart
I accept your frustration
to reduce your anxi...

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Bring Back the Pin Up

I was a sexual woman

I was…

Until my consent and its importance,

I was robbed of.

This is the year where-

I rediscover her

In my coven

Friend to friend

My witchy woman tell me how to be-

A proud feminine,

Love bug again

I know, I know!

I will observe you in your glory

Take notes, mimic my old self and copy-

My memory

When i was classy, polite and dressy...

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Hilton Garden Inn

Hilton Garden Inn

I looked into those eyes

I felt home,


When your voice leaves your lips,

I wanted to hush them with a-


Invite you to my hotel to write

Gaze at your profile and that perfect jawline,

Trace your hands with a gentle touch,

Confess my love.

But, I pretend I am just a fan.

I await your arrival

Year after year,

Like a loyal dog.


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Talking to my Tummy

Butterflies escaped my belly button

Maybe it was that I was too cold to feel nervous

A race horse inside her looped track

For being cool and real comes easier than-

Smiling and faking my personality

Like so many have told me to be.

If everyday was an interaction with the same-

Artists or like minded,

My life would be a giant inspiration.

People like me,

It seems,


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Mother's Wings

My fluttering monarch wings aren’t a show of-


Rather a defect of being denied it,

Here again after I thought happiness found-


Your northeastern chill demeanor

An icicle that stabbed my heart and your weapon-


I’m still standing and like cupid with his arrow

I’m bleeding all of you.

I never said I wanted it to be easy hue

Of a dark blood red love.


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The Beast is Me

This is absolute codswallop

my aura remains infectious

it moves in waves

it's fluctuant

and yet I evade another performance of mine-

like a shirk.

When i should be competitively ruthless  as a shark

but, like a snake I slither away unnoticed

Typical Erin the artist a renowned flake

As a starving artist I feel it's my obligation to give the-

audience one hell of a perf...

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