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Art of my dreams

You are the art of my dreams. 

The muse of my thoughts 

and the sweetness of my soul. 

a gentle aura surrounding mine 

sending messages through the skin and bone 

what a funny way to live, 

what a peaceful time 

to be alive. 

to dare what is romance between the reality of life and visions

to desire not only a life 

but two paths in one.

-G. N. D. 

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Something has changed,

Not in the usual way:

The natural adjustment,

The evolution of life.

No, this something,

It's foreign to my mind.

Oh wanderer of new lands,

On an unwalked path.

As fog clears,

Unveiling the whole trail,

"X" marks the spot,

The same spot it always has.

But this journey

To meet it,

It was written in invisble ink,

Only to appear


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new lovevulnerabletrustnew beginnings

Friends of many faces

Friends of old, friends of new
Friends who want to help you
Friends of penny, friends of wealth
Friends who're ill, friends of health
Friends of knowledge, friends of wisdom
Friends who are your support system
Friends of youth, friends of age
Friends who free you from your cage
Friends of love, friends of mutual hate
Friends who are early, friends who're late
Friends who are near, friend...

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friendsfriendshiphappinessloveneed each othernew friendold friendtrust

Parts of You

I want a smile

That appears unknowingly.

One that spreads across his face,

Like the sunset in the sky,

Every time he hears my name.


I want eyes

That won’t turn away

When I show my scars.

Ones that can see

Through the walls I put up.


I want a voice

That will support me

And encourage my dreams.

One that knows what words

Will bring me back to realit...

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I built my walls,

Denying their existance,

Defending them,

When I no longer could.


I grew comfortable,

In my self created,

Safe Space.


No one could hurt me,

'Cause no one could get in.

Couldn't learn to rely on them,

'Cause I couldn't trust them.


But you,

With you,

Everything's different.

Everything seems

So much easier.

The clench,


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The Paranoid

There are moments in life where people will think your paranoid,

For what you see is not friends but enemies.

Those are the times where you must say...

"Who you see as friends with bright colors,

I see as enemies with dark hues.


To be aware,

To be cautious,

Is not a paranoid thing to do.

It is simply knowing who to trust,

When the times get tuff,

When all you nee...

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Fifty miles apart

Texting seems further apart

Responding is like driving

Not feeling any closer, even though technology plays apart

Bratty I am

Possessive I’m not

We aren’t that many years apart

Mature thoughts speak with me

Showing interest and do want me

We don’t say much

Turtle motions travel cross our keys

Delayed response

Face to face

Infinities of words


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Trust Is A Fickle Thing

Ever hear the phrase

“Keep your friends close but your enemies closer”?

Friends know your weaknesses,

enemies can exploit them.

Being a roommate is different than a friend

You trust your friend

You might trust your roommate at first glance

I did

I regret that decision

Living in close quarters can cause a ruckus

but not as much as disloyalty and distrust.

Knowing a ...

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