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Peace Future Peace

Peace Future Peace

I live in a world where you fucked me over

Stole my wife who was a damn mover

Worst of all you shot my dog

Burnt my car out even if it was junk

You tattooed my name on your head

And stalked me over six US states

But I am smarter than you

For I exist in your head

And live in plain site

Defeat me?

I win…

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My Poor Ukraine

Nobody wanted to die,

Everyone wanted to fly,

To see each other and understand,

To live on our beautiful land.

But nobody hears the man.

Where is the one who can

Hear you and understand?

The one who would be fair

And always would take care.

I don’t divide men by the color,

But my patience became smaller.

 Instead of the nightingale trills,

I have to take the pr...

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One Hundred Years

The war to end all wars ended exactly one hundred years ago

That war failed in its objective of making war and bloodletting obsolete

Just like the bow and arrow is now outdated war was meant to be

The renderings of battle and conflict consigned to the history books

When children ask their parents: WHAT WAS WAR?


The answer should have started thus: Well child...

But that scen...

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Letters in Wartime

Letters in Wartime
Words on paper
Nothing more
Telling the story of a soldier
Or airman or sailor
Letters from the front
Sent home 
To a sweetheart
Or family
First read by the censor
Telling of longing to see you
And hardship in battle
Seen thru with determination
And a love of country
Fighting for them
The loved ones
Far from where
He is stationed
Saying about his mates
Some wh...

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We are at war


We are at war 

and I should not be calm.

We are on the battleground 

Holding our castles 

and guarding our rights and riches.


We, you and me, are at war my love 

And I should not find peace.



You and I built the bridges and burnt the forests 

You and I conquered the mounts and rode the vales

You and I ploughed the ...

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Cookie Lucky

Cookie Lucky

There goes a cookie

I'm feeling lucky!

Observed the RAF aircrew

When the huge bomb blew

An explosive filled dustbin

Made of little more than tin

Killing more damned Germans

The blame was all Herman's

Sending the Krauts to Hell

Sound of the final bell

Dead in their beds at night

What an awful Satanic fright

We gave them a real blitz

Enough to m...

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Defuse The Bombs

Defuse The Bombs

When the war was over there are many things left over

That never went bang and were there secretly hiding

The Germans defused them in many places 

And were paid in food and reduced sentences


Some new types of British bomb had a tricky fuse

Hans lost two of his friends to these tricky things

The fuse diagrams were held up at the docks

Was this on purpos...

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Real Life Nightmare

Every moment to fear,

Forever holding back internal tears.

Life- so complicated,

forever indecisive.

The world too big, too scary,

my mind so full of queries.

Never certain, never happy,

each decision could be deadly.

An escapes impossible,

every outcomes implausible.

Sinking under water,

Always being taken for a martyr.

The pain runs so deep,

Barely able to ...

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anxietybattlecomplicateddangerdarkdeepdesperationdestructiondrowningemotional painemotiveescapefearFrom the hearthopeindecisiveinternal battlemental healthmental health issuesmindnightmarepoetrypoetry and mental healthsanitysinkingsubconsciouswar

We crossed the line

We crossed the line so long ago
We crossed the line so long ago
it was never meant to be a constant battle
we were never suposed to go to war
that wasn't why we were put on this Earth
We crossed the line so long ago
We crossed the line so long ago
we were suposed to be a civilized race
the Human race
we were supposed to live together
peacefully, harmoniously
not tearing each other apart

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garnets and emeralds

garnets and emeralds
the pretty girl
puts on some blusher
from her compact case
on it is an image 

just like her

a pre-raphaelite print
this girl scans the sky
her eyes always above
she watches the planes 
go out and come back
for she counts them all

one by one

is her guy up there?
or is he missing?
she remembers him
and cares for his comrades
the girl who counts the plane...

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Blasted Backfires

Blasted Backfires

Digital beeping death tone

Radio net is up and running

Sailors die under enemy fire

Same with our soldiers 


Souls harvested to heaven

Or taken down down below

Whatever the reason or cause

Digital death tone keeps beeping


Beep pause beep pause beep ...

Missiles flying up up high

Soon to arc down and hit

Guess nobody killed the archers


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plane haiku

small nate was so high/huge cost is what it was then/lose death race crash fight

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Warhawk and Nate

Warhawk and Nate
The Warhawks took off and flew upwards
Like angry hornets looking for trouble
Covering the frail old biplane
A flying camera with brave crew
Tasked to look for enemy locations
Flying here and there warlanes they were
American flown Curtiss fighters
Guarding the Filipino crewed Stearman
On a mission of war in the second global war
The Japs were ready and scrambled planes

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Call me The Baron. My full name is Nicholas Arthur Armbrister. I bloody hate that name! Do you know how I feel? My first name used when I’m naughty. “Nicholas, you’ve had a new tattoo!”

You must be part German with a name like that. Say it slowly out loud:


They got images of Hitler’s panzers and Blitzkreig, Stukas and goose steps. No denying my heritage, I’m p...

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“Sir. They Hit the Wrong Town”

“Sir. They Hit the Wrong Town”
Ruth was concerned. Spitfire recon photos were the problem. Not the quality but something else. The target, it was wrong. Its street plan was different. Buildings, or what were once buildings, were different. What was wrong? Ruth thought. Do what thy will be the whole of the law. Do it right or it’s a cock up! What have our boys done?

She called her superior offi...

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She Defeated Death

She Defeated Death

She should have left the city when the chance was there.                                                                                       
Before the Nazis came, closing the noose.                                                                                                      
She has so many regrets, except on her actions.                                         ...

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We busted our balls 
To get up there
Over a kilometre high 
Where the warplanes live
And die a violent death
Meeting their end up above
On towering lonely slopes
As did Lt Stone and Sgt Kurosawa
On the same day seventy six years ago
To the day we went there
As others before had
For we had a job to do
The missing answer to find
To locate the remains of a lost pilot
Named Ston...

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War is some fine madness,

A tale of vanity's woe;

But from that great insanity

Can a greater sanity grow -

As successive waves of humanity

In their tides ebb to and fro? 

Is the cruel price of each sacrifice

The cost of what we must know?


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