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garnets and emeralds

garnets and emeralds
the pretty girl
puts on some blusher
from her compact case
on it is an image 

just like her

a pre-raphaelite print
this girl scans the sky
her eyes always above
she watches the planes 
go out and come back
for she counts them all

one by one

is her guy up there?
or is he missing?
she remembers him
and cares for his comrades
the girl who counts the planes
for she loves all the crew

not just pilots

as much as she loves her land
the girl who counts planes
how many failed to return?
there's a ring on her finger...




◄ Widow Maker

World Creation ►


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nick armbrister

Thu 3rd May 2018 06:21

thanx so much

<Deleted User> (18118)

Wed 2nd May 2018 21:57

Really enjoyed this one. Enigmatic.


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