emotions (Remove filter)

Lost Soul

Plagued by depression
on a blades edge reflecting.
He feel the cold steel caress him
soul peeled from presence now his ghost fill the heavens.
Bereft lady luck so he swigged liquid death,
push needle past flesh to rid evils banish stress.
Demons vanquish men a past hollowed by the pen,
hollow eyed again sparking up the stem
he prophesied at Zen.
Self destructive,
liquor burst the walls o...

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Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #11{Noiseless Silence}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #11} {Noiseless Silence}




The sound's

of the noiseless

silence that

ringings out

in their head's

like the


sound's off

that she's

dead `n` she

lays there in

the echoes of

hysteria `n` 

the noiseless

noise covered

her lifeless


body with the

darkness as

the amplifiers


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cure chiaricure mediary of the southern queendark poemsdark poetrydarknessdeathemotionsfeeling'sinvisible illnesseslifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpoempoetryTina Gloverwordy queenworldly inspirationwriting to write

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #2 {Sometimes}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #2} {Sometimes} 






I feel

lost in

this evil 


world we

have to

call home 










©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/08/2017 all rights reserved

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diary of the southern queenemotionsfeelingsinspired by our world around melifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpoempoetryquotestoriesTina Glover


By: Mirza Sharafat

Khushboo se mehakta aisa hi sansaar hota
ye mosam mere yaha har baar hota

tujhe manaana baar baar sirf hunar hai mera
tera roothna phir kis qadar dushwaar hota

tu kar chuka hai soda emaan ka, ehsaas ka
bawajood iske tu kabhi sharamsaar hota

fakhr e talwaar wo, qatil e kufaar hota
youm e ashoor hamrah Hussain ke Mukhtaar hota

tu haar chuka hai baazi Sharafat ki...

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spring seasonlongingsulkyemotionssentimentsashamedmuharramashuraimam hussainhazrat mukhtaararmybloodshed

I had that dream again...

I had that dream again...

You and me dancing on some random beach.

 I felt your hands on my thighs,

moving me gently with your warm eyes.

You were looking at me like if it was the first time, 

the first time of holding me with your warm hands. 

I remember it clearly now.

My head was resting on your chest,

I know you were smelling my hair and

playing with it just like y...

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A Poem for Every Night

Is there something wrong with me?

No forget it, don't answer.

I don't need the diagnosis,

There's no need to say it,

Not even a whisper...


As the moon rises, the sky darkens...

It can't be helped.

As the place grows dark and time passes,

In this quiet home,

I start to feel alone.


The sinking feeling starts...

It's only 9pm and I feel alone.

Who can I...

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The Shield

How can I say how I feel,

Describe words to you that you will understand,

If I myself don't understand...


There are days I just want to scream.

When all I crave is to be heard,

For someone to simply understand how I feel.

Someone who grabs my hand without needing to be asked,

Simply because I need to feel the support.


It is so easy for me to say everything's okay...

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Poetry mix


Time goes on

The world does too

Our Nature grows and dies

Our technology expands and flies

We manifest and destroy

To make ends meet

Even with passing days

We forget about the increasing heat

Or the decreasing ice sheets

Nothing seems important

To global tyrants and corporations

But money and power

At the cost of decreasing our showers

We accept it whic...

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My world was black and grey until I first seen you,
it was like all the sudden I could see the cosmos swirling around us,
My world was plain and simple until you came around.
I thought'd it was the light so I walked away,
there was no color,
only black and grey.

When I first bumped into you my world came together,
everything had a color.
I knew I loved you and I think you felt it too.

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A fathomable february day

first & the fair, leaves the bay

sweet reveries cherishable

welled-eyes, departing  ceremonial

bidding him farewell


© juhi gupte

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How can I tell her that I love her?

How can I show her my true feelings?

If the words “I Love You” are dwarfed compared to what I feel.

Not even all the jewelry and roses of the world could equal her beauty.


How can I describe to her?

That every time I see her my surroundings cancel out.

She is my center of attention,

That for her my heart aggressively pounds.



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emotionalemotionsLovePoetryRomantic poemsromantic poetryUncertainty


In my times of tribulations,

Arrived my salvation.

One might think it was an angel,

It was, but in the form of a girl.


She brought light into my life,

My prayer of hope in the flesh.

Her name alone is a prayer,

That brings easiness to my heart and head.


She makes me be a better man,

She has taught me to trust and love.

With her eyes, she stops time.

With ...

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Emotions, carried by the wind,

Get through the mind,

Accumulate in heart - make me dependent.

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Season's gift

A zealous bird back to nest

Battles of skies fought

Some scores sought

Throughout the day

A wrinkled hand opens the door

I sneak in her shawl

Best season's gift

© Juhi Gupte

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New Year

Arranged all pictures

Of few compelled adieus

Some permanent reveries

Cherishing both

Welcome me new year!!

© Juhi Gupte

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