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Desirable Lust

{Desirable Lust}



Your sweet lust

holds me so pure

and can tempt

me from what

I do desire which

is you and the

unstoppable aching

from my body

needing the every

day light that I 

am feeling for you

and I am your

sex slave and I

will not never

stop lusting for

you because you

are my rare drug

that I cannot

stop lusting for

and tha...

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eroticlifelivingerotic poetrysexualdesirablelustingTina GloverpoempoetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glovereroitc poem

Baby No Hand's Needed

{Baby No Hand's Needed}



Baby no hands needed as I walk up on you then drop it to the floor in front of you while you are wanting to smack and grab my booty but I turn around saying no~no baby no hands needed as you are loving my rump shaker style because you are wylin on me while I'm dropping it like the newest stripper at the dance club classes shaking my salt shaker up and down rubb...

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desirableeroitceroitc poemerotic poetryfantasieslifelivinglovelustfulnaughty poemnaughty poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpoempoetrysexualsinfulstoriesthinkingthoughtsTina Glover

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