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Several times i was around you,

Several times in your heart.

You promised to love me forever,

And i did hold on to that thought.


So love hold me tight now more than ever,

Soon you will be gone and this time will be over.

Again there will be long days and lonely nights,

Without you being there by my side.


You will be far far away in the land of fire and fury,


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The Endless Pit

The crack of dawn, yet absent of light

Darker than the hours preceding

Only one could dread a new day

But it's a constant battle and endless fight

To rise from this dungeon

To enter this isolated Hell

The morning is slow, yet all too short

Lead weights on all limbs and eyes

No routine, but a mission

To begin each day, Only to distort

The true soul trapped inside


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Death; the dealer

of the final deck of life.

No hidden agendas,

just a cold slate to wipe.


With hand and sword

or rock and stone,

with shaft sailing deadly

through grey skies, alone.


The smarter the weapon,

the reaper delights

at a fulsome harvest

of terror and cries.


They split the atom

and split the odds,

they split the proceeds

but nev...

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Im sorry

Painful words thrown at my plate. 

Painful words filled with hate. 

No i love yous, i love you too. 

Everything i do bothers you. 

Time heals all wounds. 

Yet my heart was broken way to soon. 

Cant seem to find the way to tell you 

that your breaking me down it feels like hells soon to become.

my life. my world. my thoughts. 


I cannot find it in me to forgive y...

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The heat of a sultry summers day

and the news wasn’t good,

you were going away.


Vow’s made by the lovers brook

are just trickling memories

of a love that you took.


A heart that once was full of life

is now but an empty shell

on the edge of a knife.


A vignette, closing in on a world,

as into the deep dark abyss

my mind was hurled.


Dreams and g...

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The hands of time tick slowly by

as dawn breaks in a new day.

A nightmare reality of

the receding night lies marked,

like so many fading stars,

in the shattered glass on the floor.


Silken shards of sorry souls,

their lives now trapped

in a dream of what was then,

what is now and

what should never have been.


Each broken image,

a moment in time captured


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I've been lied to, setup, used as damage control, taken advantage of. thrown through your ringer and drowned in your crocidile tears. But you never knocked me down. Your sins against me, I wear them as armor.

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"It's like you built a mountain of cocaine for me to get addicted to but then you put me into rehab for snorting in one line."

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A crowded room

is such a lonely place,

wear a fragile mask

upon a weary face.


Everybody’s here

but there’s nobody there

and there’s nothing to do

except sit and stare.

The distant sounds

of joy and laughter

drifting like echoes

in dusty rafters.


As you slowly subside,

sinking way down low

and you're silently wondering

how far you can go.


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I've became so mad at myself for giving in

To what I want

Thinking it would be the greatest time

In my life

But oh no

What a dissappointment

I should have walked away

For you, to play a game that you hate being played.

Play in on me and my heart

Just to get the saticifaction of your unhealthy habit

Like you enjoy living in your dark habitat.

Like an animal holding ...

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Remember all the times we had?

Holding my hands in the wind

Listening to our music

I did what I could to make you proud

But don't you dare forget

How horrible you made me feel.

I gave you my life and soul

My heart in hand and everything that could be imaginable.

Just to break me on our anniversary.

And lead me on like a little toy of yours.

Remember when I...

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Pain was never my friend. He might sit with me for this moment, but in the end he never stay's. The manner in which he comes, is never a welcomed presence. He never knocks, or waits to be invited. I never know when he's coming or going. I push, and I pull, he tug's and he clings with all of his might. He leaves me, burning in agony. Pain was never welcomed company.

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10 Down to 1


Shaky fingesr slide over my 


New wounds and my 


Scars of hatred, with 


Pills. I long my


Horrible hours of


Screaming death wishes and


Shots to my head would make


Tears fall down from my


Eyes, hurting me still!


More day and I would of been swept away. 

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self harmrecoverypainsufferingloveit gets better


Where is my mind, At times I feel I scratch and claw just to find, I'm behind in the race eluded to the right pace, Same case different place, as my sorrows follow, Escape no longer option not sure if it ever was, Just a young man tryna to do what I must Yet I titter on the cusp, feeling like it's all a bust, How can trust what I know when everyone else seems to go.... Astray. Been t...

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HelplostPainemotionsletting go


Chaining smoking til my lungs are done, Chest pain come not sure if I can make it Trying to take this path to the dream I envisioned, Can't make the right decision I bailed now my life is in shambles I'm out here in socal dreaming of the bay, Looking for a way to construct these abstract thoughts, Onto the pad wanting it bad but finding it hard to make the ink spill, Attempting to leav...

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A fall in the Morning



The razor cold breeze whipped at the small child.

For the tall pines grew below the cliff—no help--

And offered their apologies in their own way,

Filling the air with their sharp centric scent

And swaying like an ocean of green in the wind.


But, that day, the boy could not tell trees from tears,

And he could not smell aught but what he tasted:

Just copper and sa...

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