nature (Remove filter)
The Bass (96)
Lagoon and aqua English blue.
Midget white horses roll with silver eyes.
Their hooves curling forward then crash,
as the surf storms in yards behind.
Tremors invade the sandbanks and gullies,
as the slack creeps in before.
This is the world of the sea perch.
The bass. Striking hard and hitting fast.
Armoured in silver and streaking shine,
as he terrorises the r...
Thursday 12th November 2015 9:26 pm
The leaves fall down
Why doesn't it make a sound ?
There is no need to frown
I'm not here to give your heart a wound
Look at the show, isn't it peaceful ?
Isn't that a reason to get cheerful ?
Wednesday 28th October 2015 7:21 pm
cats get in the way
Little men with little hats,
running with the bats.
over the hedge and under the fence,
dodging frustrated cats.
people call us gnomes. but thats not who we are...
were pixies born from guilded stars.
hearing mother nature call when all the leaves begin to fall.
sprinkling diamonds in woven webs on frosty mornings
when all thats green slumbers in its bed...
Thursday 15th October 2015 4:39 pm
The Possibilities
That day by the tree; with no one within sight; the sun cutting through the leaves and the sound of water close by. The way your hand felt in mine; how your kiss felt on my neck....These are the things that keep me hanging on to the belief that anything is possible; even love and all that comes with it.
Saturday 26th September 2015 10:27 pm
First, divide...
Weeds snake through the cracks
cramped stilled leaves beside
clot a crusted creek.
The silt turns past a corner
reflected in a straining noon.
Branches overhanging wilt
as in idle hours the flock come
scrutinise the work made waste,
and retrieve far flung
logs and stones, whittled fare
for time now dried.
And the passenger that crushed
dried leaf in ha...
Monday 21st September 2015 11:20 pm
On the Nature of Inspiration III
At a workspace in the reading room
Sits the youth engrossed in writing
In peripheral of mind and space
Onlook gravely the collected works
And weight of human history
Unrestrained by abstruse semiotic
Advances the uninducted
Through warnings of unheeded cipher
To pastures rarely trodden by
Adherents to the doctrine
Unheeding of imposing presence
Uninhibited by its stricture
The wo...
Monday 14th September 2015 11:48 pm
What sad weary eyes we have
that see, in all the world,
such poverty and pointless pain.
Would not the sunlight bathe upon it
if we simply look again?
For the eye of the beholder
may choose the depth of tint
we see, through a rose coloured lens.
A hint of fanciful forms,
as they filter the rays they sense.
From beneath the haze
of the shimmering sun,
Monday 27th July 2015 7:50 pm
As the sun peeps out
over misty morning hills
and the dawn chorus calls
with its piercing shrill,
the demons of the night
skulk slowly away,
a sidelong glance
at the few who got away.
He rises and stretches
and with sleepy eyes,
breathes a sigh of relief
and a laughing surprise.
The nightmare lingers
in his foggy mind
until a final shiver
leaves th...
Wednesday 15th July 2015 4:07 pm
I am being eaten alive
By the earth
The fire
And you
With terrifying speed
And abject reason
You have grown through me
My noble intentions
Left to burn
As I breathe my last
I can do no more
I never loved you
Thursday 9th July 2015 12:14 pm
The flickering light calls from
across the disused railway embankment
like a lonely beacon sending signals
into the misty grey dawn.
Quietly questioning a world
still wrapped in strong arms of slumber.
I consider sending an answer,
would that I understood its coded question.
I’m drawn into its intoxicating world by
the pulsating rhythm of its incandescent heart...
Tuesday 7th July 2015 10:15 am
June Solstice
The longest day of the year
in the Northern hemisphere.
The most Sun we experience.
For those seeking abundance
it’s a magical time – astrology says.
It has glorious beams and seeds
that you planted in spring
ripen and sweet fruit bring.
And here is a practical advice
that can’t be bought for any price.
Spend time in reflection and meditation
to understand the real world’s creation.
Monday 22nd June 2015 7:59 am
Gently caressed by the breath of the breeze,
branches sway atop tall lofty trees.
Restless leaves, to gnarled fingers, cling
wondering what freshness the new day will bring.
Hopping about on long leafy arms,
fluttering feathers displaying delicate charms.
Beautiful songbirds sing out their sweet melodies
in the grand performance of natures sweet harmony.
Bushy tailed...
Sunday 7th June 2015 10:17 am
Butterfly, flying free
Unaware of its destiny
Butterfly you are truly free
For yours is a path with certainty
You exist within the day
Falling victim to the night
But when the darkest hour comes
There is nothing, there is no fight
So as you flutter by my way
Without a single care
I envy you and your mortality
One such I cannot share
Wednesday 27th May 2015 7:26 pm
The Lady Black
The spider in her web,
Waiting the night,
Expecting love to come,
And slake her thirst.
She lies wrapped in
Chambers of silk,
And she lays her hand
Upon the windowsill,
Looking for her lover.
Saturday 4th April 2015 2:33 am
Blue Iris
On your royal blue wings
lies a small yellow river
of golden sunshine
Your eyes open up
and see the whole world
for all of its beauty
Next to you
you see a tall flower
and you move towards it
You can only go so far
before your roots hold you still
and cause you to fall
As your roots are pulled up
you are pushed down
...Friday 13th March 2015 2:44 am
The Kill
A butterfly flaps its wings,
A fluttering of wild intent,
As a wind stirs softly
Lifting up a fragile thing.
A fluttering of wild intent,
The mantis strikes swiftly
Lifting up a fragile thing,
Now it becomes dinner.
The mantis strikes swiftly
But fails to note the other
Now it becomes dinner
For a hungry forest frog.
It fails to note the othe...
Sunday 15th February 2015 8:01 am
Ice-Storm-Morning Sonnet
A sheet of ice on black pavement gleaming
As frost, settled on shrubs, illuminates
A white powder morning and activates
The sound of grass, underneath feet, crunching.
I with my twin brother wander, beaming
Along the path untouched, to what fascinates
The mind of two children and resonates,
Bridging the gap between awake and dreaming.
For brief moments the world was fr...
Sunday 1st February 2015 7:05 am
My Heart Is A Level Crossing
Does your heart stop
when confronted by beauty
Out walking on an autumn evening
a train intersects the low setting sun
crossing a bridge over the swollen river
our worlds' perfection is exposed
so clearly
And my heart stops
like a level crossing
my heart stops
in that moment
I take a breath
a deeper breath
reeling in that moment
let the beauty in
Saturday 24th January 2015 12:44 pm
In the mirror I see your face
In the birds I see your heart
In the clouds I see your mind
In the rain I see your tears
In the ocean I see your depth
In the trees I see your strength
In the rainbow I see your beauty
In the wind I see your breath
In the sky I see your soul
No insight sees deeper than no sight.
Wednesday 7th January 2015 3:30 pm
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