poetry (Remove filter)
Love hides in the gap
Between sleep and dawn
In the space under stairs
The air above skies
And the void below ground
Love is neither left nor right
Up or down, in or out
It will not be confined
Like a ship in a bottle
Or restrained like a horse
With bit and bridle
Love keeps no appointment
If you ever meet love
It will spring out
Friday 26th December 2014 3:18 pm
Losing Battle
War has been waged
Losing ground to an enemy
That all are doomed
To our core we are at war
Division to recruit
Ambush to conquer
Attack to defend
Absorption is defeat
It is hell on earth
Our force deteriorating
As we continue to wage
against this losing war
There is no peace
Even after death it continues
War is bounded to our core
A predetermination of cod...
Monday 22nd December 2014 12:15 am
Heart Felt
Originally posted on www.uink.ca
Heart felt condolences
Justifiy heavy heart soloists
Rhythmic pain strung
On your rusted strings
Chattering away my enamel
As it streaks across chalk boards
An ample echo of late
Nothing more I hate
To let a love song go to waste
The lyrics so meaningful
But not to the deaf ear
So I fear it was all for nothing
But it was something, to me.
By: UI...
Saturday 20th December 2014 3:49 am
In Chain, No
orginally posted on www.uink.ca
In chains, no
Yet freedom eludes
Bonded by no prison
Other than the one created
Following society ways
Mounting debt exudes
In chains, no
But maybe easier
Protected in prison walls
As to escape my own
To easy my worries
To mounting debt, explodes
In chains, no
Other than figuratively.
Monday 15th December 2014 6:28 pm
Sides of Deception
Orginally posted on www.uink.ca
Sides of deception;
Powers of corruption;
One nation’s view;
Historical moments recorded.
By the ones who won them.
The Propaganda Puppet corrupted.
Propaganda is a tool to fool a fool.
Its words spewed under fowl breath.
The iron fist prepares to force the mule....
Under the pressure of their head they work to death.
Burying t...
Sunday 14th December 2014 4:41 pm
Poem: The Manger Is Still Empty
Long ago, a Savior was born
and hidden within a humble birth;
covered with the cloak of humanity,
His presence impacted this earth.
Although we remember His birthday,
know that Christ is no longer a child;
He stopped being an infant, who was…
helpless, quiet, tender and mild.
He grew in strength and wisdom;
He demonstrated His holy authority;
He lived as He divinely taught;
He set t...
Thursday 11th December 2014 4:32 pm
Linear Measurement
Orignally posted on www.uink.ca
What is time?
Not natural an occurrence
Rather a manmade measurement
It goes tick, tick, tick...
A constant reminder; and
The measurement to sequential events;
From past to present and
Future events
A measurement flawed
Right from the start
As we are flawed
Never having enough
Always wasting it;
Throwing it away;
Burning it, killing it;
Wednesday 10th December 2014 12:02 pm
Orignally posted on www.uink,ca
Having a moment, where I am
Understanding the lyrics
for the first time,
The words resonate
what they meant to say; and
I'm left hear on repeat
repeat, repeat, re...
Reposition the headphones on;
Isolating the song;
Analytical break down
My opinion becoming undone
Everything I've seen
Everything I've been
A thread unraveling itself;
Leaving me naked...
Wednesday 10th December 2014 11:09 am
The Hill Runners (A New Poem)
The Hill Runners
Hill running is something you admire.
It’s in your blood, North Yorkshire’s
Moreish love of loneliness
How the heather heavy tragedy
Makes mountains sides romantic,
Peaks magnetic as a pole star’s pull.
I know you dream of them, those grim,
Uncomplicated, headlong men.
You can see heroic silhouettes –
Black dot specks on blue hillsides
Tuesday 9th December 2014 3:23 pm
When Genius and Insanity Hold Hands
Orginally posted on www.uink.ca
The brink of insanity is a stroke of genius;
Bounded by their thoughts and their passion
Conformity to no walls of impossibility;
They are the rock against the current rushing
Taking "No" for an answer, using creativity;
As the capacity that they will change things
They are the witches cast in the fires;
As if using dark magic to create blasphemy
Sunday 7th December 2014 11:26 pm
An Edge
Orginally posted on www.uink.ca
So that I don't fall
Distracting me from my intentions
Just talking, telling me what I want to hear
Intentivly listening showing me affection
Telling the things I did need to hear
"I'm here for you"
I feel the effort of you wanting to reach out
But it was at this moment
I cry for help, before anyone would notice
How are people too ...
Thursday 4th December 2014 4:58 pm
Poem: By His Grace
By His grace, we are wonderfully saved;
know that we shall live… beyond the grave.
Through Salvation’s gift, our sins are waived
and upon His palms, our names are engraved.
Faith doesn’t spring from human nature,
nor is it something that we can nurture.
In His efficacious grace, we can be sure -
for Truth is borne out, within the Scriptures.
Author Notes
Loosely based on...
Thursday 4th December 2014 3:30 pm
Poem: Colored People
Do you realize that races are overrated,
since God is no respecter of persons?
Colored perceptions of hatred and bigotry
may ultimately destroy our existence.
Who needs people that:
• Lack brotherly love and respect for others
• Lust for power, wealth and domination
• Lack vision and purpose
• Lack maturity and wisdom
• Have attitudes of superiority
• Are poor in spirit
• Lack ...
Thursday 4th December 2014 3:28 pm
Poem: Golden Rule
I’m gently reminded of an old lesson,
that takes me back to Sunday School;
something, we’ve seem to have forgotten,
is living by the Bible’s “golden rule”.
For walking in God’s, true Love
towards others is always fashionable.
Remember! He has promised us strength
to operate under His “Christian label”.
When abiding by the principles of His Word,
we are able to treat others properly.
Thursday 4th December 2014 3:25 pm
In the Snow
This was orginally posted at www.uink.ca
This was inspired by the song "Let it Snow", still the same kind of up beat feeling. Enjoy.
Well the weather is making me spiteful.
Even if it looks delightful.
I still don't want to go.
In the snow, the damn snow, the damn snow.
It has been falling all day;
I can't seem to get a break....
I wish I had no where to go.
But I do, in the sno...
Monday 1st December 2014 3:55 pm
Sitting in amongst the crowd;
Wallowing in my anxiety
Head phones on, drowning out sounds;
That echoes everyday, in the crowds
Watching them carrying on, life absently
Music allowing me to push pause; and
Remove myself, to reclaim individuality.
Here I can be myself and create
Orginally posted on www.uink.ca
Where anxiety is not so real;
I am a mystery as I breath
Taking my surro...
Monday 1st December 2014 3:37 am
Fate Understanding
orginal posting on www.uink.ca
How to comprehend, events of late;
Trying to understand, can you explain;
Why we must smite our enemy
through greed, fear and fate;
I'm simple man, use plain words;
Creating a world in this state;
Elusive to the bigger picture, guessing;
Not meaning to ignorant, but simpler;
To be secluded to what's happening;
Grasping concepts hurts to understand mate;
Sunday 30th November 2014 3:50 am
when you leave,it all remains
The strength that comes in With the desires in the heart Expectations break the mirage Of the dream's picture paintin' Hold on to it something whispers The heart pounds when it sees The reality,the beauty, It's a dream,walk in clouds slippers It's a confusion,should i believe? It's true or not. Your picture that i painted,i can't heave Put it safe,somewhere away,and safe a lot. T...
Thursday 27th November 2014 5:28 am
Poem: God Within
Though Life can be extremely difficult
and experiences can deeply traumatize us,
we can learn to control how we respond -
as demonstrated by our Lord, Christ Jesus.
For He alone is the hope of our glory;
when we show genuine, jubilant enthusiasm,
we naturally exhibit that “God is within”;
thus, we’re able… to bridge sin’s chasm.
This separation from God can be overcome
with daily pray...
Wednesday 26th November 2014 4:10 pm
Poem: Transforming Power
The foolishness of Jehovah is…
wiser than the intellect of Mankind.
The overwhelming evidence is available,
by examining the thoughts of His mind.
Some may ask: “How is that possible?”
By reading and studying His Holy Word.
The Scriptures were divinely inspired
and in the hearts of men were stirred.
Love conquers all, from the “inside out”,
by the piercing of the human heart.
For Lov...
Wednesday 26th November 2014 4:07 pm
Poem: Toxic Doctrines
Are your ears being tickled?
Is your soul’s carnality being fed?
Are you running on the wrong path?
Are you blindly being led?
What is your theology?
What do you really believe?
Where will you spend eternity?
Does The Word match… what you perceive?
Continually, out of your mouth,
the desires of your heart flow;
understand your true motivation;
move beyond the Church’s status quo.
Wednesday 26th November 2014 4:04 pm
There was a great ditch
And an avenue of trees
Leading directly
From the busy town
To the cemetery’s silence
Ornate gates sick with rust
Relics of grander times
When they marked the way
To ancient Plascrug
Back and forth we jumped
Across the weed choked water
There was a Scout Hut
Near a playground
A row of park benches
Where we sat i...
Friday 21st November 2014 6:57 pm
Poem: Intellectual Postulations
Sadly, there are many intellectual postulations
that are well meaning, but fatally flawed.
One can only end up with an unholy mixture from…
combining Man’s religious views with God’s Law.
Beyond the constraints of the mental realm,
the human template of thought cannot contain God.
Yet after more than two thousand years of Church,
lessons are still not learned; so it’s not odd…
to see a...
Thursday 20th November 2014 3:21 pm
Poem: These Earthly Things
Lord, the possessions of Earth
have no permanent grip on my soul;
help me to focus solely on You,
knowing that everything else will fade…
into the background, from my view.
Lord, the knowledge of Your Kingdom
has been slowly seeping into my spirit;
my heart longs for new songs to sing.
Help me to absorb more of Your ways,
while I forget about… these earthly things.
Author N...
Thursday 20th November 2014 3:14 pm
Locked behind Xanax bars; trapped between the ocean and stars
I lie
To rot away the life I have been given; to choose a life of opposition
For Unless one happened to stumble upon a key; I couldn't be, I know not what she
believes, only that through the drugs she sees
Through storms we sailed, across the ocean without fail, with glowing eyes that impale she is sure to turn heaven fro...
Friday 14th November 2014 1:19 am
Poem: Vastness of the Kingdom
How can mortals completely envision heaven?
Exploring the fullness of what we’ll see,
will surely take many human lifetimes,
in order to take in… all things of eternity.
Whatever God has prepared for us -
conceived from infinite possibilities,
the sight of its beauty lies beyond our mental grasp,
whose description, exceeds one’s vocabulary.
What is the secret name reserved for me?
Thursday 13th November 2014 4:28 pm
Poem: Oasis
O Lord, my spirit is weakened and parched,
from trudging through this present wilderness.
Send down on me Your abundant showers,
which are scented with Christ’s righteousness.
Transform the dry soil of my life;
please renew my strength and sustain me;
let my joy bloom once more with Your splendor;
keep my eyesight focused solely on Thee.
Rescue me from the encroachment of ignorance;
Thursday 13th November 2014 4:26 pm
Poem: Chaff Removal
Oh my Lord, once again I’m before you,
begging that You sift my heart.
Insure the chaff of my life is blown away,
while allowing the kernels of Your truth
to be planted in me, for the purpose of bearing…
spiritual fruit that delights You.
The door of my heart has been unhinged;
You may enter my threshing mill anytime –
even if You need to wake me.
Lift me up and shake me without ceasing,
Thursday 13th November 2014 4:24 pm
Words of Darkness and Light (2nd edition)
In 2012 I self-published my first collection of poems Words of Darkness and Light.
On Sept 15th 2014 Words of Darkness and Light was published as a revised/edited 2nd edition by Thynks Publications (40 revised/edited poems from original collection plus 8 new poems) http://www.thynkspublications.co.uk/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/1900410761/ref=dp_olp_new_mbc?ie=UTF8&co...
Saturday 8th November 2014 6:58 pm
Poem: The Full Beauty of Thee
Lately, life has been rough and coarse;
how have I strayed off course?
Be my light and show the way,
for You alone are Love’s real source.
O my Lord, please touch me
with Your spiritual purity!
Open my eyes, that I may see…
the full beauty of Thee.
Cure me of my blindness,
as I wander in this wilderness;
meet me where I am,
with Your loving kindness.
O my Lord, please touch me
Thursday 6th November 2014 5:47 pm
Poem: And God Spoke!
Frankly, it’s still seems quite odd
to debate the religion of Science
with regard to the existence of God.
Within the vacuum of deep space,
we know that there was an invisible force
that caused the “Big Bang” to take place.
Calculating the Universe’s starting point
can’t explain “why” we’re here on this planet,
despite pretty charts and graphs of datapoints.
Principles of Science ca...
Thursday 6th November 2014 5:45 pm
Poem: Embryonic Ideal
How can I change the World that I see,
unless I’m willing to begin with me?
Sharing the Word via the use of Godly platitudes
fails to work with the wrong heart’s attitude.
As human, we’re all inherently flawed;
we all need God’s grace and to not be judged by His law.
Although the world is in a hurting mess,
there's help available for these times of distress.
We have within us the ability t...
Thursday 6th November 2014 5:42 pm
Poem: Sator Squares
It’s very surprising that “SATOR Squares”
seem to appear everywhere
the mighty Roman army had gone;
can they together, really belong?
Can anyone else see
inside this puzzle’s mystery?
It’s been learned that it’s not a game
and a truth, always remains the same.
Known is the square’s earliest evidence –
Can it be a mere coincidence,
that it was found in a retired soldie...
Thursday 30th October 2014 6:45 pm
Poem: Way of The Cross
Tis important to remember,
the holy Standard that was set for us!
Its purchase was selflessly made
by our beloved Christ Jesus.
Upon Calvary, this single sacrifice
of Jehovah’s perfect, atoning Lamb
completely demonstrates the truest form of Love
from our God, the Great I Am.
Lord, we may not entirely comprehend,
how Your ways are superior to our own,
but we need to realize that we’r...
Thursday 30th October 2014 6:40 pm
Poem: Enabling Success
God’s heavenly desires and ways
are much higher than our own.
Spiritual maturity is required
to reach towards His holy throne.
Hidden within the Scriptures
is a common, universal theme –
Application of Biblical principles
is needed to achieve our earthly dreams.
Under guidance of the Spirit,
prophets captured God’s intended plan;
laid out to see was Yahweh’s vision –
for the true su...
Thursday 30th October 2014 6:37 pm
Poetry isn't just a pencil,
or pen, a piece of paper,
or words that flow just right.
Poetry is of many words,
many unspoken thoughts,
many unshowed feelings,
and is put together
to tell a story.
It tells a story
of a persons' struggles
and happiness.
And paints a picture
for the reader to see.
And each poem of mine
is written with such heart.
All my feelings I keep inside
is ...
Friday 24th October 2014 4:33 am
Poem: True Contentment
Know God and know peace,
leaning not on your own understanding.
Earthly troubles will never cease -
Use faith to quell the inner longing.
Regardless of your circumstance,
you are empowered to be an overcomer.
Rejoice in the midst of difficulties;
in His Presence, find holy favor.
He has promised to supply our needs!
Things can not fill the hole of one’s heart.
Cleanse your mind with ...
Thursday 23rd October 2014 5:26 pm
Poem: Teach Me to Pray
Lord, create in me a clean heart
and teach me how to pray.
Sow your righteousness into me;
keep my soul from going astray.
Allow me to tap into Your spiritual strength.
Open my ears – to the words, You now say!
Quench this inner longing of human desire;
help me to obey Your commands without delay.
Humbled by Your awesome Presence
and reminded of my frail vulnerability,
I bring myself...
Thursday 23rd October 2014 5:20 pm
Poem: Called To Worship
Remember the Lord, your God;
He can turn your mourning into dancing.
Refrain from being silent!
Honor Him with continual praising.
Renew your life, mind and conscience,
by spiritually touching God’s realm;
conquer all of life’s obstacles
and prevent your soul from being overwhelmed.
Stand firm – you are redeemed!
Your obligation is to never forget,
that you’ve inherited a sacred mission;
Thursday 16th October 2014 4:15 pm
Poem: Daily Intercession
What an amazing sight, it must be!
Seeing Christ seated on His throne,
as He offers a continual covering on behalf
of those that He considers His own.
Many have often wondered ‘why’,
as observed in the following question:
If Christ’s mission on Earth was fulfilled,
then ‘Why does He make for us daily intercession?’
Beside Jehovah, robed in holy righteousness,
Christ, our personal defe...
Thursday 16th October 2014 4:13 pm
Poem: Celestial Lodestone
Above us is the Celestial Lodestone,
the universal point of spiritual reference.
As a stalwart of magnetic attraction,
He constantly draws men unto Himself.
Dynamic in nature and unchanging in purpose,
His principles are adaptable for all situations.
The foundation of His Word is solid;
His Truth is filled with plenty of promise.
Raise your eyes! Look up!
He is always ready to be found;
Thursday 16th October 2014 4:10 pm
Poem: Between Two Thieves
Under the duress of the sacrificial Cross
and positioned between two thieves,
the culmination of grace for the World
was granted - via Jehovah’s heavenly reprieve.
Surrounded by the stench of death,
Christ uttered famous words of forgiveness;
enduring human suffocation with each dying breath,
His Light steadfastly opposed foreboding darkness.
His heart was forcefully punctured,
by a s...
Thursday 9th October 2014 4:23 pm
Poem: Walls Tumbled Down
Man-made structures can’t last
against the blows of a spiritual blast.
As demonstrated at Jericho, walls tumbled down;
its destruction was truly inevitable!
For it was illegally stationed on holy ground.
Inside out, God moves on our heart from within;
subtly He motivates us to have Him purge our sin.
Against the barriers of our personal defense,
His Holy Spirit continually and lovingly f...
Thursday 9th October 2014 4:21 pm
Poem: A Psalm for the Prisoner
O Lord, hear my simple cry;
set this weary captive free!
For I’m condemned by my past,
imprisoned by the dungeon of me.
Break the restraints of attachment
that are distressing my soul -
Destroy the chains of my ignorance,
which continue to undermine Your control.
Forcefully storm the stony gates
that shelter the stronghold of my heart.
Let the destructive plague be swept away!
I thi...
Thursday 9th October 2014 4:19 pm
Wax paper over your mind
Hear me, Hear me, Hear me
Stabbing your brain
You called me mother and you fled from home
Crying rivers to slowly dislodge you from your refuge
reminiscing about translucent thinking
Afterword guilt
If I hate myself enough, maybe you'll come back
Don't put me down
I was afraid of being wrong
because you were always right in your ...
Thursday 9th October 2014 4:48 am
Beauty and the Beast
Who is to determine ones beauty?
What is Beauty?
Beauty is simple,
Its the DNA used to create a life,
Sometimes beauty is ugly,
And sometimes it is pretty,
By this in no way do I compare to looks,
It's not the shape of your body,
It's not the shape of your nose,
It's not the shape of your smile,
It's not the shape of your eyes,
It's not the color of your hair,
Friday 3rd October 2014 11:18 pm
Poem: Beware the Antichrist
Heed this warning: Beware the Antichrist!
We know from Christ’s revelation to Man,
that the ‘End Times’ officially began in 1948
with Israel reclaiming their ancestral land.
Be aware and be not deceived.
For this evil soul shall rise up - from obscurity.
Out from the descendants of Dan
the World will take notice of Satan’s emissary.
Although the Antichrist should be easy to spot,
Thursday 2nd October 2014 3:53 pm
Poem: Remembering Pentecost
On that fateful day of Pentecost,
power came down from on high.
For it originated with God’s presence
and His Kingdom, that’s far beyond our sky.
The ascension of Christ had been witnessed,
with Him clearly rising above the clouds;
He was no longer bound by planetary constraint
and the opinionated amazement of the crowd.
Upon the Earth, a violent breeze blew;
it brought forth ‘winds o...
Thursday 2nd October 2014 3:47 pm
Poem: Comes the Rain
Water laden clouds burst!
Here now, comes the rain,
but I’m loving the ‘liquid sunshine’
and ignoring the weather’s torrential bane.
Despite deluges of Life’s storms,
enjoy humanity and have some fun.
Now comes the rain, washing over us anew,
as the Spirit of the Father’s Son.
Now comes the reign of Christ -
Embrace Him and His Holiness!
Be protected by the Rock’s cleft
and submerge...
Thursday 2nd October 2014 3:45 pm
Thirsty For Love
Wednesday 1st October 2014 8:16 pm
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