writing (Remove filter)
written in the dirt
this autumn morning
winter’s aperitif
is served on the rocks
shaken and stirring
come downpour now
unleash your jotting scribe and
cast the showery runes of fables untried
forge scripts along our droughty lanes
of songs for all that yet remain
or wash away those pages brown,
whelm witness to our temporal sway
we’ll listen to the eager eart...
Thursday 5th September 2013 9:58 pm
Snooping Readership
Some of us are grateful to the NSA. GCHQ and Prism because at least we know somebody is reading what we write
Thursday 22nd August 2013 11:37 am
I have the right to write
I have the
right to write.
You may not
like what I
have to say.
I have the
right to write,
I'll do
it anyway.
I have the
right to write.
With this you
may not agree.
I have the
right to write.
You know where
you can kiss me!
This was written a few
Saturday 3rd August 2013 2:17 am
Pen To Paper
(I wanted to write something about the process of writing. Anyone remember that Cliff Richard record in the 80s? . .from the needle to the plastic . . was it wired for sound? This is a similar sort of thing)
Pen touches paper
Thoughts flow into words
Mould them into order
Find the one that works
Reaching deep into my past
My very distant past
All my memo...
Monday 1st July 2013 10:35 am
Burning bridges and launching books
Congratulations, Stevie. You really are at the height of your writing powers! Well, don't mention it (no really, DON'T MENTION IT).
And thanks to all who inspired me: Julie Burchill, Mary Kenny, Carol Shields, Michel Houllebecq, JD Salinger, Billy Collins, Wallace Stevens, St Paul, Ethan Canin – humans who've proved that writing matters profoundly.
Plus all my years as a newspaper colum...
Thursday 6th June 2013 4:58 pm
Waiting For Miss Write
Waiting For Miss Write.
“I like you”, I said,
without the need for thumbs pointing to the sky.
She smiled, a beautiful smile.
Her face unlike a circle with U lips.
We parted on a kiss
that had nothing to do with sex or X.
Promising that we’d talk again
later in the week.
The phone box on the corner
wasn’t mobile - so I was.
I walked ...
Monday 15th April 2013 3:27 pm
Served by the Slice
served by the slice
this body, cut through in the redesign for a different life,
whistles a frayed remembrance leaving naught but remnants
when falling for the suicidal hiatus of a tethered tale
in these days, of the child’s exultation, sing your song
as a lyrical dog chases damsons and damsels and the first and
furriest flavour the dustiest corpse of trees; dark...
Thursday 28th February 2013 10:53 pm
What is it like to be jailed for writing songs?
What is it like to be locked up for having an opinion?
What is it like to want freedom and say you want it?
What is it like to actually do something about it, your lust for freedom?
What is it like to stand up for your opinions and be jailed?
For four and six years.
In some cases, a dozen.
What is like...
Friday 8th February 2013 6:43 pm
my new poem book co written with Mel Grobler
new epub version of Mel and my new poem book...
http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/the-rantings-of-a-damaged-mind/13418882 normal book
Heartbreak (by Mel)
Why, why ...
Monday 7th January 2013 8:40 pm
Writers Unlimited Google Community
By its nature writing is for the most part a solitary business which is why sites like WOL are great to keep in touch, share ideas, post poetry etc.
For this reason I've started a *new* community over at Google +. You may love or hate social media and personally I detest the whole Facebook thing but I have fund that the new...
Wednesday 2nd January 2013 7:06 pm
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