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Poetry competition (Remove filter)

Paragram Chapbook Challenge

Paragram continues to offer writers a wide range of publication ventures. Returning the focus to poetry this year, the all new Chapbook Challenge offers two amazing opportunities. The first is for one talented poet to realise an ambition to publish their short collection. The second will see over40 poets published in Paragram Spotlights, the 2015 anthology.

Paragram will add to the short collec...

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Poetry competitionchapbook competition

Lovers of Poetry

It is said that poetry consists exclusively of delight and is delectable with mood. This study group uses poetics (poetry theory) as the stimulus for exploring traditional and modern poetry.  Understanding poetics enables the objective evaluation of poetic skill. A composition theme is suggested each time and participants share their work with the group. Topics include: 

Poetry and Thought ...

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poetry competitionYogic Path

Lovers of Poetry

It is said that poetry consists exclusively of delight and is delectable with mood. This study group uses poetics (poetry theory) as the stimulus for exploring traditional and modern poetry.  Understanding poetics enables the objective evaluation of poetic skill. A composition theme is suggested each time and participants share their work with the group. Topics include: 

Poetry and Thought ...

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Mira MehtaYogic Pathpoetry competition

Stop The Rape of the Fair Country Poetry Competition


Poetry   Competition


There will be an Anthology of 100 poems titled

“The Black Hole” for sale in August 2012.

Closing date: 30th June 2012.


The Black Hole theme is to get your views on opencast mining, the area around the opencast, such as Rhaslas pond, the wetlands & wildlife, & what living close to an opencast feels like. Also what effect you think it would h...

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Poetry competitionanti opencast miningSouth Wales ValleysJudges announcedMike Jenkins Merthyr PoetDave Lewis Pontypridd Poetprotecting the environmentnaturewildlifeprotecting nesting sitesrare birds

Roll out the red carpets!

I spent hours of hard concentration to judge the poems submitted to our Liverpool-themed LIVER BARDS page poetry competition.

We now have a worthy prize-winner, runner-up, and another writer who will be commended.
They will be announced at our sister poetry club, the Bards of New Brighton, at its LIVE POETRY CONTEST this coming Monday 14 May at the Magazine pub in New Brighton, s...

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Bardspoetry competitionLiver Bards

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