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He Didn't Care Too
On the day of her
death he didn't cry.
Everyone said,
"He doesn't care!"
On the day they
laid her to rest
he didn't cry.
Everyone said
"He never loved her!"
On the one month
anniversary of her
death he was
found lying next
to her grave.
An empty bottle of
Friday 23rd December 2011 6:08 pm
The best I never had
In a world of tv clichés
I thought our series would be timeless,
that it would survive the seasons.
I laugh as I remember
How I Met Your Mother.
Confused on an interstate car park,
cellphones and calamity.
Only to feel underwhelmed.
You said “it's not just the jetlag”,
I said “how can anyone fall in love with a zombie?”
eating hearts fo...
Sunday 11th December 2011 8:27 pm
One step ahead of Imperial Japanese forces, we were kicked out of the Dutch East Indies fleeing for our lives. We escaped in Dutch Air Service Dornier 24 flying boats and others ending up at Broome, Australia. Free for now from the marauding Jap Zero fighters, they cant catch us here! Our Dornier is about to depart to sanctuary in southern Australia, we’re in the ...
Thursday 17th November 2011 5:02 pm
WW1 starts when prince Ferdinand was killed in Sarajevo,
domino affect total war.
Germany defeated, humiliated by Treaty of Versailles.
Re-armament, rise of Nazism in the 30s. WW2 starts, total war again.
Ends with Germany’s utter defeat, closure from WW1 to 2.
Start of Cold War East v West, won’t this be fun!
Inc Yugoslavia under So...
Tuesday 8th November 2011 12:32 pm
Your body was found dead in your flat, three months gone and smelling like hell.
They came and took you away, to the morgue downtown, an unhappy place.
Clearing your flat they found £4.88, not much to show for a lonely death.
Always on your own, eternally in death. How sad no one will see you buried, a pauper’s death, the undertaker the only witness at this sol...
Monday 31st October 2011 1:32 pm
The pussycat remembers back to only yesterday
when she used to run and chase her feline friend.
But that’s just a sad memory now as she sits all alone
and remembers what had once been.
Years of fun and enjoyment ended abruptly
after the car mercilessly killed Tigger.
Now pining little Chocolate Drop
has no friend, only pain.
Tuesday 18th October 2011 11:42 am
In 1944, in a night-time rehearsal for D-Day off the Devon coast - code named "Exercise Tiger" - U.S. forces were attacked and suffered more casualties than on Utah Beach.
This poem is in memory of those lives, the loss of which was kept secret for four decades.
Sunset slowly trims its lamp
Beyond the Start Bay Light
...Monday 10th October 2011 8:24 pm
I sense that you are near me,
close enough to touch, right now.
In my mind.
No one else can see you next to me
but I do. As we are now,
we once were in reality
at some time in our history.
Your spirit never leaves me
and your ghost forever haunts me,
your love is my saviour intertwining
me in your spiders web of hearsay.
...Sunday 18th September 2011 6:05 pm
Goya sailing to where? And with whom aboard? So many people each with a name, an age and a story; good or bad? What events led them to be aboard the Goya that night in the Baltic? All were aware of the Russians hot on their heels, better to flee by evacuation than face the wrath of Stalingrad and revenge of Leningrad amongst others. Treat others like they treat you. It was this p...
Saturday 17th September 2011 4:03 pm
Gently you trace the tear
down my cheek
my pain mirrored
in the confusion in your eyes
not understanding what you’ve done
but wanting to
Words like barriers between us
we take turns offering apologies
arms pulling each other close
losing myself
in your warm hard body against mine
as we both try to deny
the fences between us
Friday 26th August 2011 6:38 pm
A Lovely Nightmare
Memories still haunt you in dreams
the worst ones aren't violent nor perverse.
The worst dreams are the ones you wish came true
they haunt you with De Ja Vu
subconscious samurai,
donning swords and Fu Manchu.
Kreuger retreated, he knew he met his match
because love is the most infectious illness one can catch.
It starts with a thought, a flicker, a ...
Thursday 4th August 2011 6:34 pm
Baby Jade
You made a woman of me.
With your little tiny little body growing inside of me.
A tiny foetus that turned into an embryo.
When I first felt you kick I knew I’d never let you go.
The result of a conception made in love.
You had the excitement of a puppy and the grace of a dove.
So small on that screen all bouncing around
When I first saw your scan my feet didn’t touc...
Tuesday 21st June 2011 6:34 pm
Love in the f/b era
unheard n invisible,
condemned w/ no chance to defend,
innards ripped out,
broken w/out a second thought.
but none of it matters.
you're worth the pain.
Saturday 4th June 2011 9:22 pm
You unwind,
from my eyes,
a flare of innocence
magnesium raw
my tainted bitter roots
grip, twist and tighten
to save myself,
I cause pain
I do not feel it.
lying now in a frame
of solitude,
light muted by curtains,
still in my absolution.
Wednesday 6th April 2011 7:03 am
Shadows in the light (Goodbye Grandma)
I walk from room to room
and try to catch a glimpse of you,
but all that I could see,
are muted shadows playing tag.
Sunlight catches visions
of days now stored in memory
and with your recent passing,
you climbed upon the misty crag.
The kitchen tap still leaks,
we've fixed that oft and time again;
your trusty stove still works,
those smells a...
Friday 25th March 2011 11:41 am
Callow Heart
Once, so many years ago,
such a distant place and clime;
moments of thought and life were shared,
each move in perfect time.
Words in unison, hearts pulsed,
so intimate each gesture;
each expression fears repulsed,
companions of great measure.
Now it seems we're worlds apart;
nothing more in common share.
The last desired thing to start,
last threads ...
Sunday 20th March 2011 8:45 am
Is that why (a poem by a shy friend; please be gentle)
Is that why?
I bled
for so many years with the pain reminiscent of childbirth
and cried with longing and loss
the empty hollow and the useless womb
Is that why
I ached
and found each day weighed heavier than the last
and my body dried and drained
and my world shrank to a parody
Is that why
I killed
Tiny webbed fingers a hea...
Tuesday 15th February 2011 8:57 am
What I'd like to do today
Mum, I’d like to come and
sit in your kitchen at the formica table
drink coffee, eat chocolate biscuits
in the warm
I’ve so much to tell you
we’d laugh about everything
forget me knots in the garden
the apple tree would be in blossom
Dad, I’d like to visit you today
see what you’ve been up to
we’d go to your workshop
I’d sit on your paint...
Sunday 13th February 2011 7:40 am
New X (30 years after the tragic fire)
On the 18th of January 1981, 13 young people died in a fire in New Cross, South East London (a fourteenth committed suicide after losing so many friends). Just shy of thirty years on, these are the contemporary reflections of a man who was a seven year old boy at the time. Widely thought to have been a racially motivated attack, more recent advances in forensic technology have suggested o...
Saturday 8th January 2011 5:45 pm
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