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The Goddess of war makes her stand in the upper skies,

pitting man and machine in deadly battle.

Hazy colours of blue and grey make way for burning

fire and pyres of smoke.

Up here she knows no mercy as men die

in a second to please her lust for death.

No one can beat her as she is immortal and ubiquitous.

Make just one mistake and she’ll ...

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ARROMANCHES - 1994 - D-Day plus 50

The Queen attended the 50th anniversary of D-Day and took the salute at the march past.


On the beach at Arromanches then,

Young men saw friends die;

Bracing the sands of Arromanches now,

Old men softly cry.


There, by the sea ...

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He used to write to her, do his penpal letters in his spare time. Nothing special, you understand, it’s good to be friends and have fun.

Over a year’s worth of letters sent both ways, something young people do. Talking about music and films and their lives.

Out of the blue they came and took him from his homeland, to her land, but he wasn’t destined to meet her...

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stolenwarlovepenpalsisraellebanon2006 war





C’mon lads – equal opportunities, join up for your country,

we need you to do your service. Meat grinder of death needs oiling

with your body fat and intestines.

You’ll get a medal for your success, tell your grandchildren

of your valour and heroism.

I want your blood to flow down the street,

turn it red, slippery like myself.


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One step ahead of Imperial Japanese forces, we were kicked out of the Dutch East Indies fleeing for our lives. We escaped in Dutch Air Service Dornier 24 flying boats and others ending up at Broome, Australia. Free for now from the marauding Jap Zero fighters, they cant catch us here! Our Dornier is about to depart to sanctuary in southern Australia, we’re in the ...

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warpacificjapandutch east indiesloss






Dull metallic monster sitting on the bottom, forty fathoms

down, crushing weight of black water. Cold as death

and as frigid as eternity, never ending. An endless circle.

Now the battle is over, good against evil. Silent guns end

their killing, no more bomb bursts, killing shrapnel, sliced corpses.

Time has no hold here in Nature’s unfo...

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warbattleendhalifax bombertirpitzmuseumfjordraised

Why does mankind wage war and kill?


What is the purpose, why the pain

to live in hope and die in vain?

As mourning turns love lost -  to blame,

and man repeats the vengeful game.


For lessons missed in histories pay

for dogma we shall die today,

for in our words and deeds we sow

a deathly seed we do not know.


So do we tar religions door

or those who send us off to war?

Who ...

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Blip Blip

Is is safe to surface now?

is it safe to come out?

from under the radar??


Is it safe to surface now?

Is  it safe to come out?

into  the light??


is it safe?

To tell the truth........



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warnuclear wintersafetyversecomfortlovefreedom





And so I looked upon the holocaust after all those years and I see a world torn apart by madness.

Names of places like Auschwitz, Katyn Wood, Dresden and Hiroshima read like the list of the dead.

But that is what they are, sixty years after Mankind’s darkest hour.

Today there is a new war, on terrorism and tyranny, brush fire wars from one place to t...

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end of lifewarconflictdeath

Our Children's Timeline


Our Children’s Timeline



Time has meaning to everyone,

We may be nestled within our own

Quarter of the globe,

But time is everyone’s meaning

For we don’t know,

Can never grasp the sense

Of how long we each last

Upon this world.

            Time, presents

Depths to write futures and

As humans we hope ascend

The days that history ta...

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It troubled her how it had come to this. She knew each detail, each action, each thought, but it still troubled her.

As she fell to her knees, her woollen skirt became sodden with freshly fallen snow. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she wept for her lost love, gone forever from this strife torn world. Soon she would do the ultimate sin and follow him.


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Veteran of the ancient war, before my time, tell me, what was it like?

I see pictures in the history books, black and white photographs.

Did the enemy scream when you bayoneted them and cry for their mothers?

Did you see your mates beg for mercy as their blood ran away from shattered legs?

Now sixty years later I see you, frail and withered, lost in...

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veteranwarold soldier





A murky dust laden night gives way to a searing

hot day over the barren desert.

Sun glints off metal many miles away

as aerial knights rise to do battle.

The Tigersharks get ready to fight

the Eagles in the coming battle.

Suddenly it starts as missile trails

dance through the sky and jets

leave contrails in the humid upper air.

A ...

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warskydeathdeviljet planes





C’mon lads – equal opportunities, join up for your country,

we need you to do your service. Meat grinder of death needs oiling

with your body fat and intestines.

You’ll get a medal for your success, tell your grandchildren

of your valour and heroism.

I want your blood to flow down the street,

turn it red, slippery like myself.


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warviolencedeathfunkillsatandevilweaponsequal opportunities


In 1944, in a night-time rehearsal for D-Day off the Devon coast - code named "Exercise Tiger" - U.S. forces were attacked and suffered more casualties than on Utah Beach.

This poem is in memory of those lives, the loss of which was kept secret for four decades. 


Sunset slowly trims its lamp

Beyond the Start Bay Light


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I ask how soon I will become nothing. When my sentiments tear me apart and bounce around my head like cannon balls from a faded war. I want to know so much more than what I’ve learnt in my forty years on this screwed up world, yes people do matter. If they didn’t, there would be no humanity, would there.


I want to go to Auschwitz and see where a millio...

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I see what you do to your fellow man, bombing him with weapons that obliterate him and destroy all before it. No mercy at all. You get told to do, when to pull the trigger or to push the button, if you refuse then you die. Think what you do to women and kids, they can’t experience life.

Their freedom whipped away, a candle flame snuffed out. Men of other nations go to stop yo...

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Trapped in this awful fucking life where I wanted to love but ruined the chance when I got it. I’ll never forget her but what does that matter now with defeat snapping at my heels, she fully understands the past snapping at her heels, like mine does. Her words, not mine. I surrender to the nightmare night-time dark veil of defeat and await my end. It came sooner than I thought...

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trappeddeathshipwarlove lost




Goya sailing to where? And with whom aboard? So many people each with a name, an age and a story; good or bad? What events led them to be aboard the Goya that night in the Baltic? All were aware of the Russians hot on their heels, better to flee by evacuation than face the wrath of Stalingrad and revenge of Leningrad amongst others. Treat others like they treat you. It was this p...

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What an amazing site I behold –

Confederate and Damnyankee armies locked in battle,

Pittsburgh burns and war visits everyone.

Ruined houses, burning tanks, screaming airplanes, bursting bombs.

A hand waves in death as a tank moves forward,

bloodily glued to the tracks. Cannons roar

and men in butternut defend each and every house in morbid violenc...

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warcivil war part twoamerica





Peace across the skies, across the continent, for now.

Across all those people, all those faces, all those minds and lives.

Many millions died for that peace, now only fragmented memories

gone forever, forgotten by this generation but remembered by

God and Satan. All the blood has dried into the cracked earth and

the guns are silent as we trust our...

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WAR poem




“Why is he not burning?”

“He will, he will, the air is too thin up here…”

Wing over broken wing, crushing g-forces stopping escape, the enemy pilot

prayed to his god but it was too late, he was already dead.

Sunlight sparkled on the spinning plane a thousand metres below.

Smaller and smaller, hard to see in the death spiral.

Will he cry for his mother...

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taiwan poems

Around and round we danced in an exotic Asian club to pounding alternative music. Who said they couldn’t party? Like it’s their, our, last night on earth. Little did we all know that this prophecy was true? One night if fun with a Taiwanese lady, only dancing you understand. They are not like western ladies. On and on we danced feeling alive, when we kissed it was like fire of t...

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jet fighter air war over the desert




A murky dust laden night gives way to a searing

hot day over the barren desert.

Sun glints off metal many miles away

as aerial knights rise to do battle.

The Tigersharks get ready to fight

the Eagles in the coming battle.

Suddenly it starts as missile trails

dance through the sky and jets

leave contrails in the humid upper air.

A ...

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STUKA POEM from the other side



Take off is early at dawn; twilight covers our planes in gold sunlight.

We climb so slowly for the sun and its protection on our dangerous flight

to England.

Our deadly load is our bombs, we’ll kill those Tommies just like our

Fuerher says. But are we so bad?

All we do is follow our orders and do our terrible mission.

We reach our target in the morning su...

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Gulf War Syndrome

What happens to me, is my mind often cannot get the words down that are thought in my mind. So often I write poetry or texts, and fail to edit them. This is the second posting of this short essay. I have edited it to make better reading and understanding of this malady which is effecting over 9000 soldiers. I hope it is understood clearer now and in future, I shall try to edit the work better s...

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Think poem



Do you want to renounce violence against other people on a personal scale and on an international level, where countries are bombed and shelled? This isn't good, people are injured and die. Think what happens if I hit someone and kill him with one punch, this does happen. If a mortar falls and kills a dozen people in a busy market place.


What does it solve? Each person...

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poem on a sunken ship


Is it true that the Steuben was sunk in the war by the Soviets?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Is it true that many thousands died?                                                        ...

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Crimson Plains

                                                             Crimson Plains




     Is crimson with tales of battle

Be you friend or foe,

Honours and ridicule,

Courage and cowardice,

     Yet nobody mentions the detail –

All carnage of limbs ripped from a

Warriors soul.


            Studio’s of money

Glorify the dead, make sentient


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-as yet untitled-


outside the window,

an ocean of poppies,

red like denial.


she watched them day-in-day-out,

from sunset to the first shards of sunlight

which crept through their stems

and reflected the underside of their petals.

from this she saw veins, a tiny network of

lines like join-up-the-dots,

a motorway map

thin like emotion.


dadd went to war ...

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poempoetrywarpoetworld war twoworld war 2childrenfamilysoldiers

Hymn both Ancient and Modern

Written on June 1st 2011 as an assignment based on the Calendar, set by John Cassidy for Bank Street Writers, Bolton.


O God of Sun, on Sunnandaeg,

I worship thee with spray -on bronze,

Because thy workload is quite big,

There’ll be a lot of wet week-ends.


God of the Moon, on Monandaeg,

I offer thee my hangover,

Last night I was a lunatic,

Oh I am deep...

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rat racewomenlovethunderwarmoonSun


                                                 BRITISH SECRET HISTORY



                        Nineteen seventy-seven,

A competition for kids on housing estates,

Beaten and battered

Singing God Save the Queen –

And lo behold – pain from the sixties crowd,

If flags are not waved for her Majesty’s Reign.


            Beaten and battered and soon to be...

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Shot at Dawn




At nineteen you were still a child
hopping off to an aggrandised war
filled with romantic and exuberant air

At nineteen you travelled over the channel
to Mons, by the Belgian border marching
there receiving the horrors of humiliated retreat

At nineteen you went missing
first in Dublin taking leave wi...

Read more …


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