The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

soul mates (Remove filter)

Lifelong Friend

When all the leaves fall from the trees,
what does it mean to you and me?
Perhaps it wasn't meant to be
as now we reach the end.

Is there some place we didn't go?
We tried every fork in the road,
and never seemed to find a home.
My dear, what's at the end?

But we're ok. Yeah, certainly
we could have done things differently.
But side by side we took this ride
and so what is to ga...

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For The One

Love is a game, a journey of sorts,

a search for the one who is right.


And of all the seekers, just what do they know,

are not all just travelers at night?


For it seems in darkness they search hill and dale,

hoping to find their true love.


Awash in the masses, a literal throng,

mixed in amongst push and shove.


And so, as you seek for to find it y...

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