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How many planes are on cocaine?

The pilot shoots powder into his brain

   This private charter is fucking insane

   My pilot parties like Jeff Tremaine

Our landing abrupt, we stopped in a lake

The pilot was dead, I was in shakes


The cops combed the scene

Didn’t find anything

   The coke on the pilot 

   was washed by the stream

He laid there cracked open

A ter...

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we fought against the japs

but they won in the end

we went inland

away from the coast


do you see the mountain there? 

we gotta climb that 

up we went


we found a crashed american plane

and the pilot 

we buried him by the wreck near a big tree 

we found his wallet with a calling card 

we were the last to see him for decades

his location became a ...

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one expedition found a key

from one of our iron rations

this was real evidence

it showed we were there

why would a fly boy eat our chow?

they ate in hotels served by waiters

those were army iron rations

eaten by us in the trenches

but food aside

we had one thing in common

we all hated the japs

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plane haiku

small nate was so high/huge cost is what it was then/lose death race crash fight

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So you are a fighter pilot in one of today’s latest jets.

Tell me what it is like to fly, to fight and to die in the air?

All of the crushing g-forces and dizzying changes

of direction happening all at once.

I bet that there’s no glory in your battles,

only pain, mutilation and death.

But this is your game, an aerial ballet

of chess wher...

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fighter pilotplanepilotwarbattlesky





Through my illuminated gunsight the small ship glistens silver in the sunlight,

it grows larger every second, my plane shaking with the recoil of my 30mm cannons.

My shells fly through the air like angry fireflies and the crystal ship disappears in a world of spray and fire, cutting across the sea and into the ship.

Mortal damage is done and it stops dea...

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strafe30mm cannonsplaneship

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