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cliffs Moved all mountains (Remove filter)

Can You Hear My Cry

Cry and cry, till I die

Can you hear,  I want you by me

As we used to play

In the long golden grass, 

My beautiful one. Long gone

Four years, but still with me


Played till state authorities saw

And stole from us our life, 

Raped us for themselves 

Persecuted us, we ran, not mad

To escape their tether chains cells

Far away, beyond altitude. 


For we are ...

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tling washUp awayfrom thosecliffs Moved all mountainsFast past the sun's raysSo they would not find usBut they must have doneWe still crying for one-anotherThis time tooin the cliffsCan you hear my crymy callThrough the sunsandetherCan you hear menowstill Ringingin the silent windSam Khan-McIntyreGavin Khan-McIntyrewritingswrite out loudwrite out

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