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Wind Power (Remove filter)

The wasted wind

The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind  -  Bob Dylan


What force can power the years ahead?

Now the age of oil is dead

we wait for industry to heed 

the whisper of the wasted wind,

the whisper of the wasted wind.


A pivotal crisis is upon us

and ready or not we shoulder the onus. 

We must make good or else be goners,

be dust dispersed by the wasted wind,


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windwind turbinesWind Powerrenewablesclimate change

Dragon's Nest

Dragon’s Nest.

They huff and puff their plumes of heated breath
into an atmosphere already raw.
These earthbound dragons, guarding nests of death,
fighting for dominance with tooth and claw.
Their carbon offspring doze beneath their feet
or bleed out into nuclear decay -
a fair trade for their gifts of light and heat?
Perhaps we will regret that choice one day.

For what is this? A cha...

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Shakespearean SonetSelby Power StationWind TurbinesFossil EnergyWind PowerEcology

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