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Commedia Del'Artte (Remove filter)

A "Stratford Homunculus" Forged & Distilled From Italian Comedy?

A study in the so-called "Italianate Plays" of William Shakespeare reveals quite clearly that the author of "A Comedy of Errors", "The Merchant of Venice", "King Lear", "Othello" and many more besides was personally acquainted with the Italian dramatic school known as the Commedia d'elle Arte as well as the geographical region of the Po valley. And yet according to records "Shakspere" never left E...

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Commedia Del'ArtteWho Was William Shakespeare?

The Theater of my Life

I've lived the times
Of the theater of my life
Dancing in the foyer:

Commedia dell'Arte
Comprised the entirety
Of my personal repetoire;

Dress rehearsals were
Never taken seriously:
The final play was just

A moments decision
Hurried through a huddle
Of half-written plots.

The masterful monologues
Of my long and intrepid career
Were carried off by the

Glib tongue of the cha...

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Commedia Del'ArtteTheaterlife and deathunderstandingreasonart

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