poetry (Remove filter)
The missing shorts
Putting the flash into flash fiction for this festive poem!
Boxing day
A day of cheer
Till his lucky boxers
A desperate search
Both high and low
He can't back down
Nowhere to go
The fight draws near
The crowd awaits
Without his shorts
It's left to fate
He's fearing failure
Doubt creeps in
Without his shorts
How can he win?
Wednesday 18th December 2024 11:49 pm
Which Tomorrow?
More poetic flash fiction based on the browsing of best selling book titles in under 30 words. Perhaps next time you're looking at a list you'll spot them all!
Tomorrow and Tomorrow
And Tomorrow
The Last Goodbye
Was the longest
Then she was gone
No one saw a thing
Except for the couple
At No 9
Tuesday 24th September 2024 2:08 pm
Frantically he taps on the glass
Louder as they pass
Now he screams
But not through a window
It's a screen
Nobody knows
He's scrolling
His soul away
Thursday 5th December 2019 11:45 pm
Poetic vision
Reading between
The blurred lines
Defining sublimes
Of reality
Noticing all
That others
Can't see
This how
Poets bring
Saturday 23rd November 2019 9:16 pm
November Horoscope
November begins on a point of tension
Now the political stuff
I'll not even mention
Mercury retrograde has just begun
It can make a fool of anyone
You might be misunderstood
It could cause a delay
People from your past
May come back your way
Mars and Pluto in the boxing ring
Watch out for trouble
If you've had a secret fling
November 8th will touch your soul
...Friday 25th October 2019 10:53 pm
Do it anyway
Expressing isn't always about impressing
Sometimes it's a confession
Or the regression of a memory
It might even be
About a maybe
A one day me
That I only see
Approximately more clearly
When it's put into words
It could seem absurd
When it's read
Or tis' heard
But they must be released
In order to cease
My mental marathon
When a...
Sunday 20th October 2019 12:42 am
Wake up
Courtesy of 'C'
The call of Courage
Will cause you
To pull back
The covers
Of uncertainty
And lift your
Head from
A cosy cushion
At first
You may
But out of
Comfort Zone
You must
Saturday 28th September 2019 12:27 pm
Sometimes you can surprise yourself at what you can acheive when you ignore your so called limitations...
Bumblebee's body
Is way too heavy
It's wing span
Far too small
This little fella
Can't fly
But he doesn't
Know that
At all
He keeps flying...
Friday 13th September 2019 11:08 am
Climate Change
Earth as our landlord
A notice was given
Broken agreements
Eviction is imminent
Saturday 7th September 2019 10:18 am
Her Dog's Voice
This is about my first dog who sparked off my interest in the paranormal due to experiences I had related to him from a young age
When you were a baby
I was a pup
I was always there
To cheer you up
I'd guard your pram
Outside the shops
With my nose
On your door
I'd often knock
I loved days
When we used
To play ball
I'd lick your knee
Each time
Friday 6th September 2019 10:45 am
Bad Brexit Romance
Assumptions can consume
Before the truth is known
Reacting far too soon
Or are we already outgrown?
Queuing up the arguments
Let's give this one a try
It can't just stay like this
That's why it's do
Or die
Wednesday 4th September 2019 9:34 pm
Warrior of Spirit
When you invest in yourself you're better able to be of service to others...
Cultivating patience
Mastering persistence
Strengthening of mind
Building up resistance
Turning rage
To courage
In the heat of
Pure devotion
Streaming forth
A life force
Greater than
An ocean
Evaporating uncertainty
Continuing to flourish
All within his orbit
He certai...
Sunday 1st September 2019 9:58 am
Rough Diamond
More on the whole writing process, & turning your scribbled notes into something....
Mining my mind
For Diamonds
Rough Nuggets
On Notes
Are the
Shy Ones
Got To
Polish 'em Out
Nice & Shiny
Won't Let
Self Doubts
Defy Me
Monday 26th August 2019 11:43 am
What's Left?
Here's the science bit... the left side of the brain is where visuals and imaginative ideas are constructed and so....
Is someone being misleading
Telling tales Oh So deceiving?
With every word they utter
There just ain't
No believing
Still searching for the truth
But not a single trace
One thing that you must do
Look straight
Their face
As soon as you'v...
Sunday 25th August 2019 5:04 pm
You only see it when you slow down
Inspired from a book called stop,look,breathe,create which we were studying at my bookclub, and it got me to do just that
Shadow of light
Like a portal
At First
Out of sight
Suddenly Here
Saturday 24th August 2019 4:20 pm
Brother Leaf
Nature's hands
On my hands
These leaves
Are leaving
An impression
On me
Feeling it's veins
About us
Is the
Friday 23rd August 2019 11:48 am
Brexit Poker
Got on
His poker face
He says there'll be No reshuffle
Poor ol' Boris
More disgrace
His hair
All in
A ruffle
'We need to leave
Before Bewitching Night
I'm really in a rush'
But we all know they can't get it right
We'll never get our royal flush
Thursday 22nd August 2019 3:13 pm
Lost Meanings
Hearing that words from Natural history such as Acorn and Conker are now lost on the latest generation got me thinking...
When web was a silky spider's thread
When online was your school shirt
Fixed on with a peg
When a tablet was something
You took, when ill
Nothing more
But a type of pill
When mouse was
Something chased
By a cat
OK, I'm going
Too far bac...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 10:30 am
Escaping Writer's Block
Caught in the ruins
Looking for a
Way out
The scribe sits
In silence
Waiting for a muse
To remove
He prepares
In meditation
Now he's between
Two worlds
Almost time
For his
His thoughts
Are in
A swirl
He knows
He can escape this
His setting out his
Crafting out
His words
At such
An incredible
Wednesday 21st August 2019 12:33 pm
Seasonal Variations
The changing colour of the seasons
Can life get any better than this?
Reflecting through all the reasons
Of why we came to exist
The midlife comparisons of autumn
As we're reaping our rewards
Fear of the chill in winter
Will we survive old age
Or be ignored?
As we look back to
The growth of spring
When all was so fresh
And new
To the warmth and heat
That ...
Tuesday 20th August 2019 11:55 am
Death Card
When you think that something is dead and buried, but it keeps resurrecting itself unexpectedly...
A Wilderness
A Wonderland
Of bones
When your alone
You end up there
Fantasy flesh and tendons
Tend to latch on
To muscular musings
Confusing you
Rummaging in discouragement
Appointed master
In dissaapointment duties
Eternally denied
The luxury of satisfa...
Monday 19th August 2019 11:01 am
Glass slipper
My Modern Makeover of Cinderella.... Cos you're never too old for a fairytale!!!
Once upon a time
There was a prince
He kept meeting damsels
That made him wince
But he had a glass slipper
That's all that mattered
'I'll find it's owner
Though her
Dress may be tattered'
Then one day he
Came up with a plan
To stop being a Prince
Just an ordinary man
So Ind...
Sunday 18th August 2019 11:51 pm
History repeats
Consequences known
It's what has been reaped
From all that's been sown
Connecting the threads
Of this
Karmic maze
Building afresh
On old foundations laid
Saturday 17th August 2019 10:09 pm
Tarot Reader
Remembering things before they happen
Laying out memories that are not
Her own
Bringing out insights
To enable seekers to prepare
For as a fool
Takes his
Leap of faith
He becomes
A magician
It has nothing to do with her
Still she shares this
Intense experience
They had never even met
Yet their frequencies
Revealing the unknown
Friday 16th August 2019 10:52 pm
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