The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Tarot Reader

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Remembering things before they happen

Laying out memories that are not

Her own

Bringing out insights

To enable seekers to prepare

For as a fool 

Takes his 

Leap of faith

He becomes

A magician

It has nothing to do with her

Still she shares this

Intense experience

They had never even met

Yet their frequencies


Revealing the unknown



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Ruth O'Reilly

Sat 17th Aug 2019 11:22

Thanks Adam, Nice to hear you share an interest in Tarot, yes the dominant energies represented by certain cards can stay around you for a good while and even if you used a different deck it the same cards would still show up! You are absolutely right, you still have your own free will regardless of what shows up, it's all about your decisions.

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Ruth O'Reilly

Sat 17th Aug 2019 11:18

Thanks Don! Your poem made me smile.....I predict you're going to write at least 5 poems before the day is out ?

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Adam Rabinowitz

Sat 17th Aug 2019 01:56

I pull a card every day and I see many the same and some I never see. They all mean something to me and I listen to them as much as I listen to all chance portents....which is quite a bit....but my actions and choices are my least I believe they are. But all that aside I really enjoyed the piem...especially the fool becoming magic. Thanks for sharing.

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Don Matthews

Sat 17th Aug 2019 00:10

Tarot cards they do exist
I see them 'fore my eyes
But what I'm told they're telling me
I think, are bluntly lies

Despite the Tarot messages
Which I don't see as truth
Like Dev, the first line won me
Enjoyed your poem Ruth.......

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Ruth O'Reilly

Fri 16th Aug 2019 23:35

Thanks for your feedback Devon, first line is a little Alice in Wonderland inspired

Devon Brock

Fri 16th Aug 2019 23:32

Beautiful, Ruth. The first line drew me in

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