Hymn of a Northern Clime
All hail the Winter Solstice!
The everlasting Sun
Force of Light and Life
Returns to us once more.
O Sun, we trust Thee.
Thou wilt not abandon us
To desolation of shadow
And frozen sleep.
We honour
Your guardians of gloom
The gliding Moon, your Eyes of Night
And Sky Fire.
We celebrate and make merry
With feasting, drin...
Saturday 10th December 2011 8:30 pm
Making the Bed
As she heaved the duvet
Billowing over the bed
Words shimmered through her mind –
Like fish flashing in deep waters
The music of pleasing vowels
Slipping song of bubbled pebbles
Something – possibly - glorious
Thoughts make our words;
Words make our thoughts.
The silly poet strives struggles
For metaphor
Friday 18th November 2011 3:54 pm
The Big Hill
“Climb with me, Nana.
I want to go to the top.
Nobody else will go.
Imagine the top of the mountain, Nana.
I want to see the world from the top.”
The words struck deep.
And the vinegar in her veins
Became new wine
Strong exhilarating vital
New wine in an old bag.
“Look at the world from here, Nana.
Wow! indeed, Child. Wow! ind...
Thursday 10th November 2011 3:43 pm
evolutionary kindergarten
from birth to death
sole goal - survival - food shelter procreation
physical packaging – noses eyes skin size
adaptive to given environments
polar tropical temperate mountains jungles deserts
group isolation for long ages
but erratic climates shifted tectonic plates drifted
peoples migrated
and mixed
through long ages
the strong the crafty c...
Sunday 23rd October 2011 3:20 pm
Glamorous Exercises
Low she bends upon her knee
Trawling fingers
Through the sea,
And the waves obey.
Wide she flings her arms to flare
Butterfly wings
Upon the air,
And the winds obey.
Upon her toes stretched ever higher
She plucks clouds
From sunset fire,
And the flam...
Wednesday 21st September 2011 1:02 pm
Considering Colour
The types of radiation which make up
The electromagnetic spectrum are -
In ascending order of wavelengths short to long -
Gamma rays, x-rays, ultra violet rays,
Infra-red radiation and radio waves.
Only the Light Spectrum is humanly visible.
It permits seven basic colours to our underdeveloped eyes -
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet –
Friday 26th August 2011 4:27 pm
O Sweet Confusion
Wisdom is not chronological.
One wasp
hidden in the gentle petals
makes all the blossoms suspect
and much joy is lost.
Saturday 6th August 2011 11:37 am
Girl in a Lake
on heavy eyes the full moon cast gilded shadows
swan path shafting seductive to the shore where
she dropped her clothes and entered liquid light
jewelled feet icy lustrous pale arms high uplifted
now wide eyes of unwavering clarity enraptured
dream-wooing dream-possessed she sank gleaming
to her knees in the bitter midnight water open palms
thrust upwar...
Friday 22nd July 2011 4:55 pm
Ocean Thoughts
Green radiant
Rippling rocking rolling
Gorges mountains meadows cliffs
Heaving pushing pounding
Heavy deep
Angry hungry
Rearing frothing snarling
Shoals reefs caves cliffs
Pounding grinding spitting
Silver seamless
Lisping slipping glistening
Clouds crabs fish f...
Thursday 21st July 2011 4:27 pm
Furry purry
Stretching yawning licking
Full of feral secrets
Sniffing sneaking snapping
Silent sly
Friday 8th July 2011 1:01 pm
The Club Was Caribbean
a flashing view in the washroom mirror
who the hell is that
a plain jane in a neat grey suit
no edges
no lustre
no – LUST
oh my god it’s me
Lips flame rouged
Shaded lids in saucy shadows
To her breast a crimson rose
And dancing heels with red silk lining
Swaying lithely to silent melody
Tingling with desire to dance
Twirling swirling scarlet skirt
...Monday 27th June 2011 11:18 am
Wembley Woes
courtly choreography
of football ballet
Barcelona teasing
Man United wheezing
English energy
by Spanish skill
Sunday 29th May 2011 5:32 pm
Worshipper of the Moon
age 15
The enchanting clear light
Of the immortal moon
Captivates my soul and brings me
To my knees.
Arms outstretched to cleanse myself
In its silver shine
I am flooded with serenity.
But through a shrouded windy night
In this pit of sunken shadow
My being is in turmoil!
Cringing – exultant -
Cowering – triumphant -
Under t...
Thursday 26th May 2011 10:41 am
the great fallacy
I present my argument:
Justice is a moral issue;
morality is subjective;
therefore - Justice is subjective.
The Just Person is:
upright righteous fair-minded
‘on the side of the angels’!
unbiased unprejudiced impartial
dispassionate indifferent detached
decisive unchallengeable
With all due reasonableness
Thursday 19th May 2011 11:01 am
consider my confusion
I cannot conceive the caption ‘escape’
as a coldly critical concept
I am quite incapable of articulating
the conundrum of ‘escaping’
which must concur conclusively
with a ‘from what’ and a ‘to what’ question
correct me if I quibble
can I qualify curious contentment
at my conscious core
or am I in a vacuum
Friday 13th May 2011 8:12 pm
Age 13
In the land beyond the sunset lives a maid,
A wondrous maid.
Behind the salmon-streaked horizon
Hides she her perfect form of alabaster white.
In her eyes are the first stars of dusk,
In her glowing hair the sun’s last golden ray,
Bright golden ray.
Her flaming tresses filter through the clouds
That nestle round her milk-white breast.
Saturday 23rd April 2011 5:23 pm
Rowing Across Herring Gut in a Purple Boat
wrapped in the mantle of scarlet sun my skiff
and I drifted through the crayola buoys
bobbing in the dusky harbour
a strange lavender lily
with a thinking pistil
watching the lobster boats thrum slowly up the
golden-throated river
single file
like purring birds their bellies full of greeny
briny bonded claws and
Monday 4th April 2011 11:43 am
the perfect word
he raised himself
to see her face
you look – seraphic -
he said
she could not yet speak
she knew
the word was perfect
- gods and angels -
and still
the word whispers
through her mind
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Wednesday 16th March 2011 10:36 am
Trilogy of Heroes
My father was a survival expert:
Deserts, swamps, mountains, jungles.
Hunger and thirst were trials inflicted
To toughen up his men for the real thing.
His signature line was:
The bugs will get you faster than the bullets!
Dad’s harsh regime saved many lives
In World War II combat arenas.
My father was my hero.
During the war
My mother bore h...
Wednesday 9th March 2011 11:26 am
Tiny Talk
This morning I heard a very loud bird
Chirrup! Chee! Chee!
at half-past three.
I wanted to sleep but just couldn't keep
out the noise
of that cheer-i-o voice.
Then I had to admit (in spite of my snit)
that the damn perky bird
would have the last word.
So I settled my ire and began to admire
such insistance to share
Saturday 5th March 2011 5:06 pm
in the crepuscular wash of sodden November
ambiguous buildings in damp lethargy
lean over militant shoulders
umbrella bonneted
cast eyes glare pavement blinded
pragmatic heels bark through pools
dogged determination
crammed trams and insular buses
wheels hissing
Friday 25th February 2011 3:58 pm
Poets possess passion
to pierce the superficial
with personal words –
seeking circles to soften angles –
surprised by insights
astonished by analogies –
ideas demanding expression
with lame skills -
to make
the invisible seeable
the intangible touchable
the soundless heard
the ineffable spoken.
Poets know -
experience is universal
a ...
Friday 18th February 2011 2:59 pm
the Ultimate Vole
ALL is relative –
the force of the event
paces our destiny -
fate -
mighty feat of the heart
to emit energy
that we may live beyond evil -
(guilty gods and devouring dogs )
that Love may take the Vole
in the game
of Universal Chaos.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Saturday 12th February 2011 4:00 pm
The Dream-footer
It was a spring-loving day.
So early the sun shone deeply warm.
Across the fields an easy wind sighed
Fragrant with cherry blossoms.
Her bare feet disturbed light eddies of dust.
Around her thick long hair a red sash glowed.
She felt very beautiful.
Tuesday 8th February 2011 1:19 pm
Apple Blossom Song
She went to gather apple blooms all in the month of May,
An eager child who dearly loved a warm and sunny day -
an eager child who dearly loved
a warm and sunny day.
Quite unaware of noise and dust that thinly filled the air
She skipped along the gravel path without a thought or care -
Sunday 30th January 2011 2:40 pm
The moon weeps
The moon weeps on my windowsill
Like an elegant woman
Trailing white-gloved fingers
Across my swollen eyes.
Through ashen tears
Shadows wash together
And the hard night
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Wednesday 19th January 2011 7:44 pm
Heat Wave
One lovely cool night in the ovens of August, Mum said,
‘Children, sleep in tomorrow. The heat’s drained us all.’
Oh, joy and excitement! Not to get up at seven!
The richness of privilege when you weren’t even sick!
We went to bed early, my sisters and I, and giggled for
hours, milking the marrow of : You can sleep late.
But Nan, who was two, dropped off like a s...
Saturday 15th January 2011 9:01 pm
Would you care for tea? (for Elaine)
‘Would you care for tea?’
‘Yes, please.’
‘What kind of tea do you like?’
- and the cupboard swung open …..
shelves of orderly boxes and cans
a canvas of colour and lyrical scents -
‘Black tea, red tea
green tea, white tea?
Citrus tea, berry tea,
apple, mango, peach?
Petals or herbs exotic or common?
Sparkled with spices or flower i...
Saturday 1st January 2011 11:43 am
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