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Theuninck (Remove filter)

Mauthausen 186

Stone by stone
we made a step
Step by step
we went to heaven.

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MauthausenTheuninck186stepsconcentration camp



wandering jew, damned jew
no words about them are forbidden
suspected of crimes and treason
they have been put in jail
they have been tortured and murdered
in the name of an insane idea
and now - more than ever -
who is next, please ?

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HolocaustJewno touch tortureTheuninckcriminalisation

Shut up !

don't try to be
who you are
shut up !
some more discipline
and a cheerful face
shut up !
your duty is sacred
work yourself to death
shut up !
your only way
is  "their" way
shut up !

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Shut upTheunincksacred dutymore disciplinetheir way

For Peace

we have to fight a war
against terror
against psychological terror
against psychopathical leaders
we have to fight a war

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)


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Red River

the train was too late
by foot it was too far
the river too nearby
the hatred too strong
bullets through your head
river of blood
red Danube
dead Budapest

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badly shell shocked
can't find my dugout
damned generals
where's my pillbox
shells rain
craters remain
insanity or death
what's the difference

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