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Justice (Remove filter)

In My Life Time

In my entire life,
the worst things to come
upon me,
has come at the,
hands of respectable
people, who call themselves

It has not been,
scary men, in dark shadows.
It has not been,
those people, across the sea.
It has not been,
the conman, stealing my soul.

It has been,
men and their wives,
who own businesses,
and lands,
and courts,
and governments,
and religions,

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Justice is always achieved through violence.

When a nation wants justice they carpet bomb the enemy, and drop nukes on their head.

When a government wants justice, they drag you from your car or home, lock you in a cage, put you before a joke of a court, and lock you in a bigger cage.

When an employer wants justice, they fire you and destroy the lives of you and your children.

Justice ...

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Is this justice?

Is this justice? 

The beggar steals bread from a shop keeper 
He would of paid but alas he’s too eager 
To feed his family for just… one day 
The judge announced 5 years, they will pay 
It’s not like his family, could have their say 

Is this justice? 

The student who cares for their sick 
Plagiarises essays one after another 
To not fall foul of this important course 
But ...

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Sometimes justice does not prevail,
And life becomes unfair.
Sometimes the hardest workers fail,
And hope turns to despair.

Sometimes we see the fat cats thrive,
And the little people do then suffer.
Sometimes the careless do survive,
While judicious lives do become tougher.

Sometimes punished are the good,
While the sinful are rewarded.
Sometimes the best are misunderstood
And the ...

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Stuart VannerJusticeHope

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