The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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What Lord Krishna Said Us!

Lord Krishna had told long time ago-
Grave words like the sea not hollow:
"In the time of industrial & modern age,
People would be the birds in a golden cage:
Where they'd born with the wings colouring
But they'd forget the tune of how to singing,
People of modern time would be heartless
They'd be the cause of blame, never confess!
Science & technology would touch the apex
But the root of...

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Mind Neuroplacebos

Just thinkin' of that night,

Colors of black and crimson red,

And the 5 liters of blood and byle

That I internally shed,


It's a miracle that I'm alive,

Cause I should be dead,

Battling the depression sucks,

Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed,


Only God knows the everyday duels

With the devil I fight inside my head,

The people that I've hurt,

And the thi...

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The subconsciousdepressiontraumaSpiritualitymoralsGodlifedeathwealthpoor

On Man

On Man


Like tiny ants we scurry

Between skyscrapers of grass,

Peeping about - a human worker class.

Watching ourselves surpassing all limits,

Creators of structures, cultures, unimaginable wonders.

Finding God thriving within us.


Do we think the ant knows of it’s impending mortality?

Knows it’s destined to a life of sheer ephemerality?

Or knows it’s intricate c...

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Dear God

When I say "dear god", sometimes i'm not even sure what that means. 

I am knowing that god is something bigger. Something more powerful. Something more than the physical. 

To me, god is the spirit of life. God is the spirit of love. God is the spirit of acceptance. 

God is the universe. Mother nature. Connecting with every aspect of your body, physical or not. 

Wrapping its comfy, moss...

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A slow Turtle

A slow turtle, with a heavy back.

Wanted to sprint like the dotted cat.

He was sad because he didn't know his limits,

Devastated after seeing the results of his speed per minute.


Poor turtle knew a little about himself

Grew up among cheetah, thinking he was one self.

Speed was thing where he wanted to be the best.

Without even enjoying the process itself.


He could...

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slow and fastfastslowturtlescheetahcatlifetryingbeyourselfdifferentgoalsGod

The Coming of a New Age

With every year's end - the advent marks the start of a new day,
as human kind we’re always growing wiser, furthermore, fully face to face with the task of taking baby steps toward a straight forward path —
It’s time to take a stand…
(With that being said: we really need to enjoy such a joyous occasion)
In an effort to boost morale; International Women’s Day should pronounce a two part holiday...

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Naturefeminismfashionspiritualitygodlovepoempoetrylove poemspiritualmetaphysicsmetaphysical poetrymetaphysical

I Love Your Allure

I would never question your narrative— as it be, figuratively.

Cheers to another year: it’s ever clear — our glasses never get drunk.

(for all intents and purposes) spirited twin flames pour out libations to a personal god
No half truths with you.
I idolize your third eyes outlook on life...
Our inner visions - seen to fruition - showcase infinite possibilities
Granted we share the same ...

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NaturepoetryspiritualityValentinesloveloversromanticromantic poetrygodcreativeastrologyastronomypaperromancecreation

Lost Love

To hold you in my arms one last time

To feel your touch even though I knew you weren’t really mine

To feel your lips touch mine and again feel your love 

Hoping, dreaming, wishing I could bring you back 

Hoping, dreaming, wishing to fix this shattered heart

But a touch, a kiss, my love wasn’t enough 

You’re not coming back 

You’ve chosen 

And it’s clear now

Your love is ...

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Lovegodbrokenhealinghopedreamswishesbroken dreams

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