fantasy (Remove filter)
waiting for the first snowflakes
waiting for the first snowflakes
red, yellow, and orange
have long since gone
grass has turned brown
frost has covered the land
afternoon sun is low
in the southern sky
geese have flown
in the blue heavens
south for winter food
squirrels gathered
nuts and stored
them in their nest high in the trees
next-door nei...
Tuesday 7th December 2021 9:53 pm
roped together
on a cliff wall
keep going for there's doom should we stall
momentum counts
never look down
you look enchanting in your wedding gown
hope for no rain
dry grips better
black granite's awkward when its wetter
below is what
we left behind
up there who knows what we'll find?
the air is rare
birds swoop and cry
into ragged fea...
Wednesday 6th October 2021 11:32 am
Respect Women, He Said
Respect Women, he said
I remember my skin was tight coming in from the low of a Maine night
When she
When she
When she
When she
Discovered my claims of
I could walk better, I ain’t in pain
But she knew something other than how my words were arranged
it were the muscles in and around my mouth, sculpting my face
Or it was the bags under my eyes
She related to when ...
Tuesday 28th September 2021 7:18 pm
Listening to Heart ❤ !!
Living a life of fantasy is such fun.
Once you give your life control to your heart,
you begin to enjoy its every part.
At times listening to heart gives memories,
and you can spend your life with its stories.
I lived my 10th grade in the fantasy world of reality
when I gave my life control to my feelings impatiently.
Something I'll never regret,
not even in the days o...
Tuesday 11th May 2021 2:15 pm
Every Part of You
I want every part of you on me
Catch my rhythm baby
Let me pound you to the beats of our hearts till our souls get lost
Lets find them in each others eyes
Give me something to play with somewhere to start
Tell me where you want me to finish
That climax we been chasing is within our reach
Why are you running from me entering your domain we have been here to many times
Maybe ...
Sunday 10th January 2021 4:48 am
Filtered Memories
Back seat kisses,
backyard volleyball,
long walks in the woods,
sunbathing on the beach,
smiling, laughing,
talking for hours,
holding hands,
slow dancing to George Straight songs,
making love until dawn,
falling asleep in each other’s arms...
Filtered memories,
behind the sheer curtain of my mind,
or fantasies,
found in a bottle
of ...
Monday 4th January 2021 4:29 am
I have been posting poems during lockdown based on the concept taken from a much earlier poem called 'Cycle Of The Scarecrow' a fantasy piece which tells the tale of a scarecrow who is brought back to life by a witch and walks the fields of Albion. It is a reflection on the changing seasons and of growing old - and the premise of 'what if I had my time again?
It was released today as a digital do...
Friday 1st January 2021 1:46 pm
Recent Comments
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