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real life (Remove filter)

Who Am I and Where Do I Belong?

Who Am I? And where do I belong?

Where do I go right? Where did I go wrong?

Was it real or fake love I was shown all along?

Am I really that mentally tough & strong?

If I fail, Will I momentairly freeze or stay froze?

Will I dig up a pile of dirt in my back yard & find a bunch of diamonds & gold?

Or am I to die a failure, lonely, & old?

This the type of mindset the old me was ...

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real lifeBelongingSelf-discoveryDepressionExploringAdventure'Wisdom'Couragepoemanxietyfreedomlifepower


I would like my naked toes to caress a field of poppies

to dance; a fine expression of freedom and happiness.

to look up at the clear blue skies

and listen to the sound of singing birds

in the midst of wonderful harmony.

For time to stand still, a chance to inhale

To truly take in life, and the precious moments it can hold.

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danceGeneralinspirationallovereal life

Death We Must All Face

[ ] Murder is to death; killing is for a thrill.

[ ] Souls corrupted broken with no will .

[ ] Life is revelant, so death let life live.

[ ] Death we must all face that's the deal.

[ ] Written in stone, stamped, & sealed.

[ ] Heart corroded body is ill.

[ ] Slowing heart beat the flesh is chill.

[ ] Heart stops to a sudden still.

[ ] Welcome to the Grim Reap...

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Lifereal lifeappreciating lifedeath

Watch Who & What In Your Life You Allow.

[ ] See the red flags and watch who & what in your life you allow.

[ ] A smile can be a frown upside down.

[ ] The energy vampires brings what appears as holy water only to watch you drown.

[ ] They see your King/Queen royalty & they want your crown.

[ ] You may not see them peeping, lurking, spying, but they're around.

[ ] They're studying you lowkey up & down, hair folli...

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growthknowledgeLifereal lifeself-knowledgeWisdom

What’s next?

Why am i so happy so content with being. What am I missing what am I not seeing. I’m not used to this feeling and it’s rather addictive, makes me start to appreciate each moment I live. It’s unusual to me, an unknown territory, clearly must be my selected destiny. 


It’s deceiving what my mind makes me believe in. Its harsh all of what my eyes have seen. All the places I’ve already been. Co...

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IntrigueWonderreal life

24 View

Moving on to a new chapter, time is passing even faster. Upwards and away from the usual disaster.
All alone and gonna make it, this unfornate cycle I'm gonna break it. All the bliss I'm gonna take it, no longer have to fake it.

I'm me and I'm free, time is mine and I'll let it be. I don't need love and I don't need praise. The past was only an unlucky phase. Life is confusing I've always been...

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Lifeagehurtreal life

How Far I've Come

I had to conquer my fear of the unknown as I stepped through the open the door to start on my new journey.

With a promise to fulfill
My heart shall never falter
Because I found my purpose

With each new day|
With a heart of gold
With every step I take
With every discovery I make

I have seen how much more it takes
I have seen how far I have come
I have seen how much I have grown
I h...

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poetryreal lifetragedy

Ask Me.

Ask me if I had enough.

2020 is or was a bluff 

for the destruction of what I thought I had

building all the way up.

if the present isn’t linear 

then why can’t i stop looking up?

if the past does not exist

why does it always creep up?

I, once a Quantanium sprayed ora

that now seems to only have collected dust.

So please, I beg you.

Ask me if I had enough.



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poetspoetryreal lifelove*sad*pain*memorypain.

Anger Causes Danger

Ujjal Mandal, India

Anger causes danger
as the sweet flower in the scorching

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real life

Welcome the Failure

            Ujjal Mandal, India

The sun goes down to rise up again,
Welcome the failure.

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real life

Love the Day

Ujjal Mandal, India


Love the day, who knows this is the last sigh of the day.

Like the lifting waves in the quiet bay.

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real life

What is Life Indeed!

Ujjal Mandal, India

Rose is sweet when it smells
And it lingers until it veils.

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real life

The Overland Launch

The Overland Launch:

In the land of Coleridge and his Ancient Mariner,

    In a time of coal fires, wooden boats and horsepower,

There is a story of the Lynmouth Lifeboat Louisa

    And the night horse and man over 13 miles pulled her.


Two of the afternoon clock struck a chime,

    On January 12th, 1899.

The wind howled and the sea it roared,

    Flooding ports and rai...

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real lifehistorydrama

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