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loneliness (Remove filter)

Within These Walls

These days I feel a kinship with the four white walls,
Which guard my every move, every breath, every thought.
Observe how they close in on me, irked, distraught-
They make the world look small.
I speak to them in unfinished puzzles,
And superficial metaphors,
And subdued gurgles,
And defeated murmurs.
My words are nothing but a brook,
Whose melancholic babbles fill the chilly air.
They ...

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Shadows of a face I see

Pain oozing beyond every pore

Blissful smells

mocking empty arms

Worthless words that shatter my core


Shadows reflect in the mirror for me

Dust resting in places not seen

Unnoticed stains

Caress faded floors

Memories blurring from what could have been 


Shadows saturate the world that I see

Dying embers of defeated hope 

Tainted ...

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It’s a nagging,

A light tug of the sleeve on a cold day,

It reminds you it’s there with

Every quiet evening and cancelled plan

If you close your eyes you can feel

It stronger, engulfing you with its words

And its touch, filling your soul with the

Dirty sludge it flourishes within. 

It follows you while you walk from

Street to street, from room to room,

And taunts you ...

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A new Family

When I walked through the path,
Alone in the moonlight stars.
I found a stranger wearing smile,
Didn't know the feelings behind
Walked with her and saw a different world
'There I got a new family' - I loved
Didn't know we could get so close
That my life could be disastrous if we broke.
Hiding the feelings behind and faking the smile they left.
Hope of meeting again is the only thing they ...

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The Recipe of Solitude

I embellish my arms with bangles

As thick as two strands of hair.

Their raucous cackles

Suffuse the tepid air.


Air that's fragrant with spices

I add to my copper pots. 

Air whose redolence

Reminds me of what I've lost.


The dough that I mould

Sans a scintilla of strain,

Boasts imprints of my knuckles manifold, 

Knuckles on which those kisses still linger, ...

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Solipsistic Angst

She comes into the house unannounced

doesn’t bother a quip when asked to speak

slams the door shut

and takes to her room to retreat


Behind the locked door, music blares

her demeanor tells everyone she doesn’t care

her closeted persona is darkness deeper 

than her black eyeliner coupled with black hair


She’s never known love

never been the center of affection


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The Ballad of Mabel Jubb

Mabel Jubb was a mystic, a deep thinker

She read philosophy, was often miles away

Her house was stacked with learned tomes

That she cherished and revelled in every day


Poor Mabel she was full of good intentions

She signed petitions and gave to the poor

But the lockdown became too much for her

The coastguard found her clothes along the shore


She'd never married tha...

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mabel jubblonelinessmindfuneralbrother


A magenta sky 
greets my morning sigh.

Another majestic day, 
lost in the minutia of life.

Shoulda, coulda,woulda,
paralyzing dream sabers. 

Distractions abound.

Download another book,
refresh the poet's page.

Escape, behind a waterfall
of tears.

Long nights,
paved years. 

Fandango memories
sustain me. 


Dry your eyes,
face your fears.


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The Darkest Night

Please guide me home
for tonight I wont be able to walk alone
I need soft-spoken eyes to show me the way
I need pure loving hands to tap on my shoulders
Kind-hearted soul for my heart to release this pain
I think I can't go any further
I know I've lost the track, can't find the right path to come back
I've screwed everything since the awake of the universe
I've forgotten what it's like to ...

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sad loveloneliness

High Tide, Low Life

You paint yourself blue, always blue
this letter brings me down
perched upon a rusty trailer
paint peels over my shoulder

I've been drinking 
since the boats were rested
on the muddy estuary bed

It's high tide, low life
high tide, low life

I won't stop my reaching out
if there's any way to help, I'll find it
you're so slow to take my hand
scratching at your skin for answers

I ...

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I accept that they may feel lonely

The constant reminder from the media that they are isolated

Alone in their puddle of thoughts

Suddenly drowning in their echoes of silence


Against all odds I am managing just fine

A stream of thoughts flowing all day

Nothing to block my mind from floating away

Not today, anyway


My thoughts are not all positive

I am unbalanced ...

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A songbird’s sweet melody 

ushers angels to

light up your lonely lair, 

shoo fears away, 

make peace with your pain, 

set your spirit free...

to love, 


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angelsfearhealingLonelinessLove. Lifepain

In a Sea of Lonely Nights

A lonely boy in a sea of lonely nights 

in that last hour of the day

capturing words he wishes he had said

writing them down

so they’re out of his head


Music fills the air

soothing the tension

lessening the cares


Take a trip to the other side: 

what makes the other person tick,

what makes them come alive,

what’s in their head they’re trying to hide



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